Thursday, 5 April 2012

The Controversy of Being Doctor in Norway - With or W/O...

A further controversy, allegedly: there is a question of whether Dr. Aarseth, the former president of The Doctors' Association is cited by open microphone, live on air, by Rogaland Radio, actually, "Rogaland Radio", by the reg. country, saying that he "administers the suicides!", i.e., the actual numbers. This is in 1990 or so, in the wake of 1988, i.e., one legal system: Nein! (Nine-9) Heil Hitler! The Hippocratic Oath is thus worth only that much (or little) in Norway!
Hans Petter Aarseth: !!!

In gets no better with 1999 as "top year" either, looked down upon and mirrored "across the axis", being One Nation Satanist, with 999 becoming 666, the number of the beast!

If the animal wants to be displayed, animal is here displayed!!!
My "Pro and Con Arguments of (Assisted) Suicide" is duly noted. Cheers!


  1. Can we have the public apology from The Doctors' Association soon, please? It WILL fit well with the upcoming compensation cases as described lower down here and with the important political activism for legislation of (A)S, the suicides because...

  2. This writing is now properly delineated! I'm sorry for a rather quick approach by the HTML editor that I thought to be a bit better...

  3. Over the brain: the eyes have an anatomical similarity to the ears, so the "snail-houses" of the ears deep inside the head are the same for the eyes, that the cords from the eye-apples end up in similar "snail-houses". I think or I accuse the med. doctors have kept this fact away from the public for a reason and that they have and have had dubious motivations for doing so, furthering the "Dachau-grade" tortureous experiments of the Nazis into the modernity!!!
    Mind a relevant fact also of these "adopted E.T. people" with brownishly sick bodies, hunger-struck bellies, crippled short feet, surgically extended necks (for wanting pains to end) and Dr. Schwein-grade altered heads (all, incl. brain and bone structures alike). I JUST SAY IT: THE ETHICAL DUTIES (OF THE HARDEST KINDS) ARE CLEAR!!! GET TO IT AND GET IT DONE!!!
    (And tape-streamers too into people from 1984!!!)

    You know the quote from "Se7en": [Loosely, And people are so dumb] they need the hard blow with a bat to get their strict attention!

    I'm warning you!!!

  4. You can add the "UlleValhalla" set-ups to this as well, Norwegian: Ulleval Hospital/UllevÄl Hospital!

  5. I guess with "Muslim specialists on Muslims" to go, Valhall(a) as in Allah...
