By Alfred Hitchcock and Psycho (1), this is a note on private little traps. Watch, please!
Just for the classic of it:
Seeking the Controversial - The misunderstandings of a World condition. This is what I intend to write about! All from suppressing suicidal people's ability to commit suicide, systematically, just to get the most PAIN out of them to some Police corruption in the World to Idiot Political Leaders and how we are going to disclose them! One thing: follow USA! (But perhaps not all the crime that goes on in the World and perhaps not ALL that could jeopardize my security!)
Psycho [Final Scene] - with Final scene of Psycho set to the music of Dmitri Shostakovich!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Psycho Trailer, it starts "...we're all in our private traps..." by 0:27 - 0:41! You can see for yourself from the top embedding.
ReplyDeleteYou may play tough and say that nothing is a problem, but my impression is that people everywhere are under every possible attack from every possible angle, given some hindrances of "formal decency" and "public scandal" that keep the "D. Democracy" in shape under "the laws as expression of power" and various other people with power who keep it this way!
ReplyDeleteClear? Take care!
ReplyDeleteWhatever... Please allow me to comment on Psychopathy: While the idiots laugh it off, Psycho is a classic and _I_ recommend it as a rare study of what Psychopathy really represents, not only a devious inclination toward ONE victim, but an overall mental deficiency toward all human EVERYWHERE, preferring whatever destruction that is there and "on the laws" of Erich Fromm, of carnivore, getting to the one-to-one people "meals"/meals (in more ways than one, with being "revealed" lying deep down in the personality)! Beware and take care! Cheers!
ReplyDelete4 November at 07:13 CET.
Psycho Trailer
Modern Trailer for Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho I just uploaded a modern trailer fo...See more
4 November at 07:13 CET.
Funnily enough, the first post here on my profile disappeared!!! Facebook is incredible at times!
4 November at 07:14 CET.
Posted to Psychology (with psi) and to Psychology Today under The DSM-5 Controversy!
4 November at 07:15 CET.
I have been writing also that I place Psychopathy the furthest out in the Schizophrenia category, at least in lack of any "worse" diagnosis. However, schizophrenia itself can probably be placed in various places in its own category, possibly making this as ugly!
4 November at 07:22 CET.
You can also add Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho, but there's no doubt that Psychopathy remains one of the most vicious mental illnesses there are and that these (lay-)people have been _serious_ in their research. This is also a much neglected public communication subject by the mental health industry and they have been irresponsible to this end, I think, by keeping it this way!!! We hope that this changes and that mental health overall becomes common people knowledge, away from folk psychology!!! Cheers!
Now I got more on psychopathy, we start with the URLs:
Some Norwegian stuff on psychopathy, from Dagbladet:
ReplyDeleteSykeliggjør sine nærmeste
– Mangelfull empati, dårlig selvinnsikt, ansvarsfraskrivelse og storhetstanker er typiske trekk hos en psykopat. En psykopat skylder alltid på partneren for problemer i forholdet og møter enhver diskusjon med det for øye å vinne den. Han eller hun sykeliggjør sine nærmeste med kommentarer som: «Du burde vært innlagt » og «Det er du som er gal og vanskelig », sier sosionom og familieterapeut Jan Olav Røed til
Sammenlignes med edderkopper
Ifølge boken "Ut av psykopatens grep" er det viktig å innse at en psykopat aldri kommer til å forandre seg.
– Du kan aldri forandre et annet menneske, aller minst en psykopatisk person. Endringen må skje hos deg selv, råder forfatterne Aud Dalsegg og Inger Wesche.
– Jeg sammenligner ofte psykopater med edderkopper som spinner ofrene inn i sine nett. Når de vel er fanget, fortærer de dem. Fordi de ikke har noe dypere emosjonelt ståsted i seg selv, er de avhengige av relasjoner hvor de kan suge motparten tomme. Man kan kalle dem eksistensielle vampyrer, sier Inger Wesche til Bedre Helse.
Ta psykopat-testen
Kjenner du noen med psykopatiske trekk?
Har du en forelder som prøver å ødelegge for deg, eller en sykelig sjalu og kald samboer?
Et av de mest omfattende diagnosesystemene for å klassifisere en psykopat, er en sjekkliste utarbeidet av den kanadiske psykologen Robert Hare.
20 sjekkpunkter
Husk at det finnes en vei ut av psykopatens klør.
Robert Hares "Psychopathy Checklist" består av 20 kjennetegn med et poengsystem:
Er du usikker på om vedkommende har det eller det karaktertrekket: 0 poeng
Er du nesten sikker: 1 poeng
Er du helt sikker: 2 poeng
Her er de 20 karaktertrekkene. Tenk gjennom hvert punkt og sett poeng. Etterpå legger du sammen poengene.
1) Glatthet/overfladisk sjarm
2) Egosentrisitet/storhetsideer om egen verdi
3) Behov for impulser/lett for å kjede seg
4) Patologisk løgnaktighet/bedrageri
5) Bløffmakeri/manipulering
6) Manglende anger eller skyldfølelse
7) Manglende dybde av følelser
8) Ufølsomhet/mangel på empati
9) Snyltende livsstil
10) Oppfarende/dårlig kontroll av sinne
11) Aktiv, seksuell adferd med flere partnere
12) Atferdsproblemer før fylte 12 år
13) Manglende realistisk langtidsplanlegging
14) Impulsivitet
15) Uansvarlig foreldreadferd
16) Hyppige ekteskap/samboerforhold
17) Ungdomskriminalitet før fylte 15 år
18) Svikt under prøvetid eller løslatelse
19) Manglende ansvar for egne handlinger
20) Flere typer lovbrudd blant følgende 10: innbrudd, ran, narkotika, frihetsberøvelse, mord(forsøk), ulovlig våpenbesittelse, seksuelt overgrep, grov uaktsomhet, bedrageri, flukt fra fengsel.
Over 20 poeng: Personen må regnes som et tvilstilfelle
Over 25 poeng: Vedkommende er innenfor grensene for den psykopatiske personlighetsforstyrrelsen
Les også: – Han ville drepe oss
OBS: Dette er kun ment for å gi deg en pekepinn om hvilke faktorer som kjennetegner en psykopat. Det er kun spesialister i psykiatri som kan stille en diagnose basert på denne testen, som er et av flere internasjonale diagnosesystem.
Må være vedvarende
Del 1 (punkt 1-8) i testen består av åtte kjennetegn som representerer mellommenneskelige og følelsesmessige forhold.
Den forteller om en egoistisk, hensynsløs og angerfri måte å utnytte andre på, hvor selvopptatthet, storhetsfølelse og mangel på empati/innlevelse er typisk.
Del 2 (punkt 9-20) konsentrerer seg om lovbrudd og impulsivitet, med blant annet lav frustrasjonsterskel, kort lunte og antisosial og kriminell adferd fra ungdommen av.
Det er nødvendig med poeng fra både del 1 og del 2 for å kunne få den kliniske diagnosen psykopat – eller dyssosial personlighetsforstyrrelse.
Det er også en forutsetning at karaktertrekkene er vedvarende.
(Kilde: CPL-R)
Les mer:
Dette avslører løgneren
Slik er den kvinnelige psykopaten
Ut av psykopatens klør
Hvordan leve i et hat- og elsk-forhold
(Just put this into the Google Translator or other translator if you want it in English! I'll translate it shortly.)
My own views:
ReplyDeleteThe capacity to do harm is most easily obtained toward children. I would check the psychopath for this inclination.
Higher form of energy susceptibility akind to that found with Schizophrenia, but more explicit and perhaps usually down to the blood bond, you know, pushing people "over the edge", killing people, but in a fashion of this or that. Who knows?
I'm waiting with some speculations until I've read more!
My own views that are expressed here are subject to hard academic criticism, as always, and are not supposed to take at facevalue, but investigated and researched by oneself or the company one is with!
Mask of Sanity 2nd (1982) is the standard reading of Psychopathy from what I get!
I think Paul Bloomfield would describe these people as punks and that damage/injury to other people is a primary motivation for them, as well as in the same instance being above the ones who receive the damage/injury (whatever this is)!
ReplyDeleteThis is of course a part of my ongoing analysis and work for a more complete Philosophy of Psychiatry as I've been successful in the past on other projects! I also think the Somatist point is a fine one (emphasising careful personal behaviour and personal physical security)! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThere are some motivations for these investigations into psychiatry.
ReplyDelete1. Telepathy, it has really been a mystery to why telepathy has lied so deep with these people when it's so easily obtained and epxerimented with over 14 days of time. That is, don't expect telepathy to deliver 100%, but rather see it as some kind of hunches to which you apply investigations or confirmations!
2. The story of suicide candidates and victims. This story is far more clear than you think. So why is it that they've kept it out of the public's eye for so many (scientific) years (on grounds of hysteric sensitivity or politeness)!
3. Psychiatry has been in clear lack of system and reliability which otherwise characterise the other sciences. Among other things, they've been unwilling to share the literature, offering scant leaflets rather than the better books! In addition, there are clear improvements you can make and there is information you should have when illnesses strike and these are sometimes (perhaps more frequent or not) withheld and this is under every contempt! Alright! You can find other reasons perhaps yourself. Take care!
It may be, incredibly enough, that psychopaths, when on the "psycho path by primary inclination, unrestrained by observers or some or not", picks up a trait in the face or head that makes them appear different, like with a forehead extending from the usual image of the forehead of this person!
ReplyDeleteThis may sound weird and out of place, but these people are "a special club" and "dangerous at that" and that there are _actually_ features, even today, in nature/reality that your little head doesn't know about just yet! Now, it may also be that these people are curiously inclined, because of the _hard_ nature of people they're with, toward "magic with people" and "experiments with people" and that sort, still VERY dangerous and not very known! For you to discover! Be careful!
I just like to insert here the notion of "Normative Research Methods of Psychiatry"! Psychiatry, at least by myself, isn't to be considered as some "trip into a jungle". No, there are probably strict guidelines in place for this and that and that psychiatry is usually guided, officially, by the primary councils, The Scientific Council and The Ethical Council. These two bodies are usually attached to the professional Guilds! For research standards, please see NESH! (More on NESH to follow!)
ReplyDeleteThe NESH URLs:
ReplyDelete ! Good?
I'm sorry. NESH appears to be a specific Norwegian acronym that translates to The National (of Norway) Research Ethical Committee for the Political Sciences and the Humanities (Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for samfunnsfag og humaniora (NESH)), incl. at least psychology, if not psychiatry directly in this instance because they file under the medical conventions!
ReplyDeleteThe Norwgian text above will have to wait a while longer!