Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Suggestion for Poster to (F*cksh*t) Norway - The Hanging of Justitia

I've a suggestion for a political activist's poster here in Norway: it's the hanging of Lady Justitia, depicted hanging in a _brown_ rope with blood running from the underneath the dress, as in having been raped, and with sword and weight scales lying on the ground! This can very well be placed on the building of the Faculty of Law right _down_ there in Oslo Centre by the castle/palace and the main street, Karl Johan! A couple of pictures: (wouldn't load!)


  1. Just for some recent legal practice to mention: today, from TV2 Text (Services), Breivik has been "sentenced" to Paranoid Schizophrenia! "And we love it!" However, and most importantly, the case in court goes through as planned! So we get to hear some truthful facts! Theatre coming, theatre coming, come and see, come and see!!!

  2. Besides, I think there is a small possibility still for the psychiatrists' (2) diagnosis to be overturned or reconsidered to something else (as if any can exist...)! Well, well... All the best...!

  3. (Coming...) skriver:
    -> "Breivik er ifølge sin forsvarer Geir Lippestad, redd for å bli utsatt for et karakterdrap i rapporten. I dag ble det kjent at den terrorsiktede massedrapsmannen er erklært strafferettslig utilregnelig."
    -> "- Hva er det som kjennetegner det scizofrene?
    - Et spaltet sinn, det ser ut som om man i de verste tilfellene er inne i en virkelighet som skiller seg fra en annen, sier han, og legger til at pasienten etter hvert kan utvikle kognitiv svikt, redusert mental tilstand og ha flere sympotomer."
    -> This is to be translated! One of the points is that THERE IS NO DOUBT that some/"some" of the Norwegian police is of the most dubious kind! This plays in on "character murder" and incredibly enough, "prison regulation", read, "regulator" of the days of the Wild, Wild, West!

  4. writes:
    -> "Breivik is, according to his defense lawyer Geir Lippestad, afraid of becoming a murder of character in the report. Today it was announced that the terrorist-blamed massmurderer had been declared (procedurally/)legally insane."
    -> "- What is it that characterises the scizofrenic?
    - A split mind, it seems as if one of the worst cases are in a reality that differs from another, he says, adding that the patient may eventually develop cognitive impairment, decreased mental status and multiple sympotomer."
    What should be more embarrassing to them is the fact that murder of Breivik's character is congruent with the above description of "an alleged schizophrenic of the paranoid kind"! However, if they are to be real about something they need to show for a man, upon his exit from prison, unless murdered by the State in the prison, happens to be a "Knights Templar", has his ethics preserved, at least the 10 commandments, and is able to more or less produce "the straight face" as before entering the prison, fx. demanding a tuxedo for appearing in court! Good? I think you get it, don't you?
    (The translation is no good yet. Just a fast one, aided by Google Translate.)

  5. A few corrections here: VG has erred a bit, it should say schizofrenic, NOT "scizofrenic"! It should also say symptoms and NOT "sympotomer"! Either way, I hope you get something out of reading this. Cheers!

  6. I erred a bit too, it should say schizophrenic and not schizofrenic as I've been eyeing only one mistake, being a bit in a hurry! Good?

  7. When one _defines_ Breivik as terrorist, how can he EVER end up in the category of being rational?

    The considerations over the actions of mr. Breivik are now going on more than 4,5 months after the mass-killings of 77 people and yet there isn't a _single_ mentioning of "political attempt"! This is duly noted of a politically correct Norway "on behalf of the direct and indirect victims of 22. July (2011)! This is symptom #1 (of not discussing the political attempt)!!!

  8. If they don't understand the democratic value (and importance) of discussing the political attempt (on a theoretical level), that's THEIR problem, otherwise known as symptom nr. 2!

  9. As I never seem to be able to receive my prizes here and there, but always picked up by a mental postal worker (Postal Services Norway - Posten Norge), I suggest the other instead:

    Human Rights Violator:
    Winner: Norway

    Conspiracy to the Most Serious Crime
    Winner: Norway

    Most Severe Crime With Most Kills or Murders
    Winner: Norway

    etc... I guess you know what I'm saying!

    Aren't they just lovely? *Heart*

    Regjeringen dot no:
