Monday, 31 October 2011

Rumours - "On General Food Policies"

This is about a rumour of the General Food Policies in all countries and to varying degrees, offical or not! It concerns maximum use of meat, whether this includes eating your loved ones, "we" don't know, but let Aasif Mandvi walk you through it!
(This is no evidence for this and this is not serious in any way. I hold absolutely no view that Danish people, voluntarily or not, eat other Danish people. Please, understand this. There has been, however, a weary feeling that something is brooding and that I've wanted to cut some of this idiocy prior to any arrival "to Finland"!!!)

I can also report that I've limited interest in "I have returned and I feel superior" and various set-ups including "rape to death and see if they return". You also have the variety that is the body snatching, under extreme torture-threats, they lift out your brains into another person and "you" become this person! "Cool or what?" It's the brave, new World, no flesh shall be spared!

But this is slur, don't take me seriously! If Barack Obama wants my ear for one last dance with screams is unknown as much as Europe/EU has the biggest Monkey-Biz set-up ready for me because I branded them with PIIGS when indeed, eeekk, I look like a pig, or that, simply and metaphysically, Norway has shoved them in the a** and I'm responsible as I've been part, hold your hats, because I'm alive! But I can tell you, I'm alive NOW, an indexical! Cheers!


  1. This may seem dark and fantastically enough, LETS' CELEBRATE: Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales Of San Francisco (2006) - ! Ahh... "I love it!" Can we have some greasy "Master and Slave" to go? "*Pains and screams*, the World is phenomenal!"

  2. "Rape to death and see if they return" is also known as the re-incarnation routine! Beware, though, because the performers are *real*ly and very "specialists"! Ehhh... ehhh... cool, cool? Send my greetings to Jon Stewart as I've been unable to reach him! Cheers, again!

  3. News coming into the newsroom: For a special and and signed "Master and Slave" filmed on location exactly from San Franscisco, you are encouraged to contact the Sandnes Police Station Chief, mr. Kjell Eide, a very good lawyer, fighting for Justice! I hope you can make the deadline for when the sales closes! Have a nice week!

  4. when the sales close! Blush, I'm so awful in English...

  5. As Norway has created my case, made the instigation on top of my virtues and abruptly bragging about their pedophilia/pain films of me being degraded, allegedly, my options are indeed limited, economically crippled to the bare minimum/mini*mal*! I'm consdering... Moving is of course a top priority, but this is hard, believe me, under the clinical torture "shop" of Baerum Hospital!

  6. Baerum Hospital: !
    and organisational, ! Uhhh, if you plan to visit/"visit", this is entirely up to you!

  7. You may also want to watch up the "One" Network of Norway, comprising corrupt Police and some "security"/security personnel of this or that kind, recruiting so and so... But of course, just fire the round (of the gun) and the dust falls quickly to the ground! Don't worry about it! (I would of course go to the courts on grounds of abuse of http://www._*one*, the One IT company of Denmark! Allo' Allo', the resistance is ON!

  8. It should really say "...also want to watch up _for_ the "One" Network of Norway..."!

  9. You know, it /can/ save some money depending on the scale, elderly homes included!

  10. When it comes to the knuckles (and teeth) there are indeed the possibilities for pizza-flour! A continued happy week to you, people!

  11. You have these _ethical_ killings:
    killing of idiots (idiots enough)
    killing of irresponsible people (people of misconduct, everything from psychiatrist to judge to bureaucrat)
    mercy killing (requires fast and rel. painless killing)
    Thus Breivik has only committed ethical killings?
    Digression aside, these kinds of killings in a common manner _require_ and _only applies_ to places where corruption is rife enough and where common justice is rare (for ethical aspects to obtain)!

  12. Other bizarre notions (by _bizarre_ people):
    1. To use wood to fill the urns of the dead because they were too good to let go of!
    2. To mix this ash with ash from the garbage incinerators to make it it look richer, more real!
    3. They /can/ also *make* dead people because they /can/ produce it, the ash for the urns! And the whole row of related incidents, fraud of deceased ones and so on... (compensation for lost fetuses bal, bla, bla.)

  13. Relating to the _ethical_ killings above, is it time for Europe to take *its* killings as USA and 312 to 36 000 a year? That is Europe/EU "510" to [prop. number] too!?

  14. That is, time for some cutting to make things sane again, to cut the bad blood?

  15. For the people of the misconduct, I can refer you to Cop Killer by Body Count!
    2. "1. To use wood to fill the urns of the dead because they were "too good to let go of"!" That is, the morgue has a crew of people with deep hungers...!

  16. Alright, alright, they eat people, they are cannibals!

  17. The 3. point has been shared, taken/given/originated, from a person in USA, possibly.

  18. I've now removed the country-specific notion on "food policy" and I hope I can be forgiven (by humour of Daily Show quality, "our thoughts are not fully thought through")! Indeed, it's a pre-emptive strike, explaining some of my reluctance (or difficulty) in getting relocated *fast*, simply because it's a delicate choice I have to make, "partly blindfolded"! I hope you bother to admit me some charitable understanding in light of this and that this relocation to "another country" is taking time! Cheers to you!

  19. Yes, mr. Kjell Eide, the very good companion to Svein Arne Hapnes, a medical doctor on a helicopter! - Heli-Kjelli, Helium-Kjell, Kjell Arne and more! ("World's most infamous" by own claim?)

  20. Even without the quote marks, some of the above is indeed _ironic_! This may be considered poor taste, but considering the general ignorance and heads in the clouds, I take it!!!

  21. There was a rumour once upon time that the band name, KISS, often displayed in capital letters as acronyms are, would mean _KI_ds in _S_atan's _S_ervice. As this is written under dubious, I think this also aligns well, I ask, wouldn't a kid who is trapped by "pedophile monsters" be considered a _ki_d in _S_atan's _S_ervice? And are those whole face-masks of make-up (of the members in the band) DEATH MASKS, i.e., faces of death, artistically portrayed?

  22. More controversy is surely to be written, although I _do_ accept Utopia tomorrow, I must _say_!!! . (full stop)

  23. "Dark fantasy humour list":
    - Electrified people, all sorts/all-stars, bio-electronic bridges and (spine) connections and all the wi-fi/radio stuff too, incl. "switching off" people (think about the poor surgeon working too hard, but now with good colleagues).
    - Body snatching (already explained, also incl. brain switching, one way or not, and also voodoo blood rituals, the spirit sent into another person taking part).
    - Transferral of skin to another (fx. myself) along with eye-balls (blue pills to go, possibly requiring other transplants too).
    - Brain switching (what you can lift right out of the skull and into another)!
    - Come new again (requiring voodoo blood ritual, also known as Neo rituals, also from Matrix tril. if you wish "hard enough")!

    Defending remark: Now, as I'm growing as an intellectual to consider, you can blame me for this and that, but then again, here you have all sorts of responsible people (most imp. the doctors, the lawyers, and the police with some military to go) and they can't do simple things like "behaving with basic antibiotics and somatropin" and admit the most fundamental rights of _hard_ privacy to people wanting to "get out of life" (and out of persecution) and these legal systems with more holes than practice, where entry into the courts legal documents is incredibly difficult despite explicit rights to see them "on some level"! What is going on? You tell me!!! Intellectual responsibility? Why don't you provide some job reliability FIRST??!!!
    * For somatropins, note on black lists and white lists for injection.

  24. Over the brain: the eyes have an anatomical similarity to the ears, so the "snail-houses" of the ears deep inside the head are the same for the eyes, that the cords from the eye-apples end up in similar "snail-houses". I think or I accuse the med. doctors have kept this fact away from the public for a reason and that they have and have had dubious motivations for doing so, furthering the "Dachau-grade" tortureous experiments of the Nazis into the modernity!!!
    Mind a relevant fact also of these "adopted E.T. people" with brownishly sick bodies, hunger-struck bellies, crippled short feet, surgically extended necks (for wanting pains to end) and Dr. Schwein-grade altered heads (all, incl. brain and bone structures alike). I JUST SAY IT: THE ETHICAL DUTIES (OF THE HARDEST KINDS) ARE CLEAR!!! GET TO IT AND GET IT DONE!!!

    ‎(And tape-streamers too into people from 1984!!!
    You know the quote from "Se7en": [Loosely, And people are so dumb] they need the hard blow with a bat to get their strict attention!

    I'm warning you!!!

    Note made, containing the above at the bottom:​notes/​leonardo-f-olsnes-lea/​suggestions-for-improvement​-of-amnesty-international/​264259530350965 .)
