You know, I'm not going to take it any more! I've been denied rights of legal and economic (by banking) nature from being pushed/robbed artistic work of the creative kind in the past that has involved "fair amounts of money" from this work in direct revenues! The blatant violations of MY human rights (EMK regulations in Norwegian) have NEVER been tolerated by myself in the past as well as NOW, today! I've called for investigations into my case into all of the relevant Norwegian bureaucracy (incl. the Ombudsman)!!! There is corrupt Police involved (primarily the Sandnes Police Station, I suspect) and corrupt lawyers and -bankers (banking personnel)!!! This has to stop and this is my direct message to this end! Although, these instances have been far heavier in the past (from 1991 to 1999) as well as a single episode within the work place of Gilde in 2004(?)!!!
Note: First posted to Amnesty International (London) and Amnesty International (Norway) on Facebook moments ago!!!
Note2: Lastly, epitomised by 3 separate instances of absurdly denying me legal services by The Lawyers' Association, The Disciplinary Board, by case references OSL-022-2011 (two of these, by same selection of lawyers), OSL-021-2011!!!
Update (adding 113 comments from myself):
"...of absurdly _trying to defend_ the denial legal services that I've requested several times.." Sorry! Now restated!
Lastly, epitomised by 3 separate instances of absurdlytrying to defend the denial of legal services that I've requested several times, by The Lawyers' Association, The Disciplinary Board, by case references OSL-022-2011 (two of these, by same selection of lawyers), OSL-021-2011!!! That is, not only have 3 lawyers denied me legal services, but the Lawyers' Assoc. has absurdly defended these decisions to deny me legal services!
This is a direct report of human rights violations from within a country that has formerly been little known for its horrible people! I hope this changes both for my own country and for the World at large and that these perpetrators can get persecuted properly in the name of the LAW!!! (We the people ACCUSE you...!!!)
Also now posted to Human Rights Watch!
There will be no excuses granted in this regard to say that "we/I didn't know"!!! Because now you know it DAMN well!!!
Welcome to the theatre 10. Dec. this year to witness The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony at Oslo City Hall and other related events! It is going to be great fun to have the Norwegian stutters as they try to utter the solemn words that they are nowhere NEAR to RESPECT! Come and watch!! TV or something else!
The 2nd theatre scene we are going to enjoy in some time to come is the Breivik case, set for 16. April, with great laughs of a self-indulgent Norwegian people with so skewed eyes, just looking at them undoubtedly remind you of fish, but you need to think about it a little before you get there, that is, of them, the Norwegians as fish!!! Cheers #2! (Is that a bullett or a hash?)
It's worth noting that Amnesty International got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977.
(You can also note other laureates like ILO, UN and other notable good organisations like UNHCR, UNICEF and Red Cross (...Croix...)!)
Article 26.
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all _on the basis of merit_.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(2/3 noted here)
Article 27.
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Degrading treatment - "a bus or two or none at all, as if they never knew!!!"
Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
(Just in case it is hard to reach me!!!)
Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
They may also be distributed through professional networks of Norway, like the Police and the hospitals, supporting the political prisoner "theory" of mine! And from these networks, straight abroad to other professional networks!
I now have a list that I want YouTube feedback on or any other if you like:
We, the family, or I haven't received the slightest note from the Police or any other whatsoever! Do these exist by these names? Are they means of extortion or "amputation of my life"?
If you get hold of them, feel free to place any bureaucrat's face on them instead from this despicable country of widespread corruption (incl. human rights violations), please!!!
You can also "drown your sadness in BLOOD" to any extent you like!!! I don't excuse THEM!!!
I have now deleted all the referances that first got written to the above posting on this blog because I find that these references are no longer important! I find that Norway has or is now using these references to tarnish my name and reputation (and to damage my life economically and in other ways, fx. by life possibilities and health, physical and mental)! It is still a fairly important goal to have all of this persecuted in the name of the law and that I right now can name the State of Norway to be the defendant by the Justice Minister or so! We'll see!!! (Besides, you can forget about blackmailing me! I WILL NOT BOW to extortion!!!)
Some paranoia/"paranoia", please, excuse me if this insults you: I've had some RFID thoughts in the past that I'm not electronically neutral in the sense that I may have an unwanted RFID in me that sends information to my "masters" on a recharging piezoelectrical basis. And there's more too: not only can they possibly to this, but there may be rechargable piezo-electrical effects in merely taking the neurological signals (out of any nervous thread throughout, even from inside the fingers) and that this enters IPhone of Apple through some "app for IPhone" and so to speed up US American business on a Monkey-biz basis, AND (perhaps most degradingly) through the use of my life-line, the mobile phone, to transfer the sickest signals to any person wandering around "based on network information", thus "Terje has angst now" (also by degrading personal first name) when I may be scared because being scared probably transfers a certain signature signal to these IPhone of these people! Now, if I have claims against the State of Norway? Yes, and they count at least 15/30 articles by the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights!!! F*cking freaks, I'm telling you... And no mercy too!
All the while they think they are in control, I just cite: "Head like a hole, black as your soul, I'd rather die than give you control..." Now, this implies ALL the f*ck I can get on them! They will not receive the slightest acceptance for excuse or mercy!!! F*ck you!!!
I now have a list that I want YouTube feedback on or any other if you like:
"I have the pleasure to present "the latest f*ck" from Norway!" This time with a special 30-minutes piece from Farsund "Kommune", possibly also streamed from Ulleval/Ullevål Hospital, "Helse Øst"! "We in Norway hope you get to enjoy it and don't save yourself if you get to meet "it", that thing, Mr. Lea/Olsnes-Lea!" All in all, there's a special 3 hours compilation out now from the Norwegian backdoors on exactly this "thing"! The latest addition to the references: L Moleta / (Angel by symbol) Moleta, those good 30 minutes! "Go, go, go, go!"
The list is now:
Films of perverse "Norwegian delights":
Three / 3
The Three Los Gringos
20/22 Floors (2 films?)
The Hand
Jojo (kanskje bare hos forhåndsgodkjente folk, men altså også hos utlendinger!)
Eljen (pedofili - transgresjon, Åsted: Lista Flystasjon/Militærleir)
The Acid
Tobin Oak
Chisel / Cheasel / Cheazel
Day ONE(!)
o - The Ring - (lowercase o, the letter of the alphabet)
Rompa Stompa
Helter Skelter
L Moleta / (Angle by symbol) Moleta - the latest bang star movie - 30 minutes of delights!
Gate (barrier in English as well as entrance)
All starring the thing, Mr. Lea / Olsnes-Lea! Enjoy! Remember to also get the 3 hours compilation, this just in!!!
You should remember that Ulleval also holds that special trauma unit, researching traumatic events, you can identify the name yourself!
Maybe they have closed that unit now, yes, too much fooking, you know...!
We, the family, or I haven't received the slightest note from the Police or any other whatsoever! Do these exist by these names? Are they means of extortion or "amputation of my life"?
If you get hold of them, feel free to place any bureaucrat's face on them instead from this despicable country of widespread corruption (incl. human rights violations), please!!!
You can also "drown your sadness in BLOOD" to any extent you like!!! I don't excuse THEM!!!
Heh, heh, heh, yes, psychological research too, heh-heh-heh! You should remember that Ulleval also holds that special trauma unit, researching traumatic events, you can identify the name yourself!
"This must be the subliminal signal from himself: "Bang me! Bang me!" Straight from the coolest place on Earth with the most exotic detached houses in the World, also in holding people in population, percentage of population!"
Perhaps David Guetta can also fill you in just for getting out the latest song, that is, "if you don't..., then I publish this latest sh*t from Norway" (and you can get quite an effect from that, the adage goes from Norway)!!!
Yes, I was forgetting the reference "Gate", but is it...?
Update: the latest attacks/degradations (directed by "State of Norway"): Buss 1 and Buss 2 (Bus 1 and 2, extensive attacks aided by anasthetics). Footage produced? Probably! Who were there? I don't know! Latest: tased at the Supermarket! Target/meaning: Unknown! (November, 2011?) Protection is virtually not there or exists only in informal terms!
On the Internal Affairs and its lawyer's response on complaint made to them by encouragement of Baerum Police Station: On the matters of Berle, from the Internal Affairs of Norway, "Spesialenheten for Politisaker", it is noted in his response to me that "I'm not considered in this matter to be a part of the population", perhaps saying or claiming (wrongfully) that I'm safe! However, if one interprets this more dubiously several things can come out of it, in addition "to laying it aside", 1. the population is only considered to be valid people of a certain personality, 2. the population doesn't suffer from "unreasonable threats" as out of lunatic doctors, hauling a hanger with torture instruments and aided by corrupt cops too! Either way, the consequences of these 2 are:
(My hope was for a commission to be erected and have my own case lifted into the lights, with the appropriate credits for this, for coming up with the idea, or at least, getting to a contact and initiating the case set for Strasbourg standards, decided on own soil or in France.)
Over to the matter: that he fails a good, valid judgment on who the population really are, failing to serve his position.
That he says something over personality (also by leaning on to hearsay, picking up an alleged "white" personality while demanding red, brown or black! In either case, he makes a judgment over whole scores of the population, contributing to the practical legislation of tortureous threats (the hardest threats there are in society) against every child, youth and adult there is in Norway, enforcing a kind of "Nazi" extermination policy against those who don't qualify or fall victim to a hating mind, of course, again, including myself and my whole story and up to this point, today, 03.02.2012, morning hours!
The link: !
What is Written...: Various Writings from the Former Blogs (by #8 Starting with late
Å utsette befolkningen for et urimelig trusselbilde - Anmeldelse
Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 06:33:58 [CET]
Jeg har sent følgende anmeldelse til Politiet 17. september 2010 22:55 ved og . Emne:
Anmeldelse til Politiet !
Oppdatering, 28.10.2010: Spesialenheten for Politisaker har henlagt anmeldelsen. Dette er av brev datert 19.10.2010. Brevet er signert Paal Henrich Berle (på verv i Spesialenheten). Brevet har også SAK NR 10167981 731/10-123. Jeg kommer ikke til å påklage avgjørelsen for noen smartinger (utenom min familie) griper seg til hodet og tar noen gode [les: etiske/humane for H*lvete!] avgjørelser! Jeg holder selvsagt Politiet ANSVARLIGE for det meste av kriminaliteten som foregår i Norge fordi det teknisk sett burde kunne kontrolleres ned relativt greit til et akseptabelt nivå (dvs. partikulære hendelser som plutselig oppstår og som det med rimelighetens personvern er umulige å hindre gitt dagens mennesker).
(From the original blog: !
What is written...
This is my personal blog of views and whatever else information that I come up with. Enjoy!
Latest: tazed at the Supermarket! Target/meaning: Unknown! (November, 2011?) Protection is virtually not there or exists only in informal terms! (Typo: tased -> tazed!)
In relation to the list above: DON'T EXCLUDE NORWAY FROM THE TORTURE SET-UPS. And as much as they have produced this "degradation" material on me for subverting my person into submission... Well, well, I think this becomes clear to you!
Related material follows below on "intelligence matters in the World":
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
While Facebook is down... Top Secret is Presented under Air America...
Under Air America, it can be worth checking out Top Secret. The movie is about some CIA operation or whatever, loosely from memory, about taking a castle, one that we can call "Hindenburg", a symbol of the Nazi ideology, and how difficult it is to overthrow such when indeed human nature is as it is.
[Entered a bit later:]
Hollywood is famous for its hippie march over "peace and freedom" and I think this movie depicts just this, that frustration over World matters when there more than enough in the World to make the World an intelligent place, in terms of systems, science, knowledge, medicine and the work that needs to be completed, that is, we know what it takes, but how to get there when the World is as it is?!
Not only this, but I think the movie also displays some features over the nature of entering the intelligence services and how to make it all come together, with personal causes start to build up, also in speaking of hostility and "incompatibilities" in work!
Top Secret is a comedy. You can find it here, as description: by url, and "Top Secret! (1984)
PG 90 min - Action | Comedy | Romance - 11 October 1984 (Norway)
Parody of WWII spy movies in which an American rock and roll singer becomes involved in a Resistance plot to rescue a scientist imprisoned in East Germany.
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and 1 more credit »
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and 2 more credits »
Val Kilmer, Lucy Gutteridge and Peter Cushing
Also check out this movie:
THIS is the movie: "Three Days of the Condor (1975)"
"A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust."
Sydney Pollack
Writers: James Grady (novel), Lorenzo Semple Jr. (screenplay),
Stars: Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and Cliff Robertson
Posted by L.F.O.-L. at 16:10:00
Labels: CIA, nazi ideology, top secret
Hollywood is famous for its hippie march over "peace and freedom" and I think this movie depicts just this, that frustration over World matters when there more than enough in the World to make the World an intelligent place, in terms of systems, science, knowledge, medicine and the work that needs to be completed, that is, we know what it takes, but how to get there when the World is as it is?!
Not only this, but I think the movie also displays some features over the nature of entering the intelligence services and how to make it all come together, with personal causes start to build up, also in speaking of hostility and "incompatibilities" in work!
Top Secret is a comedy. You can find it here, as description: by url, and "Top Secret! (1984)
PG 90 min - Action | Comedy | Romance - 11 October 1984 (Norway)
Parody of WWII spy movies in which an American rock and roll singer becomes involved in a Resistance plot to rescue a scientist imprisoned in East Germany.
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Writers:
...Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Stars:
Val Kilmer, Lucy Gutteridge and Peter Cushing
Also, in terms of resources, that money mostly end up with the corrupt and that "the course of the righteous (and religious)" takes place on a lower level, at the "farmers / farm workers level"! Just a notice to the struggles of Jihad vs. /some/ "western" features of "established money and rights/titles" and the classic North (rich) and South (poor) divide that one usually discusses in political science. You can include the "Operation Condor" or something with Robert Redford over some intelligence services comment, this being set in the Cold War (Soviet Union and Communism). Make sure you hit the right movie because I'm uncertain about the title...
You can also check out "Spy Game (2001)
Retiring CIA agent Nathan Muir recalls his training of Tom Bishop while working against agency politics to free him from his Chinese captors.
Director: Tony Scott, Writers:
Michael Frost Beckner (story), Michael Frost Beckner (screenplay)" as a matter of work for democracy!
THIS is the movie: "Three Days of the Condor (1975)"
"A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust."
Sydney Pollack
James Grady (novel), Lorenzo Semple Jr. (screenplay), and 1 more credit »
Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and Cliff Robertson
You can add several more movies to this line of thinking, but one in particular that has importance is the: The Evil That Men Do by Charles Bronson. It certainly sheds some light on the southern countries of USA and I recall particular Argentina and the military people, but you can add Honduras and all else. I think it's fairly obvious that TORTURE has always/usually been and is a "political tool" that's now being /used/ by more and more countries and not anything either, but by the medical doctors as you would anticipate! Beware!
DON'T EXCLUDE NORWAY FROM THE TORTURE SET-UPS. And as much as they have produced this "degradation" material on me for subverting my person into submission... Well, well, I think this becomes clear to you!
I'd also like to note that I'm now in direct danger to get assaulted and treated hideously and appearing as not my own person after any such treatment! They lurk there to corrupt my personality and I'm not free to move about in society! There is no police services provided for me and this takes a direct toll on my personal cleanliness and being able to plan for relocation to another country! I may not be able to come out of this country (alive) as a direct consequence of Norway's overt legal practice and state approved CRIME!!!
Relating to these /degrading/ references, true or not, that have been produced so as to make me a suitable person for persecution,
are now, wholly, to be placed on Norway, by medical personnel and police personnel, for making this awfulness possible!
There is NO WAY in HELL that Norway ever will escape this /hard/ responsibility, probably having used /that/ torture set-up from
this place to that!!! You are forever GUILTY until sentences have been served, here or in Hell, and compensation has been paid before I ever bother to /think/ about accepting an apology! You now HAVE IT, it's up to you and your LEGACY what you will present yourself as!
So go ahead, please, and do yours!!! You have NO EXCUSES until then!!!
This refers to a certain list that I think has been placed on my name by these people. You'll find it on 29. Jan. 2012 (and also above)!
"You'll find it on 29. Jan. 2012." refers to my profile under Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Facebook!
Upon this alleged generated list of degrading content (of movie sequences or snippets, all combined), I think there's likelihood that these have been prepared by Police forces and resources, i.e., professionally and that psychiatrists and psychologists and various others have aided the production of these, that is, also hospital resources have been used and medical expertise. We are still talking about the content of 29. Jan. down here on this profile and on Controversial777 on Blogspot. Further, there are supporting cases of abductions of 1993, autumn, 1995, summer (vacation), 1997, autumn and finally 1998 also autumn (for now... more are suspected, showing how abandoned the Police has been (also in the head, incl. the "famous" and "all-powerful" KRIPOS)!!! There is no doubt: THIS COUNTRY IS DEEPLY GUILTY OF SEVERE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND THEY KNOW IT IN FULL!!! (Norway, that is.)
A smaller case of abduction is questioned in 1999, going to Larvik, lasting about 24 hours! Yet, the above, of at least two went to USA, have been lasting 7 days or more of severe, disgusting, degrading abuse of my person!!!
Of course, the Police has not informed my family at any point in time up to now! To my knowledge, not any family member has taken part in these abductions, they were committed by strangers, people we knew little about!
Breach of Lawyer's Code of Conduct - Accusations
Lawyers involved (in order of contact):
Mette Yvonne Larsen
Rikke Lassen
Cecilie Elisabeth Schjatvet
Lawyers' Bar Association, Disciplinary Board for Complaints:
6 (dubious or not, handling two of the complaints)
For RL
Geir Knutsen
Morten Poulsson
Ida Flaatten
Originally, these were set up with 6 lawyers. Now I find one letter forged and I've thereby lost 3 names from the original 6! I'll come back to the other 3!
All 3 women were at the point in time seated at the "Human Rights" Panel by The Lawyers' Bar Association (i.e., Advokatforeningen)! They were also chosen to avoid any "testosterone idiocy", also referred to as the psychological compatibility principle!
By insisting on 1.2 as superior to 3.3.1, they finalise (hitherto) a violation of my fundamental right to a fair trial (to which, in my condition) I've deeply needed!!!
It's worth noting that EVERY (God damn) lawyer is (publicly) licensed and to be considered a public person. THEY HAVE (HARD) DUTIES!!!
The references, still, from Norwegian Bar Association: OSL-020-2011, OSL-021-2011, OSL-022-2011!
Our good Swede speaking about Norway as "the last Soviet State" (of the Soviet Union) is now rather "and more /classically/" reformulated as referring to Norway as "/The/ _First_ Satanist Nation(!)" with deep craving for power, influence and some money, unknown how much! Note: "Classically" as from "Han Terje", almost as "Han Solo", but please mind Norwegian sensitivities in this matter! Note2: Norway, thus, is a growing "Kopps"-country (word intended, please look up)! Beware people!
It should be clear by this (the 2 former ""points") that if I don't make /get out of Norway/ I'm ready to die in *blunt* contempt (or hate) of /it/!!! ("Hi-hi-hi!!!") 3 minutes ago And you can /dream/ about changing it, but you can't!! I KNOW you!!!
Note: In that embarrassing state of being self-chained under the most dubious New York a** out of hate for "this and that" (with or without the public "terlet" scene)!!!
Charicaturely over their mindset, incl. "The Fly": Under Stoltenberg's love for Breivik: The "inner Stoltenberg" probably would have preferred that _everybody_ died from torture and most pleasingly the children, but the massive reputation from Breivik's "terrorist" actions has made exactly this bombing and shooting massacre /accepted/! (Uhh! It was a /stretch/, Stoltenberg says, but newspaper reading made my affection come through deep from the pen*s and the b*tt and all theway "up"!!! Ehh... *Blushing*...)
Note:This is /directly/ related to the actions of putting my family "under the guillotine" and utter craze of human rights violations and under motives of economical exploitation and pervertism!!!
"Welcome to Norway" by Amnesty International (2008 or 07?) as if women are not the only ones suffering under idiot rule!!! F*ck....@$£@$£@$£$£€$€€@£$$£€$€$@£$@£$€$€€££$$@£@£!!!
This is how it goes when you raise the idiothead from countryside, being the factoryworker John G., /the/ Jangling Jack of Norway all the way to the top and only having a "two-finger rule trick" to come up with, one of them being "torture on another"!!!
For finding an idiot, real "estate": "The life under direct threats from torture-clinic set-up has made a fine case for brevity with this man, mr. Olsnes-Lea, so evidently displayed by everything he writes." Consequently, I'm sorry for the lack of standard academic quality with my /ideas/ and the outright style of writing to blogs and Facebook! Regards,
Under Stoltenberg's love for Breivik, by charicature of political activism: The "inner Stoltenberg" probably would have preferred that _everybody_ died from torture and most pleasingly the children, but the massive reputation from Breivik's "terrorist" actions has made exactly this bombing and shooting massacre /accepted/! (Uhh! It was a /stretch/, Stoltenberg says, but newspaper reading made my affection come through deep from the pen*s and the b*tt and all theway "up"!!! Ehh... *Blushing*...)
Decisive, striking blow against *them*: This is /directly/ related to the actions of putting my family under the "guillotine" and utter craze of human rights violations and under motives of economical exploitation and pervertism!!! Extra note on *Pervertism*!!!
Yes... I am to become vindicated and I work HARD for it (and a bit relentlessly too)!!!
Not only that, but this too: Now, let me tell you (a version, at least) of how easy I imagine it is (for some) suicide candidates (whether I am one or not is mutti-f*cking PRIVATE and I do not need "clarification advise from /this/ friend (psychologist)"): first, being invisible enough, and not being persecuted by a body of people, all included, with or w/o military/police resources and competence. So there you go... Some peo...ple spit at you and tell you to die, that is, to suicide... Yes, that is easy, given this "body of people", persecuting you (on informal level, of course, and "let's not forget the paranoid factors involved") by radio hunting these placed RFIDs by mini-surgery (while sedated, covertly or not) or placing the words around that movements on this person by information is wanted so that, you know, they blow the very (fragile and deeply personal) privacy of this person, making one's VERY PRIVATE considerations over chances, where these idiots sit there and "clip" the button for turning this consideration of this person falsely, so that this person can imagine that one falls prey to torture regardless or that the suicide is made under false premises, being wholly psychological (by these telepathic connections and under possible threat and danger of severe hospital torture! And YES, it's TRUE, this person is to carry out these considerations PRIVATELY and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!! The very question is (well f*cked out of your consideration) only this person's own and evidently so, this person is always objective in this consideration and the only valid judge on one very own matter whether suicide is right or wrong!!! I hope you GET THIS, please!!! Being a victim in these circumstances is not easy and these f*cks ("#¤%¤%Y%&(&"¤&%&(%&&"#¤%, and the rest of the "99 swearing words") are equally despicable and subject to one's own criminal conscience of trying to wage such f*ck toward people, blatantly violating _fundamental_ human rights!!! Bye for now! Exactly fitting under this writing: If I need support in critical terms? Maybe... Is it so hard for Amnesty Int. to "lift a poster"?!!!
I read from the USA embassy to Norway that Norway has no particular crimes going against its population. I hereby strongly OBJECT to this! If USA intends to be serious concerning the human rights and its business practice, they need to alter the following report because I claim, on the contrary to this grave crime against its own nation that the embassy is acting out its duties on behalf of, that there are consistently committed serious offences in Norway against its own population such as using hospitals for torture and using medicine as aid for it as well along with several suspected doctors "with tours in USA, names: Tone Hapnes, Svein Arne Hapnes and Inge Joa"!!! The link: rls/hrrpt/2010/eur/154443.htm These outright and hideous criminals will not be left to rest and I hold you, The Embassy, accountable!!! Mark my words!
Secondly I also cite this report as dubious: tip/rls/tiprpt/2011/ index.htm on same groundings!
Trafficking in Persons Report 2011
The embassy can start with my Youtube video: Violation of human rights by Norway - Proof! watch?v=E7SkzfTMjG8&lr=1&fe ature=results_video !
Violation of human rights by Norway - Proof!
"This video displays proof that Norway doesn't intend to provide legal services f..."
My case against the Justice Department (Pol og Ber. Dep.) concerns 15 (of the total 30) violations against the UN Decl. of Hum. Rights.
Message Regarding the Blatant Violations of My Human Rights already from Thursday, 24 November 2011, starting with a meeting at the Sandnes Police Station in 2000 and finally being "admitted" a police complaint in 2003!!!
For some possible background: Studio 54 can have a special part in my life in that ("Studio 54 reopened on September 12, 1981 with a guest ...", from Wikip.) as it somehow got on air, I would have a radio-transmitter implanted by these crazy doctors, that sent a signal that launched exactly Studio 54 (this night or on this opening or during this nights show). I'm /that/ crazy to claim this. How big the radio-transmitter has been, I don't know. Also, I don't know the range of the radio-"antenna" inside of me or any other technical data. "Good?" (Sending "all the way", intermediary to this place or that, from Lunde in Farsund "kommune"/local county standing there by the crossing and Lunde Elementary School (at that time during day-time).)
With the Christian Woman, the recording may have been (partially?) taking place with a military facility somewhere near Oslo, but in a bunder like place. And with Oyvind Helgesen, with a background for working as a social worker in Farsund "Kommune", for "investigating" a special case, he is known to ask for the money to be transferred to "Kripos", so the special crime unit has itself become a crime scene of settting up "reward-money" for special (read: deeply corrupt) police officers (like fx. Kjell Eide or the Niner-Club), _allegedly_!!! Well, well, all of Norway looks reversed, with Half-Slobo sitting at the Helm, the Prime Minister's Office! (Cheers.)
Kripos (Special Crime Unit of the Police Forces): kontakt_oss/kontakt_kripos/ .
Telefon: +47 23208000 Telefaks: +47 23208880 Besøksadresse: Brynsalléen 6, 0667
Økokrim (Special Crime Unit for Financial Fraud, traditionally organised _under_ the KRIPOS, _Kri_minal-_Po_litiets-_S_ entral): kontakt_oss/ kontakt_okokrim/ .
So you can now, as a foreigner, supposedly, consider the whole works of banking to be fixed involving everything from "paper money", "receipts", "special financial records", and official records, the treasury, the whole thing, everything, (even special "float accounts", float is a special term in banking). So here you have it: FRAUD, potentially, everything, every authority included!!!
I'm considering this for filing my case by myself to the court system of Norway given by! [Translator required, Google or other.]
Mulig svar til Asker og Bærum Tingrett:
a) Domstolen:
Asker og Bærum Tingrett
b) Navn og adresse på parter, stedfortredere og prosessfullmektiger:
[Navn, mitt og de andres, dvs. Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet]
c) Krav:
Det kreves kompensasjon ihht. til rimelighet for alle lovbrudd begått mot min person og ihht. til påståtte brudd på menneskerettighetene som også gjelder betydelige overgrep mot min person i forbindelse med økonomisk utnyttelse. Saksøker Olsnes-Lea krever fullt medhold i at Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet finnes skyldig i forsømmelse avsine plikter ved Politiloven og andre regler og instrukser i hht. denne, dvs. politiloven alene.
d) Den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet.
Det har blitt forvoldet mitt liv så mye lidelser ved bevisfremleggelse som følge av direkte tjenesteforsømmelse at jeg finner det bevist over enhver tvil at Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet må finnes skyldig i dette og at jeg derfor tilkjennes fullt medhold!
I tillegg så har politiet nektet meg å levere anmeldelse ved to anledninger, i ved Bærum politistasjon i 2010 eller noe, nylig [tidspunkt kommer senere] og 1. juli, 2000, ved Sandnes politistasjon i rommet hvor man kunne avlegge erklæring om anmeldelse, noen ganger kalt "forhørsrommet" ved avhør av mistenkte personer for kriminelle forhold!
Vi ber også om at alle saksomkostninger belastes motparten!
Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet må finnes skyldig i dette og at jeg derfor tilkjennes fullt medhold!
e) De bevis som vil bli ført:
Det vil bli stilt krav om judisiell observasjon for at bevisene kan frembringes og legges frem for retten. Tilstand ved skallen er direkte og dommer kan få kjenne dette selv.
Derfor kommer dette om bevis senere, men det dreier seg om medisinske bevis slik som en tilstand ved høyre bronkier, diverse medisinske arr og en tydelige spor på brudd på skallen som ikke er rapportert ved sykehusopphold, men som er rapport ved anmeldelse til Politiet etterpå ved meg selv. Dvs. 1. Det er anskueliggjort at leger har tatt del i mine lidelser og at dette "spillet" har pågått over flere år, kanskje i perioden 1981 til 2012. Dvs. foruten at jeg er påført frihetsberøvelse og voldsomheter i denne forbindelse og annen. Jeg vil også henvise til en påstått sak ved Lister Tingrett/Farsund Tingrett i 1985 som skal liksom være representert ved Lars Mannermaa eller så.
Bevis for at politiet har nektet meg å levere anmeldelse ved to anledninger, i ved Bærum politistasjon i 2010 eller noe, nylig [tidspunkt kommer senere] og 1. juli, 2000, ved Sandnes politistasjon i rommet hvor man kunne avlegge erklæring om anmeldelse, noen ganger kalt "forhørsrommet" ved avhør av mistenkte personer for kriminelle forhold!
Det påstås videre at parten ved saksøker, Olsnes-Lea, har IKKE blitt tilstrekkelig informert av Politiet for at saksøker og hans familie kunne ha ført en bedre og tilstrekkelig sikkerhet for seg selv og sin familie.
f) Grunnlaget for at retten kan behandle saken dersom det kan være tvil om dette:
Det er ved dette krav om tinglysning en betydelig tyngde i lys av både brudd på menneskerettigheter og tid som dette har fått pågå! Dette er en alvorlig sak i norsk rettshistorie og må derfor vises tilstrekkelig respekt og derved opptas av retten, AB Tingrett, uten større tvil eller protester. Dvs. det er hevet over enhver tvil at retten har dype plikter til å behandle min, Olsnes-Leas, sak!
g) Saksøkerens syn på den videre behandling av saken, herunder avtaler som kan få betydning for behandlingen.
Det er også meningen at videre saksbehandling i rettsapparatet burde foregå i Strasbourg gitt denne sakens natur og for at det alvorlige innhold kan belyses fra den største autoritet på området, nemlig Menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg etter Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon, EMK, ved ovennevnte brudd på disse menneskerettigheter, parallellt også ved FNs erklæring om disse, 30.
From - Fri Apr 13 14:09:40 2012
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Subject: VS: Gå til rettssak ved egen person og uten bruk av advokat...
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 14:03:51 +0200
Message-ID: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
From: "Germizi, Lonida"
Det vises til din henvendelse, hvor du ber om =E5 f=E5 avklart hvordan =
du kan saks=F8ke Justisdepartementet.
S=F8ksm=E5l m=E5 anlegges der saks=F8kte har sin adresse.
S=F8ksm=E5l anlegges ved =E5 ta ut stevning. Hvilke opplysninger som =
skal tas med i stevningen fremg=E5r av tvisteloven =A7 9-3, som har slik =
"Sak reises ved stevning til retten. Stevningen inngis skriftlig eller =
muntlig etter =A7 12-1 annet ledd.=20
(2) Stevningen skal angi=20
a) domstolen, =20
b) navn og adresse p=E5 parter, stedfortredere og prosessfullmektiger, =
c) det krav som gj=F8res gjeldende, og en p=E5stand som angir det =
domsresultat saks=F8keren krever, =20
d) den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet,=20
e) de bevis som vil bli f=F8rt,=20
f) grunnlaget for at retten kan behandle saken dersom det kan v=E6re =
tvil om dette, og=20
g) saks=F8kerens syn p=E5 den videre behandling av saken, herunder =
avtaler som kan f=E5 betydning for behandlingen.=20
(3) Stevningen skal gi grunnlag for en forsvarlig behandling av saken =
for partene og retten. Krav, p=E5stand samt faktisk og rettslig =
begrunnelse skal v=E6re slik angitt at saks=F8kte kan ta stilling til =
kravene og forberede saken. Saks=F8kerens argumentasjon skal ikke g=E5 =
lenger enn det som er n=F8dvendig for =E5 ivareta disse hensyn. =
Stevningen skal gi retten grunnlag for =E5 vurdere sin domsmyndighet og =
gi de n=F8dvendige opplysninger for =E5 f=E5 den forkynt og for =E5 f=E5 =
kontaktet partene.=20
(4) Reises sak for =E5 f=E5 overpr=F8vd dom i forliksr=E5det eller =
tvistenemndsvedtak som f=E5r virkning som dom hvis det ikke bringes inn =
for domstolene, er det tilstrekkelig =E5 oversende avgj=F8relsen til =
retten og angi at den =F8nskes overpr=F8vd, den endring som kreves, og =
hva som menes =E5 v=E6re feil ved avgj=F8relsen. Retten skal innhente =
dokumentene fra den instans som har truffet avgj=F8relsen. For =
tvangsvedtak som retten pr=F8ver etter kapittel 36, gjelder =A7 36-2 =
f=F8rste ledd for hvordan sak reises. "
Du b=F8r vurdere f=F8rst =E5 engasjere en advokat f=F8r stevning tas ut.
Dersom du velger =E5 ikke engasjere advokat, vil du kunne f=E5 bistand =
til =E5 sette opp en stevning ved en domstol. I s=E5 fall b=F8r det =
avtales tid for dette i forkant. Domstolen kun vil bist=E5 med =E5 =
s=F8rge for at stevningen oppfyller de minimumskrav som fremg=E5r av =
tvisteloven =A7 9-3, og vil ikke tilby noen form for juridisk =
Dersom du anlegger s=F8ksm=E5l, og s=F8ksm=E5let enten blir avvist eller =
saks=F8kte frifunnet, er loves hovedregel at saks=F8keren d=F8mmes til =
=E5 betale saks=F8ktes sakskostnader.
Lonida Germizi
Direkte tlf: 67 57 65 24
Asker og B=E6rum tingrett
Pb. 578, 1302 Sandvika
Telefon: 67 57 65 00
Faks: 67 57 65 57
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea []=20
Sendt: 3. april 2012 18:42
Til: Asker og B=E6rum tingrett (postmottak)
Emne: G=E5 til rettssak ved egen person og uten bruk av advokat...
Hei dere
Jeg tenker å gå til rettssak som egen person mot Justisdepartementet uten bruk av advokat (fordi bla, bla...) i sikte mot Strasbourg (15
brudd av 30 ved FNs definisjon).
Dette skal kreve kun tingrettens dom såvidt meg bekjent før saken
/kan/ oversendes Strasbourg (Menneskerettighetsdomstolen).
Så jeg trenger å vite hva jeg skal gjøre for å få dette til.
Jeg vet at Justisdepartementet er klart skyldige og at dette burde
være relativt greit å få til.
Skal jeg stikke innom dere eller? Tilbakemelding mottas gjerne på hva det skal være.
På forhånd, takk.
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Fullt juridisk navn: Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea)
PS: Kontakt kan gjores via denne epost-konto eller tlf. 98817910.
I'm sorry for the lack of formatting of the above and the lack of conversion of letters by Norwegian special characters, 3, æ, ø å!
The above two "emails" (actually one incl. the first one from myself) are preceding the first posting of recent!
Warning of seriousness: this may well precede my (upcoming) death due to exactly taking this to the Norwegian courts/court system by or for trying to "flee" abroad.
This is the kind of fossil I've been supposed to answer to, the very one and only PM himself, God's only man on Earth, Jens. S. mit Knaben in Hand:
If you allow me to ask (over rumours of Half-Slobo as Hind. New York to Nazi-Germany), is Jens S., the ("former") PM, 1,95 m. on his bare (bloody) feet? Crime, in the blood, genetic!??? Rumours further, what I FIND ON THE INTERNET?!!! Can you believe it? "So upon His signal, FIRE! And I FIRE! Firing has taken place appx. 11:23, 2012-09-20 CEST. Japanese, you're so awful!"
If it is /now/ the case that some (masked?) case of a murder of a man in Oslo (actually) has a background from here as janitor and that /some/ people have placed these acquaintances (read:hard criminals) straight into this neighbourhood, I can no longer guarantee for what events that will come out of this! I have written to the Police! Bye!
12:33 CEST. 2012-10-08.
Criminal relations to my person, the very sufferings: I've led an investigation into my own sufferings and for being exposed to a criminal (informal) network from 1981 / 1982 and up to the very day today, recently being denied legal services, hence "last letter"/email to "Advokatforeningen".
This has resulted in a formally "accepted" complaint with the Sandnes Police Station in 2003, but only after several attempts for attention /through/ the years, starting in 1992, being 17 years old, and 4 other attempts only in Farsund "kommune" and one additional in Kristiansand while studying there in 1995/1996. After various other events, one attempt is only made with the Police at the Oslo Central Station in 1998 and one more /then/, only after moving there (with my grandmother), in 2000, July, affirmed by witness of my brother, Kenneth.
This has been one Hell of an effort and has demanded much resources from myself with connections to this and that "other" criminal relation. Police involved? Probably! Perhaps most notoriously from Farsund "kommune" and Kristiansand Police Station.
Also, any "state-produced" porn against my person will now fall on Norway (all embassies, Oil-Fund res. incl.) as /it/ now has to be regarded as political weapon for the direct and inhumane exploitation of my person, tech-wise, money-wise, creation-wise, science-wise, psychology-wise! I'm also seeking to connect them with Srebrenica under a special pathology view inv. Scandin. Star (1990 or so). The litigation against Norway is hereby ON!!!
I am also to be regarded as "a Jew to post-Nazi-Germany right after the end of the war", out of concentration camp or not!!!
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Dato: 11.11.2012
Den kongelige norske ambassade til Tyskland
Rauchstr. 1
D-10787 BERLIN
Forespørsel om midler dvs. penger under advokatkoden "Konvensjonen om veien til rettferdig rettssak" ved CCBE "fellesskapet" og Norges eksplisitt uttrykte forpliktelse til oppfyllelse av menneskerettighetene
Det rettes herved en forespørsel til Den norske ambassaden til Tyskland om midler til rettferdig rettssak mot Staten Norge ved Justisdepartementet.
Dette har sin bakgrunn i Advokatforeningens behandling av min klage over å bli nektet advokat ved disiplinærutvalgene 2, 3 og 6, med visse reservasjoner gitt min hukommelse.
Formalia for saken til Advokatforeningen er ihvertfall, med noe grad av forfalskning, 10.10.2011, 17.10.2011 og 21.10.2011 og saksreferanser, hhv., OSL-022-2011, OSL-020-2011 og OSL-021-2011 og alle skal være undertegnet av "saksbehandler" Inger-Johanne Hammer.
Også her har jeg fått nei til svar ved min fastholdelse over 3.3.1 mot deres godkjennelse av 1.2, hvor motpartene, 3, har vunnet frem. Det har ført med seg negative konsekvenser for mitt liv. Nå er jeg her i Tyskland som et fortsatt ledd i mitt rettslige forsvar for å vinne mot et Justisdepartement som implisitt forsvarer korrupsjon og annen dyp kriminalitet mot min person "og andre". Det er selvfølgelig utålelig og det er derfor jeg nå sender denne forespørsel på bakgrunn av den situasjon Staten Norge har satt meg og mine nærmeste i!!!
Jeg har oppgitt hotellet adresse øverst og jeg ber om at disse "midler" sendes ditt av åpenbare grunner, eller ved garantier til min bankforbindelse, Sandnes Sparebank, knr. 3260 15 54932 og at midlene garanteres der via beskjed per epost eller annet, slik som telefon. Jeg beklager ogå at forholdene gjør dette nødvendig.
Det er viktig at dette skjer raskt og helst innen [XXX]. Jeg vil gjerne også ha beskjed til hotellet eller til min mob.tlf, +47 98817910, hvis midlene ikke kan gjøres tilgjengelig innen denne tid.
Med vennlig hilsen
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
ved pass nr. 27920240
PS: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort og vil bli videresendt til nære kontakter.
I´ve sent this letter to the Embassy of Norway to Germany as I´ve intended a more conflict aversive approach and also called their given phone number, T: 030 - 50 50 58 600. Idiocy is on them further!
Whatever menace to the World they share together.
I hope still that the illegal implants of wiring my eyes and ears and sender and more, even the extra abdominal mobile phone by 1001 Hz are still to be made public when the surgery is to finally happen and that sadly Norway may get away with subversion this time around as well, despite that I´m abroad, in Germany.
Addiitonally, they may have wired up some fMRI function to work with these tortureous idiots, so that they have inside-data and threats from the outside to work with!
Reporting on letter to the "Sivilombudsmannen ".no"" (also known as the Ombudsman abroad, usually a democracy watchdog!):
From - Fri Nov 16 15:38:21 2012
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:38:18 +0100
From: "Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea"
Subject: Ad. Brev til dere igjen - Ettersyn av Advokatforeningen. BRUDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hei dere hos Sivilombudsmannen
Jeg vil herved gjøre det klinkende klart at etter å ha sendt dere flere
ALVORLIGE brev (også til Amnesty International Norge) så sliter jeg
fremdeles med å få gjennombrudd mot denne korrupsjonen og treneringen av
mine menneskerettigheter og for min vei til rettferdighet i Norge.
Jeg ber dere derfor å merke dere dette(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):
"From - Fri Nov 16 15:17:24 2012
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:17:21 +0100
From: "Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea"
Subject: Ad. Reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen
Hei dere i Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Jeg vil herved anmelde min sak om Advokatforeningen gitt et åpenbart
brudd i deres saksbehandling av min klage på 3 (tre!) advokater.
Dette gjelder Advokatforeningens behandling av min klage over å bli
nektet advokat ved disiplinærutvalgene 2, 3 og 6, med visse
reservasjoner gitt min hukommelse.
Formalia for saken til Advokatforeningen er ihvertfall, med noe grad av
forfalskning, 10.10.2011, 17.10.2011 og 21.10.2011 og saksreferanser,
hhv., OSL-022-2011, OSL-020-2011 og OSL-021-2011 og alle skal være
undertegnet av "saksbehandler" Inger-Johanne Hammer.
Også her har jeg fått nei til svar ved min fastholdelse over 3.3.1, som
selvfølgelig gjelder EMK, menneskerettighetene og retten til rettferdig
rettssak ved *kompetent* advokat, mot deres godkjennelse av 1.2, hvor
motpartene, 3, har vunnet frem. Det har ført med seg negative
konsekvenser for mitt liv.
Det skal også innvendes at 1.2 IKKE har relevans for klientforhold i det
hele tatt og at Advokatkoden ved CCBE er relativt klar og at det
igrunnen skal være relativt enkelt å avgjøre om brudd har blitt begått
eller ikke.
Jeg ber derfor om at Advokatforeningen rammes og straffes tilstrekkelig
slik at den autoritet som vaktbikkje overfor advokatene som den jo burde
være slik at den normative profesjonalitet kan ivaretas, dvs. beskytte
og være istand til å stramme opp advokatstandens ry og rykte generelt,
også med hensyn på den siste tidens allmenne lys på nettopp dette
(f.eks. EMK og selvmordsproblematikken som jo kan være en betydelig
belastning på mange familier).
(... - follows...)
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, med adresse i Akershus, gitt
tilsvarende Stortingsrepresentant.)
PS: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS2: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter."
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, med adresse i Akershus, gitt
tilsvarende Stortingsrepresentant.)
PS: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS2: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter.
PS3: Liksom sitte der med 12 år gamle brev å passe på at kriminaliteten
(skal skje) skjer overalt! Ser dere ikke snart SKAMMEN???
I sit here with the papers to the courts, directly ordering to the trial against the Justicedepartment to start, under Police Laws, Lawyer's Laws and ECHR. Why haven't I delivered them? STRESS, PERSECUTION, PUNISHMENT ON OTHER FAMILY (and more)!!!
Menneskerettsloven – mnskrl.
Politiloven – politil.
Norway has also plainly violated many/all business conventions by this set-up when people are supposed to rely on one-another in these /most/ serious matters!!!
You know, these absurd people:
Fisken´s Freund - Jon Vetlesen/Wetlesen (Ethics-studies from Tech-Eyes directly, and sodo-relations to Nirvana)
Fisken - Inge Joa - psychiatrist
Ogrim - reference from California, the Øgrim-brothers, both doctor-specialists!
What chances have I ever had, the child, the teenager (with hard school-duties) and adult with school-duties/duties toward society/work-duties)? You wouldn't have had any f*cking chances either!!!
Det tas ut stevning mot Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet ved
Asker- og Bærum tingrett.
Sakens parter er, saksøker T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea som representerer seg selv og får støtte av bistandsadvokat.
Saksøktes representant i retten blir bestemt senere.
Saksøkers navn og adresse er derfor
T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea
og saksøktes navn og adresse er tilsvarende
Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet v/
Justism. Grete Faremo
Gullhaug Torg 4A
Postboks 8005 Dep
N-0030 OSLO
Kravet om domfellelse gis ved det forhold at jeg, Olsnes-Lea, ikke har fått oppfylt kravet om tilfredsstillende tjenester av Politiet når det gjelder personlig sikkerhet og andre implisitte forhold, ved mistanke, som gjelder økonomisk utnyttelse og utstrakt korrupsjon og sinnsykdom, veneriske forhold, ved nedverdigende seksuelle overgrep, jfr. eventuelt materiale laget av korrupte tjenestefolk, først og fremst ved Farsund Lensmannskontor, Kristiansand Politistasjon, Sandnes Politistasjon og Stavanger Politistasjon.
Saksøker krever full domfellelse, full erstatning på alle måter fra Staten Norge, gitt ved Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet og tilslutt full straffeforfølgelse av personer gitt ved kriminelle forhold mot denne person, Olsnes-Lea hvor disse tidligere er unnlatt påtale ved denne sakens korrupsjon som konsekvens ved domfellelse av denne part, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet.
Den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet ved egen etterforskning over 12 år minst er som følger:
Medisinske arr på forskjellige steder på kroppen som alle aldri er rapportert inn i pasientjournal fordi saksøker aldri har vært operert for noe forhold som helst gitt vanlige rapporteringsrutiner ved gjeldende (og normative) helsepraksis, enten som egenrapportering om et medisinsk problem eller ved ulykke direkte.
Det gjelder også et forhold ved en bronkier ved pusterør inn til høyre lunge.
Det gjelder også tydelige frakturer på hodeskallen (uten at hjernen nå bærer funksjonsmessige skader av den grunn, men at andre spor likevel kan finnes ved hjernen på tross av dette forhold).
Det er også verdt å nevne at Politiet aldri har utført noen etterforskning av kriminalitet begått mot min person til tross for at dette nå er allmenn kunnskap, slik som Lea-brevene/Terje-brevene, sangene ved kontakt til Politiet og ulike bortføringsforhold.
Saksøker har også blitt nektet anmeldelse i år 2000 ved Sandnes Politistasjon og at ulike brudd på Politiets instrukser har blitt begått i denne forbindelse slik som en skikkelig rapport fra innleggelse ved psykiatrisk sykehus i denne forbindelse, dvs. ingen rapport avgitt som helst til denne saksøker, Olsnes-Lea. Saksøker unnlater å nevne ulike og dypt kritikkverdige forhold ved denne politistasjon i denne forbindelse, f.eks. ved dens leder og hans forhold til USA, også av økonomisk art.
Hvis det finnes tekniske forhold ved saksøkers, Olsnes-Leas, egen kropp, som implantater, ved ulovlighet, som er i strid med denne personens, Olsnes-Leas, privatliv, så skal det også dømmes for dette.
Subsidiært så kreves det, utfra de omfattende forhold som her inngår i både tydelighet og dybde av direkte korrupsjon fra Politiets side at saksøkte, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, ilegges løpende kostnader for bevisfremskaffelse og diverse tiltak for at saksøker kan føre et tilsynelatende normalt liv i hht. belønning av eget arbeid og kompetanse, rettigheter ved åndsverkloven og annet, som patenter. Dette kan gjelde flytting til utlandet mens rettssaken løper eller mens rettssak også fremføres, for å etablere presedens, sekundært i Strasbourg ved ECtHR, Menneskerettighetsdomstolen, der.
Medisinske arr på forskjellige steder på kroppen som alle aldri er rapportert inn i pasientjournal fordi saksøker aldri har vært operert for noe forhold som helst gitt vanlige rapporteringsrutiner ved gjeldende (og normative) helsepraksis, enten som egenrapportering om et medisinsk problem eller ved ulykke direkte.
Det gjelder også et forhold ved en bronkier ved pusterør inn til høyre lunge.
Det gjelder også tydelige frakturer på hodeskallen (uten at hjernen nå bærer funksjonsmessige skader av den grunn, men at andre spor likevel kan finnes ved hjernen på tross av dette forhold).
Nektelse av anmeldelse og manglende rapport fra Politiet og mange brudd på Politiets egne instrukser gitt ved innleggelse til psykiatrisk sykehus.
Det vil bli krevd utført røntgenundersøkelser for å finne andre forhold av ulovlig karakter ved denne personens kropp som gir domfellelse hvis det finnes tekniske forhold ved saksøkers, Olsnes-Leas, egen kropp, som implantater, ved ulovlighet, som er i strid med denne personens, Olsnes-Leas, privatliv, så skal det også dømmes for dette.
Dvs. ALT som Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet KAN dømmes for skal undersøkes og fremskaffes som bevis.
Denne saken er uten tvil av svært alvorlig karakter og saksøker finner at utfra alvorlighetsgrad og presedens, at Staten Norge også søkes dømt ved Menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg, at den langvarige lygingen kommer fullt til syne hvor byråkratiet ikke er tilstrekkelig informert og ute av stand til å fatte gode beslutninger.
[Legal foundation:]EMK, Politiloven, Polititjenestepliktloven, Politiregisterloven, Advokatforskriften.
Det kreves fra saksøker, Olsnes-Lea, at han får engasjere bistandsadvokat på grunn av betydelige allmennforståelige oppfatninger om hardt stress og press, også muligens enkelte eller flere drapstrusler opp gjennom tidene, men også muligens tilfeller fra et eller flere forhold av torture mot saksøker, Olsnes-Lea.
Ulike opplysninger gitt ved denne stevning kan bli endret, men at stevningen uansett vil bestå!
Stevningen er herved overlevert Asker og Bærum tingrett.
Med vennlig hilsen
T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea
(First delivered by email, now /signed/ 2012-11-21, while still under hard press, as if by Soviet Union and KGB, secret Police!)
The emphasis also turns on the fact that the lawyers who are in charge of Police stations, the so-called "5-year-olds", the Master-graduates of Law, have very special responsibilities and that their FAILURES are NOT considered /lightly/!!!
The first 3 planned legal actions to declared by myself as heading lawyer, are
1. Closed courtroom, only media and people with special permits.
2. Legal observation for obtaining evidence, such as the medical considerations.
3. Because the plaintiff considers the case VERY CLEAR and that the defendant are suto-defeated on grounds of evidence: "Saksøker "tilbyr" kontorforretning ved ethvert trinn gjennom denne rettssak både fordi den ved allmenn kunnskap er juridisk klar, men også fordi rettssaken ikke skal kunne gå mot mine interesser ved å bli en gapestokk, dvs. Justisdep. juridiske handlinger her mot min person skal behandles strengt. Denne saken er også personlig belastende på dette trinn etter å ha levd å trussel-relatert stress i lang tid. Dette er også et punkt!"
There are also suspicions that me and other "tech-eyes people" are "strung" up (by involuntary and criminal acts) to a certain TV(-eyes) centre in Montreal, the so-called TV-centre of Montreal!
There are also suspicions that the very Pension-Fund (the Oil-Fund, instrument by Norway) has been a primary driver for this set-up!!!
(Hence susp. Genocide-Jens S. and other crimes by State of Norway!)
Some Background Text on My Person - Connecting the dots....
(by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Sunday, 2 December 2012 at 15:23 CET from Facebook just moments ago)
I've now demonstrated to you, by the time that has gone by that, as you sit there and think that "Brutal and fast" needs to be repeated as much as "ta da di di da da da da di di ta da da da" (also parallel to "do re mi fa so la ti da") from "Just can't get over you", by ICE, flows very naturally and can be repeated naturally by memory in one's head by only hearing the line once or few times, much against psychologists' expectations (1998) in being a number of instances more than 8. Any good? (I've shelved my efforts in music, "not listening to any music", because of the situation I'm in and the troubles it has brought me in the past, the attacks and so on.) -------------
(Compare the usual cognit. psych., fx. the mirror test.)
The song by ICE by that has also been deposited by a postal worker of Bogstadveien Post Office at that time parallel to a call to one representative of EMI Norway when living in Oslo from 1998 - 1999.
I've worked with famous artist names since 1983 or 1984 and can easily mention names like Freddie Mercury and Queens and AHA and instructing U2 on lyrics/music strategies back then (ref. Eitland).
This comes in parallel to the rumours in Norway of "just checking in with the Central Police Station of Oslo" (ref. the song of Lene Marlin "sitting down here..." by her male friend) "to get a song" (from myself, of course)!
UNESCO also has become the abusers' name on me way back then in 1982/1983, as much as Jens Stoltenberg's pedophilia arrest of Farsund "kommune", per Wikipedia document, back in those days, possibly also, displaying early pathologies with him (susp. ref. Scand. Star/Knaben Leirskole "9A" with Jan M. Tjelta/Srebrenica charges of his friendship with Slobodan Milosevic)!
The case now, latest (the sickening feeling in the stomach prevents me from translating this to you now):
Fra: Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea []
Sendt: 4. december 2012 22:46
Til: Anundsen, Anders; Fossum, Tore
Kopi: Sanner, Jan Tore
Emne: Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012
Til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Ved to eposter, Fossum, Tore, og Anundsen,
Anders, .
[Siden ingen representant fra Akershus er med i Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen så velger jeg å orientere Jan Tore Sanner, , om saken også.]
Fra Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Dato: 04.12.2012.
Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012
Mitt svar til Dere, ved Stortingets Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomite er
oppgitt i 3 punkter.
1. Først så vil jeg bemerke at Advokatforskriften oppfattes som en del av
det som er gitt ved Norsk Lovtidend og videre så er faktisk den europeiske
menneskerettighetskonvensjon, EMK, også ved bindende unilateral
forpliktelse, en dyp betraktning i utforming av Norges lover gitt ved
Stortingets daglige arbeid. Jeg finner derfor at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen har derfor et eksplisitt og umiddelbart ansvar for å
irettesette Advokatforeningen i denne sak!
Det at disiplinær-utvalgene brutalt avviser min rett til advokat og
implisitt en rettferdig rettssak, også fordi jeg lider under sterkt press,
somatisk utmattelse mv., er grovt ift. EMK, dvs. ved seksjon 1, art. 6.
2. Alle praktiserende advokater mottar salær fra Staten Norge nettopp for
å være beskyttere av verdier i samfunnet, dvs. også de verdier som er
knyttet til rettferdighet i absolutt forstand, komplett rettferdiggjort
ved samfunnets grunnlov og i forhold til profesjonsetikk. Det hjelper ikke
de noe, Advokatforeningen, at denne saken nå også er gitt ord og saksgang,
men som kanskje også gjerne har de mange andre tiede selvmordsofre og
andre forsvunnede personer under seg!
3. Gitt de to forgående punkter så vil jeg gjerne at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen revurderer min sak mot Advokatforeningen. Legg også
merke til, er Dere greie, om at de må ha visst at jeg videre ville miste
ytterligere 6 måneder (mars til september, omtr.) på å få ført min sak for
retten. Er ikke dette å forhindre rettens gang?
Vel, vel, i rettferdighetens navn vil jeg på ny be om vurdering av min
henvendelse til Dere slik som beskrevet over.
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn, Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea, tidl. Terje Lea, ved epost )
PS: Det bemerkes at hvis Advokatforeningen slipper unna med dette så står
de praktisk talt fritt til å gjøre hva de vil mot klientene sine fordi
"God Advokatskikk" (eng. CCBE's Code of Conduct) således oppheves gitt en
hvilken som helst tvilsom majoritet, enten ved brutal maktbruk eller ikke,
trusler om tortur eller ikke eller drap direkte eller ikke. Nemlig!
Uansett, vil min saks "spøkelse" som følge av eventuell negativ beslutning
fra Dere implisitt medføre en "løsere" praksis i dette spørsmål, fordi
"hvis en ikke fikk, hvorfor ikke en til..." også videre, inntil juridisk
kaos og skitten maktbruk hersker samfunnet, i verste fall!
PS2: Det bemerkes spesielt ift. Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens ansvar
for "Lov om styrking av menneskerettighetenes stilling i norsk rett (menneskerettsloven)", også kjent som "Menneskerettsloven".
PS3: Det bemerkes også at problemet med justismord og
forsvinninger spesielt har fått uttrykkelig oppmerksomhet fra Amnesty
PS4: Jeg siterer også retten til å stå opp for rettferdighet, også ved
menneskekarakter, i sanneste forstand, i kontrast med retten man IKKE har
til å insistere på kriminalitet!
PS5: Jeg håper dette svar leses i nøye kontekst med forrige svar, spesielt
med hensyn på juridisk kompetanse som jo advokatene besitter!
Videre, som tidligere:
PS6: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS7: "Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter."
PS8: Dette svar er ment å emulere et skriftlig brev og jeg forventer jo
selvfølgelig at denne epost tas like seriøst som et skriftlig brev.
Ref: Menneskerettsloven, ved Lovdata, , aksessert 04.12.2012.
(This email has been somewhat corrected to give the readers a better impression, essentially correcting 2 errors of lesser importance, not distorting the message.)
Their answer to me, of late, 4. December 2012, one only to this point, as the case demands:
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[Formalia, adresse, logo og annet.]
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Vedr. henvendelse til kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen viser til brev av 16. november i år der
det kommer frem at De har sendt en klage på tre advokater til
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens mandat er å føre kontroll med at
regjeringen og forvaltningen gjennomfører de vedtak Stortinget har fattet.
Klager på advokater, og på Advokatforeningens saksbehandling, ligger
således utenfor det komiteen kan befatte seg med.
Komiteen har derfor ingen kommentarer til der som fremkommer i Deres
Med vennlig hilsen
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[signatur med blå penn]
Anders Anundsen
[Alt over midtstilt, fra "Med vennlig...".]
(Judgment from myself: this is really a negative answer. However, I think they'll come around given the latest above.)
The start of the case against the Norwegian Bar Association, 16. November 2012, starts as given way above:
Hei dere i Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Jeg vil herved anmelde min sak om Advokatforeningen gitt et åpenbart brudd
i deres saksbehandling av min klage på 3 (tre!) advokater. ...
(Extra note in email to them, this committee:)
[Jeg beklager uformell bruk av "dere" i stedet for Dere.]
I'm pleased to inform you, on behalf of serious public concerns, that I've now made the case against "Advokatforeningen", the Norwegian Bar Association, to both the "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen", The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, og Sivilombudsmannen, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, and that I insist this is of PRINCIPAL importance. If /these/ people now have problems to understand what PRINCIPAL means to this context, they should be informed with "a hard bat"!!! Indeed, their acts that must be regarded BETRAYAL in case of subversion to the legal system, usually amounting to bureaucratic lying by "legal actions" given their positions, "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen", The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, og Sivilombudsmannen, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, "to King and Country" should be PUNISHED HARD!!!
A Christmas message due:
The case is now formally "on the move" by stamp on the court order, stating 6. December 2012, I guess my destiny-Christmas-gift from /you/! Wish me luck! Cheers!
I've chosen now to go for a verdict of the "fastsettelsesdom"-kind.
This should give me foundation enough to impel (assoc.: impeller) them to do something.
This is of course a step to pursue all rights of my creation, all that I've done and accomplished!
That they are either way BOUND to fulfill these demands because of business conventions and my stature of today,
both in the sense that they've violated my person and that I hold a significant name in the World NOW!
I e-x-pect them to take FULL BLAME! That they accept guilty to massive violations of my Human Rights by ECHR!
Also, it must be understood the I need to investigate this and pursue my rights much like the Jewish Nazi-hunters have done it!
This can demand much time and I'm prepared for it! As before: The full blame, 100% legal blame, goes to the State of Norway!
Insofar as my condition of performance as a matter of significant person, a person of intelligence, presents itself as /the/ direct insult to people, you can BLAME the (genocide-sponsoring(?), by cult_ural conn. to Serbia since 1992) NORWAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!
As for political code, it "may" be that PM Jens Stoltenberg has been /the/ cult-minister of Norway, being "satanically small, only 1,95" and owning an awfully looking motorcycle!
Over the "information embargo" by State of Norway as enforced by the State of Norway:
I have not received any phone call from abroad for the last 12 years except a slight little chatter with Scientology that regarded some questions of perceiving Scientology as this or that.
Please, also remember the notions of holding cells, secret prisons, transponders, email-interception and email service corruption and all the rest.
All in all, I'm not responsible for the (enforced) corruption of Norway! You need to address all the officials for that, Stortinget Assembly, the police forces, the lawyers, the doctors and other "accepted" elite people of this nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The transponder is, by suspicion, most used by Farsund Avis of Farsund "kommune" and Telenor, actually, by their "Teletorg" section, telephone-market in English.)
The above comes in addition, sadly enough, the tech-eyes and tech-ears, and that this makes my situation very aggravated, very severe! As before, "if my death is soon near..."!!!
To Human Rights Watch and your Embassy to Norway's failure of reporting: I am pleased to inform you that that, /soundly/, I have _NO_ worldwide lunacy scheming going on (Skyfall idiocy or other, ref. Oliver Stone's Wild Palms of tech-eyes and other) but you can put the question (Geno-) Jens S. and I think you know how to do just _that_!
The Skyfall trailer does s*ck: (all that emotionalism included).
Some in Norwergian you may want to translate (fx. Google Translate with a slight warning):
For det første, dette stresset som er påført meg utav en vanskelig juridisk situasjon har gjort meg (somatisk) SYK! Det er perioder, per dette stress, som gjør at det kan gå "en uke" uten en fot utenfor døren for å kjøpe mat eller å kunne ivareta personlig hygiene for å omgås folk i det offentlige.
Om jeg (f*en) ikke påfører paragrafene som lovgrunnlag riktig i denne situasjonen er meg klinkende likegyldig, ved dette stress igjen (og selvfølgelig ikke juridisk eller etisk)!
Enda, vet jeg heller ikke om saksomkostningene kommer til å være opplyst meg eller om de skal "føres på den ene måten eller den andre", vel vitende om at jeg på en eller annen måte har rett til å føre mine egen regning (saksomkostninger) per Tingretten.
Formelt, så har jeg også bedt om politi-beskyttelse for å føre denne sak, Berle ved Spesialenh. for Politisaker eller (f*en) ikke!!!
I've been sent this "insane"/insane email from Tore Fossum of the "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen" where he obviously displays contempt toward own duties by this:
Nå har jeg sjekket med vårt arkiv og de kan ikke se å ha mottatt noen e-post fra deg 4. desember, men derimot fikk du et svarbrev fra kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen datert 4. desember, jeg legger det ved en gang til. [Probably wrong accusation/fact statement.]
Fint om du kan sende din e-post av 4. desember en gang til [un-official email, the real you can find yourself under .]
Tore Fossum
Komitésekretariatet- Stortinget
Tel: 23 37 37 47 [wrong phone number, the real is 23 31 37 47] [un-official email, the real is as above, please, look up if you want it.]
Conclusion: something /very/ wrong is going on here!
Yes, also tfo - Tore Fossum - "Mr. Teflon", with "experiences/references" from abroad as well?
As much as there are possible references for Jens S. as J.S or J ET S (ET- latin for "and", and ET - as we know, SETI, Extra-Terrestrial, "I am an insect", the pervert reference from very early: 1,95, his biological height (rounded up) to nearest centimeter, cm, yes, that's ISO cm!
I'm denied "limited police authority" for protection of own person and for carrying through my legal matters.
As far as I can see, by the lack of confirming letter, I'm also denied additional police protection either way.
Additionally, there are suspicions that the "tingretten", lower courts, has had part in the Srebrenica massacre by the reference "Hovsæd", (loosely, NO: Royal Sperm, or by "hovmod", aloofness).
Denied as letter, received by myself today, 23. January, 2013, is signed by "Vitsø" (NO: Joke and the crate to the sewers to go, ø).
UNHR Art. 3 and 5. Unable to finish the legal matters as they stand now.
I know what a (black/corrupt) police murder is, and, if my death is imminent or not, my life lies on State of Norway (by torture clinic or not) and /moved/ toward death, in any way it may come, under these really bad decisions (of allowing these) people!!!
I note that the local courts of Baerum have FAILED (failure..., yes, their HABIT!) to carry through its duties toward me as the complaintiff, March/April, 2012 to end in February (8.), 2013, against the Justice Department (NO: Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet). Result: appeal sent yesterday to the next level, Borgarting lagmannsrett, the regional court, fortunately, the court with the highest renown in Norway, located right there in the middle of Oslo.
Also, by former abductions and "awful" treatment, i.e., the torture, possibly medically assisted, technologically assisted and with criminal implants "for this and that", that Norway's torture-induced amnesia on my person can't be allowed to speak in their favour!
The implant of the neuro-band may have played a role in this also, reading out my spine value directly from the spine!!!
I'm sorry that my 3 other blogs are not available at this time, but you should know that every Embassy representing Norway *must* accept complaints about this and admit an idiot political climate too! (If inside Norway, then choose fx. the Justice Department!)
I have now come this far in the Norwegian legal system after seeking lawyer in December 2010, through the hardship of various threats to my life and under (severe) police corruption, with "access to the torture clinic around the corner".
Case references:
"Tingretten" - the local courts:
"Lagmannsretten" - the 2nd level courts
Appeal has been sent to the "Høyesteretten" - the High Courts - the highest legal authority in Norway.
Now what? I'm still in the unknown. I haven't got a clue about the real threats. Am I being singled out for the torture assault, i.e., assault for transport to the torture clinic?
By broken business conventions, 30 years +, on my part alone (please, check the others yourself), human rights violations and criminal implants in my body, this makes the case for me against Norway and represents many insults against my life.
Another premise, a very strong one, that if I do not understand what this country has inflicted on my person and my life as insult then how can I understand insult at all? Clearly, I understand what an insult is and that I can report that I've moved abroad already "in all ways, but one"! . .
In addition,
The relocation so far:
2 trips abroad
- one immediate trip in straight irritation and anger and with recent anti-starve food in the belly, with only one night at hotel for seeing if I would survive!
- one failed "immediate" trip that required straight return the same day
2 cancelled trips of late, after these two others, to hotels pre-paid and that I've struggled to catch after first night, that is, I've kept the rooms in order to travel, but haven't found opportunity for it in terms of health/physical possibility.
All in all, 50 000 NOK blown out of the window. This comes in addition to strained money resources!
This relocation has been intended on my part to reduce conflict so that people may relax more, but I'm telling you this f*ck#¤%¤#%¤%&"%¤ and retarded country is doing grand scale hate-crimes (all sorts... also the physical, meat-shops of killing people) to the n-th degree with PM Insect-Jens to oversee the insanity play!!!
Insect-Jens: .
With "3" - Jen-sS, the Olaf S****s and Dag S****s, 3 x SS, the Nazi-SS code! Possibly...
"Uncertain how my life now unfolds, I hold the Doctors' Association accountable for any tech-eyes Anorexia program against my life, that is, they seek to kill me, possibly by The Dog, Farsund "kommune" doctor Dag S. Evanger and others, but this is in the making in the legal system who these abusive doctors have been after having been announced a clear doctor-talent myself at a young age!"
Url: .
Anorexia nervosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restrict...
Url: .
Starvation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Starvation is a severe deficiency in caloric energy, nutrient, and vitamin intake...
Url: .
Url: .
Ernst Rüdin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ernst Rüdin (April 19, 1874 - October 22, 1952), was a ...
Url: .
Josef Rudolf Mengele (German:[ˈjoːzɛf ˈʁuːdɔlf ˈmɛŋələ] (listen); 16 March 1911 ...
For the name "above": Dr. Eve !!!
The technical term may be "actuated death also by tech-eyes and other neuro-implants!!!"
Again, the nigger-prize goes to "Legeforeningen": .
The lack of physical security has made me order The High Courts of Norway to lay aside my case (for now) until physical security has improved. Critically too, that my relocation is completed before resuming it!
Part of the text:
"Bare legg saken til side, er Dere greie.
Forut for denne beslutning så har jeg gjentatt behov for økt personlig sikkerhet på flere måter, også ved beskjed til lokal politimester om innvilgelse av «begrenset politimyndighet», ref. politiloven, hvor denne loven anses av meg selv som relevant
i hvert fall formelt, dvs. at myndighet innvilges uten spesielle implikasjoner annet enn at angrep på min person etter dette må tolkes rettslig som spesielt alvorlig.
Denne beslutningen tas på grunnlag av manglende fysisk sikkerhet av egen person, også i dagliglivet, innkjøp av dagligvarer inkludert. Dette har medført /høyt/ stress og tilsvarende manglende evner til diverse, som nevnt, også i dagliglivet.
Saken kan bare gjenopptas, i min øyne, når flyttingen til utlandet er gjennomført hvor flyttingen er et ledd i nettopp økt personlig sikkerhet (og et middel imot en type galskap, jfr. "monkey-biz", som "sport eller alvorlig galskap", dvs. av sorten forbundet til fiksering av mentale inntrykk av "energier").
Takk for nå."
Confirmed: The laws concerning "fair access to the courts" and "fair hearing" and the courts laws (NO: : Domstolloven )and laws of legal disagreement (NO: Lovdata: Tvisteloven), have for all the time my case has endured, been (to some extent) violated.
The Lawsuit against the State of Norway for compensation, being one part of a complex line of Lawsuits:
Damage to my life (mental/physical, the pains etc.)
Damage to person (production of subversive material, the unhealthy actions against my life for others to do damage further)
Lost income and lost work opportunities
Loss of future income
Loss of future life quality (need for increased security, loss of "neutral person", loss of social life)
Loss of future income from own work (more w/o opportunity)
Claim from my side: Maximum compensation, with possible extra-legal demands in place... (i.e., various international matters Norway has to comply to! Legal reasonability.)
Note: the economic matters are entirely different chapters.
Confirmation of premeditated legal murder of my case in Norway for what has been running in the hidden for more than 30 years, starting with a patent for tightening power cables to prevent breakage during the winter/summer shift.
The High Courts of Norway of Norway has rejected my appeal to them by a letter that I've collected today. The verdict has the reference: HR-2013-01341-U and the case has gone through only by the letters, what /has/ to be an infringement of "access to courts" (also by police, in terms of crime) and "fair hearing". This follows the reference from the Regional Courts, the 2nd level courts, "Borgarting lagmannsrett", 13-065948ASK-BORG/04.
You can read the rest of it throughout the Norwegian legal publication (fx. ) yourself, if you want!
(What soup of Norwegian sh*t!)
Url, Borgarting "lagmannsrett": . (*A* legal excuse displayed.)
The "crime-activism" of Norway by tech-eyes/tech-ears/tech-neuro HAS TO STOP! My letter to the High Courts of Norway, today:
Til Høyesterett
Denne henvendelsen gjelder sak nr. 2013/1170 / HR-2013-01341-U.
Brevet, som rekommandert sending, har blitt hentet igår, kan jeg bekrefte.
Jeg vil straks uttrykke min misnøye med kjennelsen og si rett ut at det er begredelig at kompetansen som utvises ved landets høyeste domstol ikke er bedre enn dette, vel vitende om at Borgarting lagmannsrett ikke engang har brydd seg med om å gjennomføre noen rettssak som helst, dvs. også i overensstemmelse med kravet om "fair hearing" ved Menneskerettsloven (EMK). Det vil også si at hele denne rettsprosessen har foregått uten et eneste rettsmøte, noe som skulle påkalle skandale når tid som helst.
Det skjer også uten at jeg på noe tidspunkt påtar meg noe full advokatkompetanse i det hele tatt, dvs. jeg har kun vært egen prosessfullmektig, og at jeg ved dette kunne ha akseptert å avsluttet prosessen på ethvert nivå ved den gitt domstols formelle kompetanse, dvs. ved gyldig kjennelse/dom uansett selv om, ved egen oppfatning om sakens alvorlige natur har valgt å ta den helt til øverste nivå (i Norge). Dette er videre en "negativ" presedens [negative/black precedent] som videre bidrar til å tilsmusse Norge som navn og menneskerettighetsnasjon/demokrati, i tillegg til de andre utfordringer vi allerede har i dette landet.
Adjø [with Ø, the grate].
Vennlig hilsen
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Eventually, the case is turning up here as the registry gets updated: [Last date input: 2013-06-26.]
Grate removed (for now).
Here is an important update:
Delivering text twice: News on the verdict from the High Courts of Norway, "Høyesterett".
It must be so that the current verdict is WRONG because a verdict in a possible favour to the Justice Department (short form) holds nothing interesting for them, the High Courts! There is no possibility for the verdict to go in Justice Department's favour because they are prevented from justifying plain crime/breach of human rights, logically.
So there is only one way to think about this left and it is this: that the message to myself must be wrong and that by already entering the High Courts for consideration, this is really a power statement, that this is a statement to crack down on idiocy that blitzes from a top point of authority in Norway to those who have failed to comply.
Here goes, consequently, a new round of legality stuff. Let's see what happens.
2nd conclusion: Logically, the case nr. 2013/1170 must be seen as suspended or invalidated for now.
Url: .
I have received an email recently from the High Courts of Norway some hours ago and as you can see by the email from them, they do seem to insist on making this blatant vile of Norway a black precedent of the deepest kind! Grate on again to them. Such professional idiot-work can't be accepted in the World today as I lie down 30 years of periods with very severe pains and very ugly acts against myself and my closest!
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea,
Jeg viser til Deres e-posthenvendelser 4. og 9. juli 2013.
Sak nr. 2013/1170 ble avsluttet ved Høyesteretts ankeutvalgs kjennelse 25. juni 2013 (HR-2013-01341-U), og Deres henvendelse kan ikke sees å foranledige noe mer fra Høyesteretts side.
Med hilsen
Høyesteretts kontor den 12. juli 2013
Gunnar Bergby
"Before I die", I say that I appeal, by public message the High Courts of Norway's decision to reject my appeal to them.
The case I appeal is no. 2013/1170.
And it starts with Article 6.1 or the ECtHR on grounds that Norway has failed to represent myself or my family in the courts for the crime that has been committed against us for 30 years and ongoing, myself, possibly hit the hardest. Unknown, really because of the lack of resources and the failure of them to comply with (direct) work duties.
So here is: I appeal to ECtHR, Strasbourg, France on the grounds that Norway has blatantly violated my human rights for many years, for corruption money, their corrupt minds, i.e., insanity and socio-political grounds of other, like some ideas of holding a powerful/worthy person in captivity to enforce a kind of direct fear for something to go awfully wrong.
The case should be clear and we start with the most recent non-case of "Borgarting lagmannsrett" of refusing to carry through my case, failing most the courts' duties, the "Domstolloven" and "Tvisteloven". The case there has the referance: 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 and can be found under .
This is out from me for now. There is no longer no doubt over the behaviour these people display in blindsight of laws and regulations, in not the humanism proper, i.e., of old, from exactly France.
That is, the barrier of torture that awaits, is impossible to walk through, hence frozen to the spot, to the bedside!
When they do not have the performance that would kill the suspicion and they lack the disciplinary actions too, how can I or we trust them with any fact that they are not there to do it again? Certainly, the police reports ZERO, f¤%#%#"¤%¤"% NOTHING!
(And this is inline with something else (The Attention to These Cases)... Something that looks like death...)
Finally, this may add to zero-result ECtHR, Strasbourg, and the rest, business, academia, GONE!
My grievous state through the years, "fears of abduction, torture, assaults out of thin air, injustice from idiots, calling my closest people and check if they are alive..." The situation has been extreme... Now that the analysis is finished, the shame for them looks severe/tremendous... Conclusion: Norway not again.
The Case of Mine - 1170/2013 - While Facebook is working... USA declares scant note from Ol*nes-Lea, that Humieanist...
For the High Court of Justice, Høyesterett, three measures of punishment exist in case of blatant wrongdoing/corrupt ruling:- The Court case against any of its members for high treason, i.e., such as Nixon by the Watergate Scandal. (NO: Riksrettssak.)- Plain dismissal from job, leave in dishonour.- Legal blindness, the insanity notions in having provided corrupt ruling (only/blatantly/failed horribly/shown deep misbehaviour.
Other, the High Court of Justice can't simply provide corrupt ruling because they, by this, commit "attacks" on own legal system, and these are not permitted in any sense.øyesterett
This remains as one hope by their "approval" for 30 years + of awful crime against myself and my family, supporting criminal syndicate, Dr. Schwein, Dr. Ev-il/"Mars-choc.-"anger and the rest of the sh*theads!
"Taken out and shot on street?" because they are corrupt?!
My case: 1170/2013 - by ...
High Court of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgHer Majesty's High Court of Justice in England (usually known as the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, the High Court of Justice or, simply, the High Court) is, together with the Court of Appeal and the Crown Court, one of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. Its name is abbreviated as…
The "Høyesterett" is to resume 12th August, only one day, tomorrow, on Monday. . .
(NO: riksrettssak = riksrett , i.e., riksrettssaken er SATT!)
EN: .
the schizophrenia "charges" against my life have been overturned (lately) in that I've (now) been found to have passed the tests. Besides, new code for my situation has been admitted me.
partly at least, the medical examinations of me indicate/prove what I've said all along, that I've been (severely) abused/tortured, the rest. That, by and large, my story/account checks IN!
Under "unlawful detention" in Norway:
Declaration: All of my copyrights are hereby granted to other people as follows...:
Generally, country specific, copyright is awarded to legally appointed person by each and every nation where this is wanted because Norway has failed to comply with international and domestic legal obligations concerning my person. Specifically, by these 3 pts:
1. Norway does not fufill its legal obligations even when circumstances are plainly in the face and with "eyes wide open".
2. Norway has obstructed me, effectively, from travelling abroad for health services twice, at least, and is consistently preventing me from relocating to a place abroad too!
3. By all the verdicts of High Court of Justice, Norway (NO: Høyesterett, reference: 2013/1170) and Borgarting "lagmannsrett" (EN: District Court/County Court, reference: 13-065948ASK-BORG/04), Norway has approved grievous crime for more than 30 years and running!
"To parties abroad, you are now free to act! I'm hereby worthless!" (Implying failure to publish my work according to laws and regulations based on intellectual strength/competence/talent.)
Sweden, Germany or other country can assume the rights from Norway, legally seizing all values there, i.e., intellectual property rights etc.
PS: Formal note, these "transferred" copyrights can be transferred back to me if I'm to successfully present myself abroad at any point in time. This is a part of legal circumstances that cause this agreement, by this text, to be "reasonable" with suitable reward money granted for having carried the responsibilites if these copyrights are to be transferred back to me at all.
Despite some information that may display me as one person who has access to "larger" amounts of cash, this is not true! These instances are only cases of misinformation and that (now) the only recent information valid is the one from (Tax Authority of Norway). Still, I may have some "funds" in the X00 000s of NOK in FIXED assets, but in terms of available, "liquid" money, I'm still impoverished by Norwegian STATE-CRIMES! "Hah-hah-hah, state-crime, poverty, logical truths, hah-hah-hah, tough one, Beavis! Butthead laughing!!!"
The Possible Dying of Humanity
I "fondly" remember the words by somebody renowned:
"That it's only for the good to die onto themselves so that the evil can have the chance to eradicate themselves." (Paraphrase only, noting the implication for the end for _this_ humanity)
- Yet again, for Earth to renew itself, hopefully to a better destiny.
This coincides well with the stalwartness I hope to instill with the Religious by "God closing the door on humanity possibly" so that 1. they join with God truly because they have the rationale to stay with Religion and God 2. so that humanity that remains can get what it deserves after betraying these people, whatever the group.
By all this, I hope the grand, global communion can also be felt stronger and the drive toward God set adamantly.
Note: Clearly, this has a parallel in my own life here in Norway, suffering under the inhuman injustices, the history that has torture in it, along with abductions/kidnapping, also to USA and other places. This is a message "that I'm in good faith!"
I accuse Jens Stoltenberg for enlisting a gang for the means to his political ends/gains known as The (Nazi) Jugend List where Nazi Jugend describes a band of people possibly going all the way by immoral actions, such as torture of people and more (threats, etc.). I also suspect Stoltenberg for living in Farsund local district for some time, probably thereby starting his enlisting of horrible/dubious people. To be true, I don't know the story 100%. I may be wrong.
I can also claim that Norwegian vileness may have had tentacles to genocidal Serbia from 1991 - 1995 and so may have had "people on the ground" during the Srebrenica massacre ("perhaps" never mentioned by Norwegian media nor ever been given an account of by them):
"2 - Norwegian Assistance to BiH 1991-2008"
"Norway became engaged in the Western Balkans as soon as hostilities broke out in
1991, by providing humanitarian assistance in BiH and Croatia. Once the DPA was
signed, focus was shifted towards reconstruction and development, and subsequently
to aiding the process of Euro-Atlantic association, state-building and democratization.
Support for the Western Balkans was classified as Official Development Assistance
(ODA) and thus could have been expected to be handled by Norway’s development
cooperation agency Norad. Because of the highly political nature of Norway’s
engagement in the region, however, and the fact that the main actors on the donor
side were political and/or security bodies like the EU, OSCE and NATO, the MFA
decided that it would manage the funds itself. Only during the period 1999-2003
was Norad formally involved, when it was asked to manage the medium-term
activities in BiH and Albania. All along, however, Norway emphasized the importance
of ensuring that its aid was aligned with and supported overall policy objectives
of the international community."
"During the period 1992-1995, the annual allocations were for humanitarian aid and
relief, along with support to IDPs. The key aim for Norway’s early aid, according to
an MFA review document from 1997, was “to assist the refugees as close to their
place of origin as possible. The Norwegian program has therefore had BiH as its
focus of attention” (Annex I, our translation). The Budget Documents presented a
running political analysis of the conflict, being quite realistic concerning the timelines
and how soon the conflict might end during the first years."
Ref.: "Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation with the Western Balkans" by, p. 13.
I claim that parts of or all the Norwegian vileness to Serbia has been led by Jens Stoltenberg and his associates.
Jens Stoltenberg:, where the biography of his has a black hole from "10 yo. to 40 yo.", I don't know exactly how big it is. Again, the media has been ignorant/neglecting (of its duties).
Then, "recently": an incident took place as I was on the train bound for Oslo Central Station from south of Norway, having been with my father for a week. So: in came 3 or 4 men and one of the men (as I've stood up, in having sensed "something") closed up to me and suddenly stabbed me with a needle that had blue contents. I have a problem with needles into the blood vessels so I fainted.
As I woke up I was out of bounce and didn't have the energy to face (corrupt/idiot) police again only to be told how schizophrenic I was. So I do not bother to contact them...
All in all, they have stepped up "their game" as their mistreatment of me, in diagnosing me wrongly (instead of rightful depression/anxiety, anxiety: fear of getting tortured again, etc.) with "failure to understand reality" schizoaffective disorder...
So, finally, having been stressed and tired since the incident on the train (when I have wanted to get fit, exercising) the above is written in ANGER! Make no mistake about it! I hope they pay for their horrors amply!
(If I'm given the backpack... Maybe I will too!)
an incident took place as I was on the train bound for Oslo Central Station from south of Norway, having been with my father for a week. So: in came 3 or 4 men and one of the men (as I've stood up, in having sensed "something") closed up to me and suddenly stabbed me with a needle that had blue contents. I have a problem with needles into the blood vessels so I fainted.
- Time: some time after 15:00 CEST, 9th May, 2017! On the train, a trip that I completed to Oslo, Norway, appx. where I live.
Regarding communication: I have not received any (significant) letters since my rise to fame in 1981/82! I have strong reasons to believe that much of the communication to me has been blocked (and possibly redirected). People (unkown who) may have answered in my name! My case is severe indeed! #UDHR #violations
Phone calls are somewhat the same! Although I remember a rush of phone calls in Hauglia, Farsund '83 or so and some other phone calls, fairly few!
Money too: I have not received money from abroad! And I have not received money from inside of Norway either other than the money I've earnt myself! This should also be evident from the transparency of tax reports open to the public, formerly, and semi-open now!
My family is being misled and misinformed by the Norwegian authorities for the sake of corrupt money and evil itself! Feel free to inform them yourself!
For all practical purposes, I have reported myself to:
Contact Granskingsutvalget (Norwegian Investigation body into malpractice)
Director Torkild Vinther, phone +47 23 31 83 24
Please send e-mails to
This contact (will) concern criminal implants (in the head, mobile unit in the stomach, several heat-photovoltaic units by carbon units), wrongful medication, wrongful diagnosis (Schizoaffective Disorder).
Seeking the Controversial - The misunderstandings of a World condition. This is what I intend to write about! All from suppressing suicidal people's ability to commit suicide, systematically, just to get the most PAIN out of them to some Police corruption in the World to Idiot Political Leaders and how we are going to disclose them! One thing: follow USA! (But perhaps not all the crime that goes on in the World and perhaps not ALL that could jeopardize my security!)
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"...of absurdly _trying to defend_ the denial legal services that I've requested several times.." Sorry! Now restated!!
ReplyDeleteLastly, epitomised by 3 separate instances of absurdlytrying to defend the denial of legal services that I've requested several times, by The Lawyers' Association, The Disciplinary Board, by case references OSL-022-2011 (two of these, by same selection of lawyers), OSL-021-2011!!! That is, not only have 3 lawyers denied me legal services, but the Lawyers' Assoc. has absurdly defended these decisions to deny me legal services!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a direct report of human rights violations from within a country that has formerly been little known for its horrible people! I hope this changes both for my own country and for the World at large and that these perpetrators can get persecuted properly in the name of the LAW!!! (We the people ACCUSE you...!!!)
ReplyDeleteAlso now posted to Human Rights Watch!
There will be no excuses granted in this regard to say that "we/I didn't know"!!! Because now you know it DAMN well!!!
Welcome to the theatre 10. Dec. this year to witness The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony at Oslo City Hall and other related events! It is going to be great fun to have the Norwegian stutters as they try to utter the solemn words that they are nowhere NEAR to RESPECT! Come and watch!! TV or something else! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThe 2nd theatre scene we are going to enjoy in some time to come is the Breivik case, set for 16. April, with great laughs of a self-indulgent Norwegian people with so skewed eyes, just looking at them undoubtedly remind you of fish, but you need to think about it a little before you get there, that is, of them, the Norwegians as fish!!! Cheers #2! (Is that a bullett or a hash?)
ReplyDeleteIt's worth noting that Amnesty International got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977.
ReplyDelete(You can also note other laureates like ILO, UN and other notable good organisations like UNHCR, UNICEF and Red Cross (...Croix...)!)
Article 26.
ReplyDelete(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all _on the basis of merit_.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(2/3 noted here)
Article 27.
ReplyDelete(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Article 1.
ReplyDeleteAll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Degrading treatment - "a bus or two or none at all, as if they never knew!!!"
ReplyDeleteArticle 8.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 12.
ReplyDeleteNo one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
(Just in case it is hard to reach me!!!)
Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThey may also be distributed through professional networks of Norway, like the Police and the hospitals, supporting the political prisoner "theory" of mine! And from these networks, straight abroad to other professional networks!
ReplyDeleteI now have a list that I want YouTube feedback on or any other if you like:
We, the family, or I haven't received the slightest note from the Police or any other whatsoever! Do these exist by these names? Are they means of extortion or "amputation of my life"?
If you get hold of them, feel free to place any bureaucrat's face on them instead from this despicable country of widespread corruption (incl. human rights violations), please!!!
You can also "drown your sadness in BLOOD" to any extent you like!!! I don't excuse THEM!!!
I have now deleted all the referances that first got written to the above posting on this blog because I find that these references are no longer important! I find that Norway has or is now using these references to tarnish my name and reputation (and to damage my life economically and in other ways, fx. by life possibilities and health, physical and mental)! It is still a fairly important goal to have all of this persecuted in the name of the law and that I right now can name the State of Norway to be the defendant by the Justice Minister or so! We'll see!!! (Besides, you can forget about blackmailing me! I WILL NOT BOW to extortion!!!)
ReplyDeleteSome paranoia/"paranoia", please, excuse me if this insults you: I've had some RFID thoughts in the past that I'm not electronically neutral in the sense that I may have an unwanted RFID in me that sends information to my "masters" on a recharging piezoelectrical basis. And there's more too: not only can they possibly to this, but there may be rechargable piezo-electrical effects in merely taking the neurological signals (out of any nervous thread throughout, even from inside the fingers) and that this enters IPhone of Apple through some "app for IPhone" and so to speed up US American business on a Monkey-biz basis, AND (perhaps most degradingly) through the use of my life-line, the mobile phone, to transfer the sickest signals to any person wandering around "based on network information", thus "Terje has angst now" (also by degrading personal first name) when I may be scared because being scared probably transfers a certain signature signal to these IPhone of these people! Now, if I have claims against the State of Norway? Yes, and they count at least 15/30 articles by the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights!!! F*cking freaks, I'm telling you... And no mercy too!
ReplyDeleteAll the while they think they are in control, I just cite: "Head like a hole, black as your soul, I'd rather die than give you control..." Now, this implies ALL the f*ck I can get on them! They will not receive the slightest acceptance for excuse or mercy!!! F*ck you!!!
ReplyDeleteI now have a list that I want YouTube feedback on or any other if you like:
ReplyDelete"I have the pleasure to present "the latest f*ck" from Norway!" This time with a special 30-minutes piece from Farsund "Kommune", possibly also streamed from Ulleval/Ullevål Hospital, "Helse Øst"! "We in Norway hope you get to enjoy it and don't save yourself if you get to meet "it", that thing, Mr. Lea/Olsnes-Lea!" All in all, there's a special 3 hours compilation out now from the Norwegian backdoors on exactly this "thing"! The latest addition to the references: L Moleta / (Angel by symbol) Moleta, those good 30 minutes! "Go, go, go, go!"
The list is now:
Films of perverse "Norwegian delights":
Three / 3
The Three Los Gringos
20/22 Floors (2 films?)
The Hand
Jojo (kanskje bare hos forhåndsgodkjente folk, men altså også hos utlendinger!)
Eljen (pedofili - transgresjon, Åsted: Lista Flystasjon/Militærleir)
The Acid
Tobin Oak
Chisel / Cheasel / Cheazel
Day ONE(!)
o - The Ring - (lowercase o, the letter of the alphabet)
Rompa Stompa
Helter Skelter
L Moleta / (Angle by symbol) Moleta - the latest bang star movie - 30 minutes of delights!
Gate (barrier in English as well as entrance)
All starring the thing, Mr. Lea / Olsnes-Lea! Enjoy! Remember to also get the 3 hours compilation, this just in!!!
You should remember that Ulleval also holds that special trauma unit, researching traumatic events, you can identify the name yourself!
Maybe they have closed that unit now, yes, too much fooking, you know...!
We, the family, or I haven't received the slightest note from the Police or any other whatsoever! Do these exist by these names? Are they means of extortion or "amputation of my life"?
If you get hold of them, feel free to place any bureaucrat's face on them instead from this despicable country of widespread corruption (incl. human rights violations), please!!!
You can also "drown your sadness in BLOOD" to any extent you like!!! I don't excuse THEM!!!
Heh, heh, heh, yes, psychological research too, heh-heh-heh! You should remember that Ulleval also holds that special trauma unit, researching traumatic events, you can identify the name yourself!
ReplyDelete"This must be the subliminal signal from himself: "Bang me! Bang me!" Straight from the coolest place on Earth with the most exotic detached houses in the World, also in holding people in population, percentage of population!"
ReplyDeletePerhaps David Guetta can also fill you in just for getting out the latest song, that is, "if you don't..., then I publish this latest sh*t from Norway" (and you can get quite an effect from that, the adage goes from Norway)!!!
Yes, I was forgetting the reference "Gate", but is it...?
Update: the latest attacks/degradations (directed by "State of Norway"): Buss 1 and Buss 2 (Bus 1 and 2, extensive attacks aided by anasthetics). Footage produced? Probably! Who were there? I don't know! Latest: tased at the Supermarket! Target/meaning: Unknown! (November, 2011?) Protection is virtually not there or exists only in informal terms!
ReplyDeleteOn the Internal Affairs and its lawyer's response on complaint made to them by encouragement of Baerum Police Station: On the matters of Berle, from the Internal Affairs of Norway, "Spesialenheten for Politisaker", it is noted in his response to me that "I'm not considered in this matter to be a part of the population", perhaps saying or claiming (wrongfully) that I'm safe! However, if one interprets this more dubiously several things can come out of it, in addition "to laying it aside", 1. the population is only considered to be valid people of a certain personality, 2. the population doesn't suffer from "unreasonable threats" as out of lunatic doctors, hauling a hanger with torture instruments and aided by corrupt cops too! Either way, the consequences of these 2 are:
ReplyDelete(My hope was for a commission to be erected and have my own case lifted into the lights, with the appropriate credits for this, for coming up with the idea, or at least, getting to a contact and initiating the case set for Strasbourg standards, decided on own soil or in France.)
Over to the matter: that he fails a good, valid judgment on who the population really are, failing to serve his position.
That he says something over personality (also by leaning on to hearsay, picking up an alleged "white" personality while demanding red, brown or black! In either case, he makes a judgment over whole scores of the population, contributing to the practical legislation of tortureous threats (the hardest threats there are in society) against every child, youth and adult there is in Norway, enforcing a kind of "Nazi" extermination policy against those who don't qualify or fall victim to a hating mind, of course, again, including myself and my whole story and up to this point, today, 03.02.2012, morning hours!
The link: !
What is Written...: Various Writings from the Former Blogs (by #8 Starting with late
Å utsette befolkningen for et urimelig trusselbilde - Anmeldelse
Various!Opprettet av Terje Lea 2010-12-31 06:33:58 [CET]
Jeg har sent følgende anmeldelse til Politiet 17. september 2010 22:55 ved og . Emne:
Anmeldelse til Politiet !
Oppdatering, 28.10.2010: Spesialenheten for Politisaker har henlagt anmeldelsen. Dette er av brev datert 19.10.2010. Brevet er signert Paal Henrich Berle (på verv i Spesialenheten). Brevet har også SAK NR 10167981 731/10-123. Jeg kommer ikke til å påklage avgjørelsen for noen smartinger (utenom min familie) griper seg til hodet og tar noen gode [les: etiske/humane for H*lvete!] avgjørelser! Jeg holder selvsagt Politiet ANSVARLIGE for det meste av kriminaliteten som foregår i Norge fordi det teknisk sett burde kunne kontrolleres ned relativt greit til et akseptabelt nivå (dvs. partikulære hendelser som plutselig oppstår og som det med rimelighetens personvern er umulige å hindre gitt dagens mennesker).
(From the original blog: !
What is written...
This is my personal blog of views and whatever else information that I come up with. Enjoy!
Latest: tazed at the Supermarket! Target/meaning: Unknown! (November, 2011?) Protection is virtually not there or exists only in informal terms! (Typo: tased -> tazed!)
ReplyDeleteIn relation to the list above: DON'T EXCLUDE NORWAY FROM THE TORTURE SET-UPS. And as much as they have produced this "degradation" material on me for subverting my person into submission... Well, well, I think this becomes clear to you!
ReplyDeleteRelated material follows below on "intelligence matters in the World":
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
While Facebook is down... Top Secret is Presented under Air America...
Under Air America, it can be worth checking out Top Secret. The movie is about some CIA operation or whatever, loosely from memory, about taking a castle, one that we can call "Hindenburg", a symbol of the Nazi ideology, and how difficult it is to overthrow such when indeed human nature is as it is.
[Entered a bit later:]
Hollywood is famous for its hippie march over "peace and freedom" and I think this movie depicts just this, that frustration over World matters when there more than enough in the World to make the World an intelligent place, in terms of systems, science, knowledge, medicine and the work that needs to be completed, that is, we know what it takes, but how to get there when the World is as it is?!
Not only this, but I think the movie also displays some features over the nature of entering the intelligence services and how to make it all come together, with personal causes start to build up, also in speaking of hostility and "incompatibilities" in work!
Top Secret is a comedy. You can find it here, as description: by url, and "Top Secret! (1984)
ReplyDeletePG 90 min - Action | Comedy | Romance - 11 October 1984 (Norway)
Parody of WWII spy movies in which an American rock and roll singer becomes involved in a Resistance plot to rescue a scientist imprisoned in East Germany.
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and 1 more credit »
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and 2 more credits »
Val Kilmer, Lucy Gutteridge and Peter Cushing
Also check out this movie:
THIS is the movie: "Three Days of the Condor (1975)"
"A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust."
Sydney Pollack
Writers: James Grady (novel), Lorenzo Semple Jr. (screenplay),
Stars: Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and Cliff Robertson
Posted by L.F.O.-L. at 16:10:00
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Labels: CIA, nazi ideology, top secret
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:13 AM
Hollywood is famous for its hippie march over "peace and freedom" and I think this movie depicts just this, that frustration over World matters when there more than enough in the World to make the World an intelligent place, in terms of systems, science, knowledge, medicine and the work that needs to be completed, that is, we know what it takes, but how to get there when the World is as it is?!
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:17 AM
Not only this, but I think the movie also displays some features over the nature of entering the intelligence services and how to make it all come together, with personal causes start to build up, also in speaking of hostility and "incompatibilities" in work!
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:22 AM
Top Secret is a comedy. You can find it here, as description: by url, and "Top Secret! (1984)
PG 90 min - Action | Comedy | Romance - 11 October 1984 (Norway)
Parody of WWII spy movies in which an American rock and roll singer becomes involved in a Resistance plot to rescue a scientist imprisoned in East Germany.
Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Writers:
...Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Stars:
ReplyDeleteVal Kilmer, Lucy Gutteridge and Peter Cushing
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:28 AM
Also, in terms of resources, that money mostly end up with the corrupt and that "the course of the righteous (and religious)" takes place on a lower level, at the "farmers / farm workers level"! Just a notice to the struggles of Jihad vs. /some/ "western" features of "established money and rights/titles" and the classic North (rich) and South (poor) divide that one usually discusses in political science. You can include the "Operation Condor" or something with Robert Redford over some intelligence services comment, this being set in the Cold War (Soviet Union and Communism). Make sure you hit the right movie because I'm uncertain about the title...
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:30 AM
You can also check out "Spy Game (2001)
Retiring CIA agent Nathan Muir recalls his training of Tom Bishop while working against agency politics to free him from his Chinese captors.
Director: Tony Scott, Writers:
Michael Frost Beckner (story), Michael Frost Beckner (screenplay)" as a matter of work for democracy!
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:32 AM
THIS is the movie: "Three Days of the Condor (1975)"
"A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust."
Sydney Pollack
James Grady (novel), Lorenzo Semple Jr. (screenplay), and 1 more credit »
Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and Cliff Robertson
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:47 AM
You can add several more movies to this line of thinking, but one in particular that has importance is the: The Evil That Men Do by Charles Bronson. It certainly sheds some light on the southern countries of USA and I recall particular Argentina and the military people, but you can add Honduras and all else. I think it's fairly obvious that TORTURE has always/usually been and is a "political tool" that's now being /used/ by more and more countries and not anything either, but by the medical doctors as you would anticipate! Beware!
L.F.O.-L.Feb 22, 2012 07:53 AM
DON'T EXCLUDE NORWAY FROM THE TORTURE SET-UPS. And as much as they have produced this "degradation" material on me for subverting my person into submission... Well, well, I think this becomes clear to you!
I'd also like to note that I'm now in direct danger to get assaulted and treated hideously and appearing as not my own person after any such treatment! They lurk there to corrupt my personality and I'm not free to move about in society! There is no police services provided for me and this takes a direct toll on my personal cleanliness and being able to plan for relocation to another country! I may not be able to come out of this country (alive) as a direct consequence of Norway's overt legal practice and state approved CRIME!!!
ReplyDeleteRelating to these /degrading/ references, true or not, that have been produced so as to make me a suitable person for persecution,
ReplyDeleteare now, wholly, to be placed on Norway, by medical personnel and police personnel, for making this awfulness possible!
There is NO WAY in HELL that Norway ever will escape this /hard/ responsibility, probably having used /that/ torture set-up from
this place to that!!! You are forever GUILTY until sentences have been served, here or in Hell, and compensation has been paid before I ever bother to /think/ about accepting an apology! You now HAVE IT, it's up to you and your LEGACY what you will present yourself as!
So go ahead, please, and do yours!!! You have NO EXCUSES until then!!!
This refers to a certain list that I think has been placed on my name by these people. You'll find it on 29. Jan. 2012 (and also above)!
"You'll find it on 29. Jan. 2012." refers to my profile under Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteUpon this alleged generated list of degrading content (of movie sequences or snippets, all combined), I think there's likelihood that these have been prepared by Police forces and resources, i.e., professionally and that psychiatrists and psychologists and various others have aided the production of these, that is, also hospital resources have been used and medical expertise. We are still talking about the content of 29. Jan. down here on this profile and on Controversial777 on Blogspot. Further, there are supporting cases of abductions of 1993, autumn, 1995, summer (vacation), 1997, autumn and finally 1998 also autumn (for now... more are suspected, showing how abandoned the Police has been (also in the head, incl. the "famous" and "all-powerful" KRIPOS)!!! There is no doubt: THIS COUNTRY IS DEEPLY GUILTY OF SEVERE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND THEY KNOW IT IN FULL!!! (Norway, that is.)
ReplyDeleteA smaller case of abduction is questioned in 1999, going to Larvik, lasting about 24 hours! Yet, the above, of at least two went to USA, have been lasting 7 days or more of severe, disgusting, degrading abuse of my person!!!
The above is first entered recently on Facebook under my profile!
ReplyDeleteOf course, the Police has not informed my family at any point in time up to now! To my knowledge, not any family member has taken part in these abductions, they were committed by strangers, people we knew little about!
ReplyDeleteBreach of Lawyer's Code of Conduct - Accusations
ReplyDeleteLawyers involved (in order of contact):
Mette Yvonne Larsen
Rikke Lassen
Cecilie Elisabeth Schjatvet
Lawyers' Bar Association, Disciplinary Board for Complaints:
6 (dubious or not, handling two of the complaints)
For RL
Geir Knutsen
Morten Poulsson
Ida Flaatten
Originally, these were set up with 6 lawyers. Now I find one letter forged and I've thereby lost 3 names from the original 6! I'll come back to the other 3!
All 3 women were at the point in time seated at the "Human Rights" Panel by The Lawyers' Bar Association (i.e., Advokatforeningen)! They were also chosen to avoid any "testosterone idiocy", also referred to as the psychological compatibility principle!
By insisting on 1.2 as superior to 3.3.1, they finalise (hitherto) a violation of my fundamental right to a fair trial (to which, in my condition) I've deeply needed!!!
It's worth noting that EVERY (God damn) lawyer is (publicly) licensed and to be considered a public person. THEY HAVE (HARD) DUTIES!!!
Some references, still: OSL-020-2011, OSL-021-2011, OSL-022-2011!
Our good Swede speaking about Norway as "the last Soviet State" (of the Soviet Union) is now rather "and more /classically/" reformulated as referring to Norway as "/The/ _First_ Satanist Nation(!)" with deep craving for power, influence and some money, unknown how much! Note: "Classically" as from "Han Terje", almost as "Han Solo", but please mind Norwegian sensitivities in this matter! Note2: Norway, thus, is a growing "Kopps"-country (word intended, please look up)! Beware people!
ReplyDeleteIt should be clear by this (the 2 former ""points") that if I don't make /get out of Norway/ I'm ready to die in *blunt* contempt (or hate) of /it/!!! ("Hi-hi-hi!!!") 3 minutes ago And you can /dream/ about changing it, but you can't!! I KNOW you!!!
Note: In that embarrassing state of being self-chained under the most dubious New York a** out of hate for "this and that" (with or without the public "terlet" scene)!!!
Charicaturely over their mindset, incl. "The Fly": Under Stoltenberg's love for Breivik: The "inner Stoltenberg" probably would have preferred that _everybody_ died from torture and most pleasingly the children, but the massive reputation from Breivik's "terrorist" actions has made exactly this bombing and shooting massacre /accepted/! (Uhh! It was a /stretch/, Stoltenberg says, but newspaper reading made my affection come through deep from the pen*s and the b*tt and all theway "up"!!! Ehh... *Blushing*...)
Note:This is /directly/ related to the actions of putting my family "under the guillotine" and utter craze of human rights violations and under motives of economical exploitation and pervertism!!!
"Welcome to Norway" by Amnesty International (2008 or 07?) as if women are not the only ones suffering under idiot rule!!! F*ck....@$£@$£@$£$£€$€€@£$$£€$€$@£$@£$€$€€££$$@£@£!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is how it goes when you raise the idiothead from countryside, being the factoryworker John G., /the/ Jangling Jack of Norway all the way to the top and only having a "two-finger rule trick" to come up with, one of them being "torture on another"!!!
For finding an idiot, real "estate": "The life under direct threats from torture-clinic set-up has made a fine case for brevity with this man, mr. Olsnes-Lea, so evidently displayed by everything he writes." Consequently, I'm sorry for the lack of standard academic quality with my /ideas/ and the outright style of writing to blogs and Facebook! Regards,
Under Stoltenberg's love for Breivik, by charicature of political activism: The "inner Stoltenberg" probably would have preferred that _everybody_ died from torture and most pleasingly the children, but the massive reputation from Breivik's "terrorist" actions has made exactly this bombing and shooting massacre /accepted/! (Uhh! It was a /stretch/, Stoltenberg says, but newspaper reading made my affection come through deep from the pen*s and the b*tt and all theway "up"!!! Ehh... *Blushing*...)
Decisive, striking blow against *them*: This is /directly/ related to the actions of putting my family under the "guillotine" and utter craze of human rights violations and under motives of economical exploitation and pervertism!!! Extra note on *Pervertism*!!!
Yes... I am to become vindicated and I work HARD for it (and a bit relentlessly too)!!!
ReplyDeleteNot only that, but this too: Now, let me tell you (a version, at least) of how easy I imagine it is (for some) suicide candidates (whether I am one or not is mutti-f*cking PRIVATE and I do not need "clarification advise from /this/ friend (psychologist)"): first, being invisible enough, and not being persecuted by a body of people, all included, with or w/o military/police resources and competence. So there you go... Some peo...ple spit at you and tell you to die, that is, to suicide... Yes, that is easy, given this "body of people", persecuting you (on informal level, of course, and "let's not forget the paranoid factors involved") by radio hunting these placed RFIDs by mini-surgery (while sedated, covertly or not) or placing the words around that movements on this person by information is wanted so that, you know, they blow the very (fragile and deeply personal) privacy of this person, making one's VERY PRIVATE considerations over chances, where these idiots sit there and "clip" the button for turning this consideration of this person falsely, so that this person can imagine that one falls prey to torture regardless or that the suicide is made under false premises, being wholly psychological (by these telepathic connections and under possible threat and danger of severe hospital torture! And YES, it's TRUE, this person is to carry out these considerations PRIVATELY and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!! The very question is (well f*cked out of your consideration) only this person's own and evidently so, this person is always objective in this consideration and the only valid judge on one very own matter whether suicide is right or wrong!!! I hope you GET THIS, please!!! Being a victim in these circumstances is not easy and these f*cks ("#¤%¤%Y%&(&"¤&%&(%&&"#¤%, and the rest of the "99 swearing words") are equally despicable and subject to one's own criminal conscience of trying to wage such f*ck toward people, blatantly violating _fundamental_ human rights!!! Bye for now! Exactly fitting under this writing: If I need support in critical terms? Maybe... Is it so hard for Amnesty Int. to "lift a poster"?!!!
ReplyDeleteI read from the USA embassy to Norway that Norway has no particular crimes going against its population. I hereby strongly OBJECT to this! If USA intends to be serious concerning the human rights and its business practice, they need to alter the following report because I claim, on the contrary to this grave crime against its own nation that the embassy is acting out its duties on behalf of, that there are consistently committed serious offences in Norway against its own population such as using hospitals for torture and using medicine as aid for it as well along with several suspected doctors "with tours in USA, names: Tone Hapnes, Svein Arne Hapnes and Inge Joa"!!! The link: These outright and hideous criminals will not be left to rest and I hold you, The Embassy, accountable!!! Mark my words!
ReplyDeleteSecondly I also cite this report as dubious: on same groundings!
ReplyDeleteTrafficking in Persons Report 2011
25 minutes ago
The embassy can start with my Youtube video: Violation of human rights by Norway - Proof! !
Violation of human rights by Norway - Proof!
"This video displays proof that Norway doesn't intend to provide legal services f..."
23 minutes ago
My case against the Justice Department (Pol og Ber. Dep.) concerns 15/30 violations against the UN Decl. of Hum. Rights.
9 minutes ago
More at my blog on Blogspot:
7 minutes ago
Message Regarding the Blatant Violations of My Human Rights already from Thursday, 24 November 2011, starting with a meeting at the Sandnes Police Station in 2000 and finally being "admitted" a police complaint in 2003!!!
5 minutes ago
Written to Facebook under my profile, Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, a short while ago!
For some possible background: Studio 54 can have a special part in my life in that ("Studio 54 reopened on September 12, 1981 with a guest ...", from Wikip.) as it somehow got on air, I would have a radio-transmitter implanted by these crazy doctors, that sent a signal that launched exactly Studio 54 (this night or on this opening or during this nights show). I'm /that/ crazy to claim this. How big the radio-transmitter has been, I don't know. Also, I don't know the range of the radio-"antenna" inside of me or any other technical data. "Good?" (Sending "all the way", intermediary to this place or that, from Lunde in Farsund "kommune"/local county standing there by the crossing and Lunde Elementary School (at that time during day-time).)
ReplyDeleteWith the Christian Woman, the recording may have been (partially?) taking place with a military facility somewhere near Oslo, but in a bunder like place. And with Oyvind Helgesen, with a background for working as a social worker in Farsund "Kommune", for "investigating" a special case, he is known to ask for the money to be transferred to "Kripos", so the special crime unit has itself become a crime scene of settting up "reward-money" for special (read: deeply corrupt) police officers (like fx. Kjell Eide or the Niner-Club), _allegedly_!!! Well, well, all of Norway looks reversed, with Half-Slobo sitting at the Helm, the Prime Minister's Office! (Cheers.)
ReplyDeleteKripos (Special Crime Unit of the Police Forces): .
ReplyDeleteTelefon: +47 23208000 Telefaks: +47 23208880 Besøksadresse: Brynsalléen 6, 0667
Økokrim (Special Crime Unit for Financial Fraud, traditionally organised _under_ the KRIPOS, _Kri_minal-_Po_litiets-_S_entral): .
So you can now, as a foreigner, supposedly, consider the whole works of banking to be fixed involving everything from "paper money", "receipts", "special financial records", and official records, the treasury, the whole thing, everything, (even special "float accounts", float is a special term in banking). So here you have it: FRAUD, potentially, everything, every authority included!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm considering this for filing my case by myself to the court system of Norway given by! [Translator required, Google or other.]
ReplyDeleteMulig svar til Asker og Bærum Tingrett:
a) Domstolen:
Asker og Bærum Tingrett
b) Navn og adresse på parter, stedfortredere og prosessfullmektiger:
[Navn, mitt og de andres, dvs. Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet]
c) Krav:
Det kreves kompensasjon ihht. til rimelighet for alle lovbrudd begått mot min person og ihht. til påståtte brudd på menneskerettighetene som også gjelder betydelige overgrep mot min person i forbindelse med økonomisk utnyttelse. Saksøker Olsnes-Lea krever fullt medhold i at Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet finnes skyldig i forsømmelse avsine plikter ved Politiloven og andre regler og instrukser i hht. denne, dvs. politiloven alene.
d) Den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet.
Det har blitt forvoldet mitt liv så mye lidelser ved bevisfremleggelse som følge av direkte tjenesteforsømmelse at jeg finner det bevist over enhver tvil at Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet må finnes skyldig i dette og at jeg derfor tilkjennes fullt medhold!
I tillegg så har politiet nektet meg å levere anmeldelse ved to anledninger, i ved Bærum politistasjon i 2010 eller noe, nylig [tidspunkt kommer senere] og 1. juli, 2000, ved Sandnes politistasjon i rommet hvor man kunne avlegge erklæring om anmeldelse, noen ganger kalt "forhørsrommet" ved avhør av mistenkte personer for kriminelle forhold!
Vi ber også om at alle saksomkostninger belastes motparten!
Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet må finnes skyldig i dette og at jeg derfor tilkjennes fullt medhold!
e) De bevis som vil bli ført:
Det vil bli stilt krav om judisiell observasjon for at bevisene kan frembringes og legges frem for retten. Tilstand ved skallen er direkte og dommer kan få kjenne dette selv.
Derfor kommer dette om bevis senere, men det dreier seg om medisinske bevis slik som en tilstand ved høyre bronkier, diverse medisinske arr og en tydelige spor på brudd på skallen som ikke er rapportert ved sykehusopphold, men som er rapport ved anmeldelse til Politiet etterpå ved meg selv. Dvs. 1. Det er anskueliggjort at leger har tatt del i mine lidelser og at dette "spillet" har pågått over flere år, kanskje i perioden 1981 til 2012. Dvs. foruten at jeg er påført frihetsberøvelse og voldsomheter i denne forbindelse og annen. Jeg vil også henvise til en påstått sak ved Lister Tingrett/Farsund Tingrett i 1985 som skal liksom være representert ved Lars Mannermaa eller så.
Bevis for at politiet har nektet meg å levere anmeldelse ved to anledninger, i ved Bærum politistasjon i 2010 eller noe, nylig [tidspunkt kommer senere] og 1. juli, 2000, ved Sandnes politistasjon i rommet hvor man kunne avlegge erklæring om anmeldelse, noen ganger kalt "forhørsrommet" ved avhør av mistenkte personer for kriminelle forhold!
Det påstås videre at parten ved saksøker, Olsnes-Lea, har IKKE blitt tilstrekkelig informert av Politiet for at saksøker og hans familie kunne ha ført en bedre og tilstrekkelig sikkerhet for seg selv og sin familie.
ReplyDeletef) Grunnlaget for at retten kan behandle saken dersom det kan være tvil om dette:
Det er ved dette krav om tinglysning en betydelig tyngde i lys av både brudd på menneskerettigheter og tid som dette har fått pågå! Dette er en alvorlig sak i norsk rettshistorie og må derfor vises tilstrekkelig respekt og derved opptas av retten, AB Tingrett, uten større tvil eller protester. Dvs. det er hevet over enhver tvil at retten har dype plikter til å behandle min, Olsnes-Leas, sak!
g) Saksøkerens syn på den videre behandling av saken, herunder avtaler som kan få betydning for behandlingen.
Det er også meningen at videre saksbehandling i rettsapparatet burde foregå i Strasbourg gitt denne sakens natur og for at det alvorlige innhold kan belyses fra den største autoritet på området, nemlig Menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg etter Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon, EMK, ved ovennevnte brudd på disse menneskerettigheter, parallellt også ved FNs erklæring om disse, 30.
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Subject: VS: Gå til rettssak ved egen person og uten bruk av advokat...
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 14:03:51 +0200
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From: "Germizi, Lonida"
Det vises til din henvendelse, hvor du ber om =E5 f=E5 avklart hvordan =
du kan saks=F8ke Justisdepartementet.
S=F8ksm=E5l m=E5 anlegges der saks=F8kte har sin adresse.
S=F8ksm=E5l anlegges ved =E5 ta ut stevning. Hvilke opplysninger som =
skal tas med i stevningen fremg=E5r av tvisteloven =A7 9-3, som har slik =
"Sak reises ved stevning til retten. Stevningen inngis skriftlig eller =
muntlig etter =A7 12-1 annet ledd.=20
(2) Stevningen skal angi=20
a) domstolen, =20
b) navn og adresse p=E5 parter, stedfortredere og prosessfullmektiger, =
c) det krav som gj=F8res gjeldende, og en p=E5stand som angir det =
domsresultat saks=F8keren krever, =20
d) den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet,=20
e) de bevis som vil bli f=F8rt,=20
f) grunnlaget for at retten kan behandle saken dersom det kan v=E6re =
tvil om dette, og=20
g) saks=F8kerens syn p=E5 den videre behandling av saken, herunder =
avtaler som kan f=E5 betydning for behandlingen.=20
(3) Stevningen skal gi grunnlag for en forsvarlig behandling av saken =
for partene og retten. Krav, p=E5stand samt faktisk og rettslig =
begrunnelse skal v=E6re slik angitt at saks=F8kte kan ta stilling til =
kravene og forberede saken. Saks=F8kerens argumentasjon skal ikke g=E5 =
lenger enn det som er n=F8dvendig for =E5 ivareta disse hensyn. =
Stevningen skal gi retten grunnlag for =E5 vurdere sin domsmyndighet og =
gi de n=F8dvendige opplysninger for =E5 f=E5 den forkynt og for =E5 f=E5 =
kontaktet partene.=20
(4) Reises sak for =E5 f=E5 overpr=F8vd dom i forliksr=E5det eller =
tvistenemndsvedtak som f=E5r virkning som dom hvis det ikke bringes inn =
for domstolene, er det tilstrekkelig =E5 oversende avgj=F8relsen til =
retten og angi at den =F8nskes overpr=F8vd, den endring som kreves, og =
hva som menes =E5 v=E6re feil ved avgj=F8relsen. Retten skal innhente =
dokumentene fra den instans som har truffet avgj=F8relsen. For =
tvangsvedtak som retten pr=F8ver etter kapittel 36, gjelder =A7 36-2 =
f=F8rste ledd for hvordan sak reises. "
... (2/2
ReplyDeleteDu b=F8r vurdere f=F8rst =E5 engasjere en advokat f=F8r stevning tas ut.
Dersom du velger =E5 ikke engasjere advokat, vil du kunne f=E5 bistand =
til =E5 sette opp en stevning ved en domstol. I s=E5 fall b=F8r det =
avtales tid for dette i forkant. Domstolen kun vil bist=E5 med =E5 =
s=F8rge for at stevningen oppfyller de minimumskrav som fremg=E5r av =
tvisteloven =A7 9-3, og vil ikke tilby noen form for juridisk =
Dersom du anlegger s=F8ksm=E5l, og s=F8ksm=E5let enten blir avvist eller =
saks=F8kte frifunnet, er loves hovedregel at saks=F8keren d=F8mmes til =
=E5 betale saks=F8ktes sakskostnader.
Lonida Germizi
Direkte tlf: 67 57 65 24
Asker og B=E6rum tingrett
Pb. 578, 1302 Sandvika
Telefon: 67 57 65 00
Faks: 67 57 65 57
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
ReplyDeleteFra: Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea []=20
Sendt: 3. april 2012 18:42
Til: Asker og B=E6rum tingrett (postmottak)
Emne: G=E5 til rettssak ved egen person og uten bruk av advokat...
Hei dere
Jeg tenker å gå til rettssak som egen person mot Justisdepartementet uten bruk av advokat (fordi bla, bla...) i sikte mot Strasbourg (15
brudd av 30 ved FNs definisjon).
Dette skal kreve kun tingrettens dom såvidt meg bekjent før saken
/kan/ oversendes Strasbourg (Menneskerettighetsdomstolen).
Så jeg trenger å vite hva jeg skal gjøre for å få dette til.
Jeg vet at Justisdepartementet er klart skyldige og at dette burde
være relativt greit å få til.
Skal jeg stikke innom dere eller? Tilbakemelding mottas gjerne på hva det skal være.
På forhånd, takk.
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Fullt juridisk navn: Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea)
PS: Kontakt kan gjores via denne epost-konto eller tlf. 98817910.
I'm sorry for the lack of formatting of the above and the lack of conversion of letters by Norwegian special characters, 3, æ, ø å!
ReplyDeleteThe above two "emails" (actually one incl. the first one from myself) are preceding the first posting of recent!
Warning of seriousness: this may well precede my (upcoming) death due to exactly taking this to the Norwegian courts/court system by or for trying to "flee" abroad.
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of fossil I've been supposed to answer to, the very one and only PM himself, God's only man on Earth, Jens. S. mit Knaben in Hand:
ReplyDeleteIf you allow me to ask (over rumours of Half-Slobo as Hind. New York to Nazi-Germany), is Jens S., the ("former") PM, 1,95 m. on his bare (bloody) feet? Crime, in the blood, genetic!??? Rumours further, what I FIND ON THE INTERNET?!!! Can you believe it? "So upon His signal, FIRE! And I FIRE! Firing has taken place appx. 11:23, 2012-09-20 CEST. Japanese, you're so awful!"
If it is /now/ the case that some (masked?) case of a murder of a man in Oslo (actually) has a background from here as janitor and that /some/ people have placed these acquaintances (read:hard criminals) straight into this neighbourhood, I can no longer guarantee for what events that will come out of this! I have written to the Police! Bye!
ReplyDelete12:33 CEST. 2012-10-08.
Criminal relations to my person, the very sufferings: I've led an investigation into my own sufferings and for being exposed to a criminal (informal) network from 1981 / 1982 and up to the very day today, recently being denied legal services, hence "last letter"/email to "Advokatforeningen".
ReplyDeleteThis has resulted in a formally "accepted" complaint with the Sandnes Police Station in 2003, but only after several attempts for attention /through/ the years, starting in 1992, being 17 years old, and 4 other attempts only in Farsund "kommune" and one additional in Kristiansand while studying there in 1995/1996. After various other events, one attempt is only made with the Police at the Oslo Central Station in 1998 and one more /then/, only after moving there (with my grandmother), in 2000, July, affirmed by witness of my brother, Kenneth.
This has been one Hell of an effort and has demanded much resources from myself with connections to this and that "other" criminal relation. Police involved? Probably! Perhaps most notoriously from Farsund "kommune" and Kristiansand Police Station.
Also, any "state-produced" porn against my person will now fall on Norway (all embassies, Oil-Fund res. incl.) as /it/ now has to be regarded as political weapon for the direct and inhumane exploitation of my person, tech-wise, money-wise, creation-wise, science-wise, psychology-wise! I'm also seeking to connect them with Srebrenica under a special pathology view inv. Scandin. Star (1990 or so). The litigation against Norway is hereby ON!!!
ReplyDeleteI am also to be regarded as "a Jew to post-Nazi-Germany right after the end of the war", out of concentration camp or not!!!
ReplyDeleteT. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Dato: 11.11.2012
Den kongelige norske ambassade til Tyskland
Rauchstr. 1
D-10787 BERLIN
Forespørsel om midler dvs. penger under advokatkoden "Konvensjonen om veien til rettferdig rettssak" ved CCBE "fellesskapet" og Norges eksplisitt uttrykte forpliktelse til oppfyllelse av menneskerettighetene
Det rettes herved en forespørsel til Den norske ambassaden til Tyskland om midler til rettferdig rettssak mot Staten Norge ved Justisdepartementet.
Dette har sin bakgrunn i Advokatforeningens behandling av min klage over å bli nektet advokat ved disiplinærutvalgene 2, 3 og 6, med visse reservasjoner gitt min hukommelse.
Formalia for saken til Advokatforeningen er ihvertfall, med noe grad av forfalskning, 10.10.2011, 17.10.2011 og 21.10.2011 og saksreferanser, hhv., OSL-022-2011, OSL-020-2011 og OSL-021-2011 og alle skal være undertegnet av "saksbehandler" Inger-Johanne Hammer.
Også her har jeg fått nei til svar ved min fastholdelse over 3.3.1 mot deres godkjennelse av 1.2, hvor motpartene, 3, har vunnet frem. Det har ført med seg negative konsekvenser for mitt liv. Nå er jeg her i Tyskland som et fortsatt ledd i mitt rettslige forsvar for å vinne mot et Justisdepartement som implisitt forsvarer korrupsjon og annen dyp kriminalitet mot min person "og andre". Det er selvfølgelig utålelig og det er derfor jeg nå sender denne forespørsel på bakgrunn av den situasjon Staten Norge har satt meg og mine nærmeste i!!!
Jeg har oppgitt hotellet adresse øverst og jeg ber om at disse "midler" sendes ditt av åpenbare grunner, eller ved garantier til min bankforbindelse, Sandnes Sparebank, knr. 3260 15 54932 og at midlene garanteres der via beskjed per epost eller annet, slik som telefon. Jeg beklager ogå at forholdene gjør dette nødvendig.
Det er viktig at dette skjer raskt og helst innen [XXX]. Jeg vil gjerne også ha beskjed til hotellet eller til min mob.tlf, +47 98817910, hvis midlene ikke kan gjøres tilgjengelig innen denne tid.
Med vennlig hilsen
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
ved pass nr. 27920240
PS: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort og vil bli videresendt til nære kontakter.
I´ve sent this letter to the Embassy of Norway to Germany as I´ve intended a more conflict aversive approach and also called their given phone number, T: 030 - 50 50 58 600. Idiocy is on them further!
ReplyDelete27 minutes ago
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea Whatever menace to the World they share together.
27 minutes ago
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea I hope still that the illegal implants of wiring my eyes and ears and sender and more, even the extra abdominal mobile phone by 1001 Hz are still to be made public when the surgery is to finally happen and that sadly Norway may get away with subversion this time around as well, despite that I´m abroad, in Germany.
17 minutes ago
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea Addiitonally, they may have wired up some fMRI function to work with these tortureous idiots, so that they have inside-data and threats from the outside to work with!
16 minutes ago
Reporting on letter to the "Sivilombudsmannen ".no"" (also known as the Ombudsman abroad, usually a democracy watchdog!):
ReplyDeleteFrom - Fri Nov 16 15:38:21 2012
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:38:18 +0100
From: "Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea"
Subject: Ad. Brev til dere igjen - Ettersyn av Advokatforeningen. BRUDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hei dere hos Sivilombudsmannen
Jeg vil herved gjøre det klinkende klart at etter å ha sendt dere flere
ALVORLIGE brev (også til Amnesty International Norge) så sliter jeg
fremdeles med å få gjennombrudd mot denne korrupsjonen og treneringen av
mine menneskerettigheter og for min vei til rettferdighet i Norge.
Jeg ber dere derfor å merke dere dette(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):
"From - Fri Nov 16 15:17:24 2012
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:17:21 +0100
From: "Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea"
Subject: Ad. Reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen
Hei dere i Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Jeg vil herved anmelde min sak om Advokatforeningen gitt et åpenbart
brudd i deres saksbehandling av min klage på 3 (tre!) advokater.
Dette gjelder Advokatforeningens behandling av min klage over å bli
nektet advokat ved disiplinærutvalgene 2, 3 og 6, med visse
reservasjoner gitt min hukommelse.
Formalia for saken til Advokatforeningen er ihvertfall, med noe grad av
forfalskning, 10.10.2011, 17.10.2011 og 21.10.2011 og saksreferanser,
hhv., OSL-022-2011, OSL-020-2011 og OSL-021-2011 og alle skal være
undertegnet av "saksbehandler" Inger-Johanne Hammer.
Også her har jeg fått nei til svar ved min fastholdelse over 3.3.1, som
selvfølgelig gjelder EMK, menneskerettighetene og retten til rettferdig
rettssak ved *kompetent* advokat, mot deres godkjennelse av 1.2, hvor
motpartene, 3, har vunnet frem. Det har ført med seg negative
konsekvenser for mitt liv.
Det skal også innvendes at 1.2 IKKE har relevans for klientforhold i det
hele tatt og at Advokatkoden ved CCBE er relativt klar og at det
igrunnen skal være relativt enkelt å avgjøre om brudd har blitt begått
eller ikke.
Jeg ber derfor om at Advokatforeningen rammes og straffes tilstrekkelig
slik at den autoritet som vaktbikkje overfor advokatene som den jo burde
være slik at den normative profesjonalitet kan ivaretas, dvs. beskytte
og være istand til å stramme opp advokatstandens ry og rykte generelt,
også med hensyn på den siste tidens allmenne lys på nettopp dette
(f.eks. EMK og selvmordsproblematikken som jo kan være en betydelig
belastning på mange familier).
(... - follows...)
Med vennlig hilsen
ReplyDeleteLeonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, med adresse i Akershus, gitt
tilsvarende Stortingsrepresentant.)
PS: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS2: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter."
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, med adresse i Akershus, gitt
tilsvarende Stortingsrepresentant.)
PS: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS2: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter.
PS3: Liksom sitte der med 12 år gamle brev å passe på at kriminaliteten
(skal skje) skjer overalt! Ser dere ikke snart SKAMMEN???
I sit here with the papers to the courts, directly ordering to the trial against the Justicedepartment to start, under Police Laws, Lawyer's Laws and ECHR. Why haven't I delivered them? STRESS, PERSECUTION, PUNISHMENT ON OTHER FAMILY (and more)!!!
ReplyDeleteMenneskerettsloven – mnskrl.
Politiloven – politil.
Norway has also plainly violated many/all business conventions by this set-up when people are supposed to rely on one-another in these /most/ serious matters!!!
You know, these absurd people:
Fisken´s Freund - Jon Vetlesen/Wetlesen (Ethics-studies from Tech-Eyes directly, and sodo-relations to Nirvana)
Fisken - Inge Joa - psychiatrist
Ogrim - reference from California, the Øgrim-brothers, both doctor-specialists!
What chances have I ever had, the child, the teenager (with hard school-duties) and adult with school-duties/duties toward society/work-duties)? You wouldn't have had any f*cking chances either!!!
ReplyDeleteDet tas ut stevning mot Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet ved
Asker- og Bærum tingrett.
Sakens parter er, saksøker T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea som representerer seg selv og får støtte av bistandsadvokat.
Saksøktes representant i retten blir bestemt senere.
Saksøkers navn og adresse er derfor
T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea
og saksøktes navn og adresse er tilsvarende
Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet v/
Justism. Grete Faremo
Gullhaug Torg 4A
Postboks 8005 Dep
N-0030 OSLO
Kravet om domfellelse gis ved det forhold at jeg, Olsnes-Lea, ikke har fått oppfylt kravet om tilfredsstillende tjenester av Politiet når det gjelder personlig sikkerhet og andre implisitte forhold, ved mistanke, som gjelder økonomisk utnyttelse og utstrakt korrupsjon og sinnsykdom, veneriske forhold, ved nedverdigende seksuelle overgrep, jfr. eventuelt materiale laget av korrupte tjenestefolk, først og fremst ved Farsund Lensmannskontor, Kristiansand Politistasjon, Sandnes Politistasjon og Stavanger Politistasjon.
Saksøker krever full domfellelse, full erstatning på alle måter fra Staten Norge, gitt ved Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet og tilslutt full straffeforfølgelse av personer gitt ved kriminelle forhold mot denne person, Olsnes-Lea hvor disse tidligere er unnlatt påtale ved denne sakens korrupsjon som konsekvens ved domfellelse av denne part, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet.
Den faktiske og rettslige begrunnelse for kravet ved egen etterforskning over 12 år minst er som følger:
Medisinske arr på forskjellige steder på kroppen som alle aldri er rapportert inn i pasientjournal fordi saksøker aldri har vært operert for noe forhold som helst gitt vanlige rapporteringsrutiner ved gjeldende (og normative) helsepraksis, enten som egenrapportering om et medisinsk problem eller ved ulykke direkte.
Det gjelder også et forhold ved en bronkier ved pusterør inn til høyre lunge.
Det gjelder også tydelige frakturer på hodeskallen (uten at hjernen nå bærer funksjonsmessige skader av den grunn, men at andre spor likevel kan finnes ved hjernen på tross av dette forhold).
(... follows.)
Det er også verdt å nevne at Politiet aldri har utført noen etterforskning av kriminalitet begått mot min person til tross for at dette nå er allmenn kunnskap, slik som Lea-brevene/Terje-brevene, sangene ved kontakt til Politiet og ulike bortføringsforhold.
ReplyDeleteSaksøker har også blitt nektet anmeldelse i år 2000 ved Sandnes Politistasjon og at ulike brudd på Politiets instrukser har blitt begått i denne forbindelse slik som en skikkelig rapport fra innleggelse ved psykiatrisk sykehus i denne forbindelse, dvs. ingen rapport avgitt som helst til denne saksøker, Olsnes-Lea. Saksøker unnlater å nevne ulike og dypt kritikkverdige forhold ved denne politistasjon i denne forbindelse, f.eks. ved dens leder og hans forhold til USA, også av økonomisk art.
Hvis det finnes tekniske forhold ved saksøkers, Olsnes-Leas, egen kropp, som implantater, ved ulovlighet, som er i strid med denne personens, Olsnes-Leas, privatliv, så skal det også dømmes for dette.
Subsidiært så kreves det, utfra de omfattende forhold som her inngår i både tydelighet og dybde av direkte korrupsjon fra Politiets side at saksøkte, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, ilegges løpende kostnader for bevisfremskaffelse og diverse tiltak for at saksøker kan føre et tilsynelatende normalt liv i hht. belønning av eget arbeid og kompetanse, rettigheter ved åndsverkloven og annet, som patenter. Dette kan gjelde flytting til utlandet mens rettssaken løper eller mens rettssak også fremføres, for å etablere presedens, sekundært i Strasbourg ved ECtHR, Menneskerettighetsdomstolen, der.
Medisinske arr på forskjellige steder på kroppen som alle aldri er rapportert inn i pasientjournal fordi saksøker aldri har vært operert for noe forhold som helst gitt vanlige rapporteringsrutiner ved gjeldende (og normative) helsepraksis, enten som egenrapportering om et medisinsk problem eller ved ulykke direkte.
Det gjelder også et forhold ved en bronkier ved pusterør inn til høyre lunge.
Det gjelder også tydelige frakturer på hodeskallen (uten at hjernen nå bærer funksjonsmessige skader av den grunn, men at andre spor likevel kan finnes ved hjernen på tross av dette forhold).
Nektelse av anmeldelse og manglende rapport fra Politiet og mange brudd på Politiets egne instrukser gitt ved innleggelse til psykiatrisk sykehus.
Det vil bli krevd utført røntgenundersøkelser for å finne andre forhold av ulovlig karakter ved denne personens kropp som gir domfellelse hvis det finnes tekniske forhold ved saksøkers, Olsnes-Leas, egen kropp, som implantater, ved ulovlighet, som er i strid med denne personens, Olsnes-Leas, privatliv, så skal det også dømmes for dette.
Dvs. ALT som Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet KAN dømmes for skal undersøkes og fremskaffes som bevis.
Denne saken er uten tvil av svært alvorlig karakter og saksøker finner at utfra alvorlighetsgrad og presedens, at Staten Norge også søkes dømt ved Menneskerettighetsdomstolen i Strasbourg, at den langvarige lygingen kommer fullt til syne hvor byråkratiet ikke er tilstrekkelig informert og ute av stand til å fatte gode beslutninger.
[Legal foundation:]EMK, Politiloven, Polititjenestepliktloven, Politiregisterloven, Advokatforskriften.
Det kreves fra saksøker, Olsnes-Lea, at han får engasjere bistandsadvokat på grunn av betydelige allmennforståelige oppfatninger om hardt stress og press, også muligens enkelte eller flere drapstrusler opp gjennom tidene, men også muligens tilfeller fra et eller flere forhold av torture mot saksøker, Olsnes-Lea.
Ulike opplysninger gitt ved denne stevning kan bli endret, men at stevningen uansett vil bestå!
Stevningen er herved overlevert Asker og Bærum tingrett.
Med vennlig hilsen
T. L. F. Olsnes-Lea
(First delivered by email, now /signed/ 2012-11-21, while still under hard press, as if by Soviet Union and KGB, secret Police!)
The emphasis also turns on the fact that the lawyers who are in charge of Police stations, the so-called "5-year-olds", the Master-graduates of Law, have very special responsibilities and that their FAILURES are NOT considered /lightly/!!!
ReplyDeleteThe first 3 planned legal actions to declared by myself as heading lawyer, are
ReplyDelete1. Closed courtroom, only media and people with special permits.
2. Legal observation for obtaining evidence, such as the medical considerations.
3. Because the plaintiff considers the case VERY CLEAR and that the defendant are suto-defeated on grounds of evidence: "Saksøker "tilbyr" kontorforretning ved ethvert trinn gjennom denne rettssak både fordi den ved allmenn kunnskap er juridisk klar, men også fordi rettssaken ikke skal kunne gå mot mine interesser ved å bli en gapestokk, dvs. Justisdep. juridiske handlinger her mot min person skal behandles strengt. Denne saken er også personlig belastende på dette trinn etter å ha levd å trussel-relatert stress i lang tid. Dette er også et punkt!"
There are also suspicions that me and other "tech-eyes people" are "strung" up (by involuntary and criminal acts) to a certain TV(-eyes) centre in Montreal, the so-called TV-centre of Montreal!
ReplyDeleteThere are also suspicions that the very Pension-Fund (the Oil-Fund, instrument by Norway) has been a primary driver for this set-up!!!
(Hence susp. Genocide-Jens S. and other crimes by State of Norway!)
Some Background Text on My Person - Connecting the dots....
ReplyDelete(by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Sunday, 2 December 2012 at 15:23 CET from Facebook just moments ago)
I've now demonstrated to you, by the time that has gone by that, as you sit there and think that "Brutal and fast" needs to be repeated as much as "ta da di di da da da da di di ta da da da" (also parallel to "do re mi fa so la ti da") from "Just can't get over you", by ICE, flows very naturally and can be repeated naturally by memory in one's head by only hearing the line once or few times, much against psychologists' expectations (1998) in being a number of instances more than 8. Any good? (I've shelved my efforts in music, "not listening to any music", because of the situation I'm in and the troubles it has brought me in the past, the attacks and so on.) -------------
(Compare the usual cognit. psych., fx. the mirror test.)
The song by ICE by that has also been deposited by a postal worker of Bogstadveien Post Office at that time parallel to a call to one representative of EMI Norway when living in Oslo from 1998 - 1999.
I've worked with famous artist names since 1983 or 1984 and can easily mention names like Freddie Mercury and Queens and AHA and instructing U2 on lyrics/music strategies back then (ref. Eitland).
This comes in parallel to the rumours in Norway of "just checking in with the Central Police Station of Oslo" (ref. the song of Lene Marlin "sitting down here..." by her male friend) "to get a song" (from myself, of course)!
UNESCO also has become the abusers' name on me way back then in 1982/1983, as much as Jens Stoltenberg's pedophilia arrest of Farsund "kommune", per Wikipedia document, back in those days, possibly also, displaying early pathologies with him (susp. ref. Scand. Star/Knaben Leirskole "9A" with Jan M. Tjelta/Srebrenica charges of his friendship with Slobodan Milosevic)!
The case now, latest (the sickening feeling in the stomach prevents me from translating this to you now):
ReplyDeleteFra: Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea []
Sendt: 4. december 2012 22:46
Til: Anundsen, Anders; Fossum, Tore
Kopi: Sanner, Jan Tore
Emne: Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012
Til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Ved to eposter, Fossum, Tore, og Anundsen,
Anders, .
[Siden ingen representant fra Akershus er med i Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen så velger jeg å orientere Jan Tore Sanner, , om saken også.]
Fra Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Dato: 04.12.2012.
Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012
Mitt svar til Dere, ved Stortingets Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomite er
oppgitt i 3 punkter.
1. Først så vil jeg bemerke at Advokatforskriften oppfattes som en del av
det som er gitt ved Norsk Lovtidend og videre så er faktisk den europeiske
menneskerettighetskonvensjon, EMK, også ved bindende unilateral
forpliktelse, en dyp betraktning i utforming av Norges lover gitt ved
Stortingets daglige arbeid. Jeg finner derfor at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen har derfor et eksplisitt og umiddelbart ansvar for å
irettesette Advokatforeningen i denne sak!
Det at disiplinær-utvalgene brutalt avviser min rett til advokat og
implisitt en rettferdig rettssak, også fordi jeg lider under sterkt press,
somatisk utmattelse mv., er grovt ift. EMK, dvs. ved seksjon 1, art. 6.
2. Alle praktiserende advokater mottar salær fra Staten Norge nettopp for
å være beskyttere av verdier i samfunnet, dvs. også de verdier som er
knyttet til rettferdighet i absolutt forstand, komplett rettferdiggjort
ved samfunnets grunnlov og i forhold til profesjonsetikk. Det hjelper ikke
de noe, Advokatforeningen, at denne saken nå også er gitt ord og saksgang,
men som kanskje også gjerne har de mange andre tiede selvmordsofre og
andre forsvunnede personer under seg!
3. Gitt de to forgående punkter så vil jeg gjerne at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen revurderer min sak mot Advokatforeningen. Legg også
merke til, er Dere greie, om at de må ha visst at jeg videre ville miste
ytterligere 6 måneder (mars til september, omtr.) på å få ført min sak for
retten. Er ikke dette å forhindre rettens gang?
Vel, vel, i rettferdighetens navn vil jeg på ny be om vurdering av min
henvendelse til Dere slik som beskrevet over.
Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn, Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea, tidl. Terje Lea, ved epost )
PS: Det bemerkes at hvis Advokatforeningen slipper unna med dette så står
de praktisk talt fritt til å gjøre hva de vil mot klientene sine fordi
"God Advokatskikk" (eng. CCBE's Code of Conduct) således oppheves gitt en
hvilken som helst tvilsom majoritet, enten ved brutal maktbruk eller ikke,
trusler om tortur eller ikke eller drap direkte eller ikke. Nemlig!
Uansett, vil min saks "spøkelse" som følge av eventuell negativ beslutning
fra Dere implisitt medføre en "løsere" praksis i dette spørsmål, fordi
"hvis en ikke fikk, hvorfor ikke en til..." også videre, inntil juridisk
kaos og skitten maktbruk hersker samfunnet, i verste fall!
PS2: Det bemerkes spesielt ift. Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens ansvar
for "Lov om styrking av menneskerettighetenes stilling i norsk rett (menneskerettsloven)", også kjent som "Menneskerettsloven".
PS3: Det bemerkes også at problemet med justismord og
forsvinninger spesielt har fått uttrykkelig oppmerksomhet fra Amnesty
(2 of 2 follows...)
Their answer to me, of late, 4. December 2012, one only to this point, as the case demands:
ReplyDeleteKontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[Formalia, adresse, logo og annet.]
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Vedr. henvendelse til kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen viser til brev av 16. november i år der
det kommer frem at De har sendt en klage på tre advokater til
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens mandat er å føre kontroll med at
regjeringen og forvaltningen gjennomfører de vedtak Stortinget har fattet.
Klager på advokater, og på Advokatforeningens saksbehandling, ligger
således utenfor det komiteen kan befatte seg med.
Komiteen har derfor ingen kommentarer til der som fremkommer i Deres
Med vennlig hilsen
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[signatur med blå penn]
Anders Anundsen
[Alt over midtstilt, fra "Med vennlig...".]
(Judgment from myself: this is really a negative answer. However, I think they'll come around given the latest above.)
The start of the case against the Norwegian Bar Association, 16. November 2012, starts as given way above:
ReplyDeleteHei dere i Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Jeg vil herved anmelde min sak om Advokatforeningen gitt et åpenbart brudd
i deres saksbehandling av min klage på 3 (tre!) advokater. ...
(Extra note in email to them, this committee:)
[Jeg beklager uformell bruk av "dere" i stedet for Dere.]
I'm pleased to inform you, on behalf of serious public concerns, that I've now made the case against "Advokatforeningen", the Norwegian Bar Association, to both the "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen", The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, og Sivilombudsmannen, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, and that I insist this is of PRINCIPAL importance. If /these/ people now have problems to understand what PRINCIPAL means to this context, they should be informed with "a hard bat"!!! Indeed, their acts that must be regarded BETRAYAL in case of subversion to the legal system, usually amounting to bureaucratic lying by "legal actions" given their positions, "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen", The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, og Sivilombudsmannen, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, "to King and Country" should be PUNISHED HARD!!!
ReplyDeleteA Christmas message due:
ReplyDeleteThe case is now formally "on the move" by stamp on the court order, stating 6. December 2012, I guess my destiny-Christmas-gift from /you/! Wish me luck! Cheers!
I've chosen now to go for a verdict of the "fastsettelsesdom"-kind.
ReplyDeleteThis should give me foundation enough to impel (assoc.: impeller) them to do something.
This is of course a step to pursue all rights of my creation, all that I've done and accomplished!
That they are either way BOUND to fulfill these demands because of business conventions and my stature of today,
both in the sense that they've violated my person and that I hold a significant name in the World NOW!
I e-x-pect them to take FULL BLAME! That they accept guilty to massive violations of my Human Rights by ECHR!
Also, it must be understood the I need to investigate this and pursue my rights much like the Jewish Nazi-hunters have done it!
This can demand much time and I'm prepared for it! As before: The full blame, 100% legal blame, goes to the State of Norway!
Insofar as my condition of performance as a matter of significant person, a person of intelligence, presents itself as /the/ direct insult to people, you can BLAME the (genocide-sponsoring(?), by cult_ural conn. to Serbia since 1992) NORWAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs for political code, it "may" be that PM Jens Stoltenberg has been /the/ cult-minister of Norway, being "satanically small, only 1,95" and owning an awfully looking motorcycle!
ReplyDeleteOver the "information embargo" by State of Norway as enforced by the State of Norway:
ReplyDeleteI have not received any phone call from abroad for the last 12 years except a slight little chatter with Scientology that regarded some questions of perceiving Scientology as this or that.
Please, also remember the notions of holding cells, secret prisons, transponders, email-interception and email service corruption and all the rest.
All in all, I'm not responsible for the (enforced) corruption of Norway! You need to address all the officials for that, Stortinget Assembly, the police forces, the lawyers, the doctors and other "accepted" elite people of this nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The transponder is, by suspicion, most used by Farsund Avis of Farsund "kommune" and Telenor, actually, by their "Teletorg" section, telephone-market in English.)
The above comes in addition, sadly enough, the tech-eyes and tech-ears, and that this makes my situation very aggravated, very severe! As before, "if my death is soon near..."!!!
ReplyDeleteTo Human Rights Watch and your Embassy to Norway's failure of reporting: I am pleased to inform you that that, /soundly/, I have _NO_ worldwide lunacy scheming going on (Skyfall idiocy or other, ref. Oliver Stone's Wild Palms of tech-eyes and other) but you can put the question (Geno-) Jens S. and I think you know how to do just _that_!
ReplyDeleteThe Skyfall trailer does s*ck: (all that emotionalism included).
Some in Norwergian you may want to translate (fx. Google Translate with a slight warning):
ReplyDeleteFor det første, dette stresset som er påført meg utav en vanskelig juridisk situasjon har gjort meg (somatisk) SYK! Det er perioder, per dette stress, som gjør at det kan gå "en uke" uten en fot utenfor døren for å kjøpe mat eller å kunne ivareta personlig hygiene for å omgås folk i det offentlige.
Om jeg (f*en) ikke påfører paragrafene som lovgrunnlag riktig i denne situasjonen er meg klinkende likegyldig, ved dette stress igjen (og selvfølgelig ikke juridisk eller etisk)!
Enda, vet jeg heller ikke om saksomkostningene kommer til å være opplyst meg eller om de skal "føres på den ene måten eller den andre", vel vitende om at jeg på en eller annen måte har rett til å føre mine egen regning (saksomkostninger) per Tingretten.
Formelt, så har jeg også bedt om politi-beskyttelse for å føre denne sak, Berle ved Spesialenh. for Politisaker eller (f*en) ikke!!!
I've been sent this "insane"/insane email from Tore Fossum of the "Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen" where he obviously displays contempt toward own duties by this:
Nå har jeg sjekket med vårt arkiv og de kan ikke se å ha mottatt noen e-post fra deg 4. desember, men derimot fikk du et svarbrev fra kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen datert 4. desember, jeg legger det ved en gang til. [Probably wrong accusation/fact statement.]
Fint om du kan sende din e-post av 4. desember en gang til [un-official email, the real you can find yourself under .]
Tore Fossum
Komitésekretariatet- Stortinget
Tel: 23 37 37 47 [wrong phone number, the real is 23 31 37 47] [un-official email, the real is as above, please, look up if you want it.]
Conclusion: something /very/ wrong is going on here!
Yes, also tfo - Tore Fossum - "Mr. Teflon", with "experiences/references" from abroad as well?
ReplyDeleteAs much as there are possible references for Jens S. as J.S or J ET S (ET- latin for "and", and ET - as we know, SETI, Extra-Terrestrial, "I am an insect", the pervert reference from very early: 1,95, his biological height (rounded up) to nearest centimeter, cm, yes, that's ISO cm!
ReplyDeleteI'm denied "limited police authority" for protection of own person and for carrying through my legal matters.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can see, by the lack of confirming letter, I'm also denied additional police protection either way.
Additionally, there are suspicions that the "tingretten", lower courts, has had part in the Srebrenica massacre by the reference "Hovsæd", (loosely, NO: Royal Sperm, or by "hovmod", aloofness).
Denied as letter, received by myself today, 23. January, 2013, is signed by "Vitsø" (NO: Joke and the crate to the sewers to go, ø).
UNHR Art. 3 and 5. Unable to finish the legal matters as they stand now.
I know what a (black/corrupt) police murder is, and, if my death is imminent or not, my life lies on State of Norway (by torture clinic or not) and /moved/ toward death, in any way it may come, under these really bad decisions (of allowing these) people!!!
ReplyDeleteI note that the local courts of Baerum have FAILED (failure..., yes, their HABIT!) to carry through its duties toward me as the complaintiff, March/April, 2012 to end in February (8.), 2013, against the Justice Department (NO: Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet). Result: appeal sent yesterday to the next level, Borgarting lagmannsrett, the regional court, fortunately, the court with the highest renown in Norway, located right there in the middle of Oslo.
ReplyDeleteAlso, by former abductions and "awful" treatment, i.e., the torture, possibly medically assisted, technologically assisted and with criminal implants "for this and that", that Norway's torture-induced amnesia on my person can't be allowed to speak in their favour!
ReplyDeleteThe implant of the neuro-band may have played a role in this also, reading out my spine value directly from the spine!!!
I'm sorry that my 3 other blogs are not available at this time, but you should know that every Embassy representing Norway *must* accept complaints about this and admit an idiot political climate too! (If inside Norway, then choose fx. the Justice Department!)
ReplyDelete(Sorry for two instances of same text.)
I have now come this far in the Norwegian legal system after seeking lawyer in December 2010, through the hardship of various threats to my life and under (severe) police corruption, with "access to the torture clinic around the corner".
ReplyDeleteCase references:
"Tingretten" - the local courts:
"Lagmannsretten" - the 2nd level courts
Appeal has been sent to the "Høyesteretten" - the High Courts - the highest legal authority in Norway.
Now what? I'm still in the unknown. I haven't got a clue about the real threats. Am I being singled out for the torture assault, i.e., assault for transport to the torture clinic?
By broken business conventions, 30 years +, on my part alone (please, check the others yourself), human rights violations and criminal implants in my body, this makes the case for me against Norway and represents many insults against my life.
Another premise, a very strong one, that if I do not understand what this country has inflicted on my person and my life as insult then how can I understand insult at all? Clearly, I understand what an insult is and that I can report that I've moved abroad already "in all ways, but one"! . .
In addition,
The relocation so far:
2 trips abroad
- one immediate trip in straight irritation and anger and with recent anti-starve food in the belly, with only one night at hotel for seeing if I would survive!
- one failed "immediate" trip that required straight return the same day
2 cancelled trips of late, after these two others, to hotels pre-paid and that I've struggled to catch after first night, that is, I've kept the rooms in order to travel, but haven't found opportunity for it in terms of health/physical possibility.
All in all, 50 000 NOK blown out of the window. This comes in addition to strained money resources!
This relocation has been intended on my part to reduce conflict so that people may relax more, but I'm telling you this f*ck#¤%¤#%¤%&"%¤ and retarded country is doing grand scale hate-crimes (all sorts... also the physical, meat-shops of killing people) to the n-th degree with PM Insect-Jens to oversee the insanity play!!!
Insect-Jens: .
With "3" - Jen-sS, the Olaf S****s and Dag S****s, 3 x SS, the Nazi-SS code! Possibly...
"Uncertain how my life now unfolds, I hold the Doctors' Association accountable for any tech-eyes Anorexia program against my life, that is, they seek to kill me, possibly by The Dog, Farsund "kommune" doctor Dag S. Evanger and others, but this is in the making in the legal system who these abusive doctors have been after having been announced a clear doctor-talent myself at a young age!"
ReplyDeleteUrl: .
Anorexia nervosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restrict...
Url: .
Starvation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Starvation is a severe deficiency in caloric energy, nutrient, and vitamin intake...
Url: .
Url: .
Ernst Rüdin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ernst Rüdin (April 19, 1874 - October 22, 1952), was a ...
Url: .
Josef Rudolf Mengele (German:[ˈjoːzɛf ˈʁuːdɔlf ˈmɛŋələ] (listen); 16 March 1911 ...
For the name "above": Dr. Eve !!!
The technical term may be "actuated death also by tech-eyes and other neuro-implants!!!"
Again, the nigger-prize goes to "Legeforeningen": .
The lack of physical security has made me order The High Courts of Norway to lay aside my case (for now) until physical security has improved. Critically too, that my relocation is completed before resuming it!
ReplyDeletePart of the text:
"Bare legg saken til side, er Dere greie.
Forut for denne beslutning så har jeg gjentatt behov for økt personlig sikkerhet på flere måter, også ved beskjed til lokal politimester om innvilgelse av «begrenset politimyndighet», ref. politiloven, hvor denne loven anses av meg selv som relevant
i hvert fall formelt, dvs. at myndighet innvilges uten spesielle implikasjoner annet enn at angrep på min person etter dette må tolkes rettslig som spesielt alvorlig.
Denne beslutningen tas på grunnlag av manglende fysisk sikkerhet av egen person, også i dagliglivet, innkjøp av dagligvarer inkludert. Dette har medført /høyt/ stress og tilsvarende manglende evner til diverse, som nevnt, også i dagliglivet.
Saken kan bare gjenopptas, i min øyne, når flyttingen til utlandet er gjennomført hvor flyttingen er et ledd i nettopp økt personlig sikkerhet (og et middel imot en type galskap, jfr. "monkey-biz", som "sport eller alvorlig galskap", dvs. av sorten forbundet til fiksering av mentale inntrykk av "energier").
Takk for nå."
Confirmed: The laws concerning "fair access to the courts" and "fair hearing" and the courts laws (NO: : Domstolloven )and laws of legal disagreement (NO: Lovdata: Tvisteloven), have for all the time my case has endured, been (to some extent) violated.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe Lawsuit against the State of Norway for compensation, being one part of a complex line of Lawsuits:
ReplyDeleteDamage to my life (mental/physical, the pains etc.)
Damage to person (production of subversive material, the unhealthy actions against my life for others to do damage further)
Lost income and lost work opportunities
Loss of future income
Loss of future life quality (need for increased security, loss of "neutral person", loss of social life)
Loss of future income from own work (more w/o opportunity)
Claim from my side: Maximum compensation, with possible extra-legal demands in place... (i.e., various international matters Norway has to comply to! Legal reasonability.)
Note: the economic matters are entirely different chapters.
Confirmation of premeditated legal murder of my case in Norway for what has been running in the hidden for more than 30 years, starting with a patent for tightening power cables to prevent breakage during the winter/summer shift.
ReplyDeleteThe High Courts of Norway of Norway has rejected my appeal to them by a letter that I've collected today. The verdict has the reference: HR-2013-01341-U and the case has gone through only by the letters, what /has/ to be an infringement of "access to courts" (also by police, in terms of crime) and "fair hearing". This follows the reference from the Regional Courts, the 2nd level courts, "Borgarting lagmannsrett", 13-065948ASK-BORG/04.
You can read the rest of it throughout the Norwegian legal publication (fx. ) yourself, if you want!
(What soup of Norwegian sh*t!)
Url, Borgarting "lagmannsrett": . (*A* legal excuse displayed.)
The "crime-activism" of Norway by tech-eyes/tech-ears/tech-neuro HAS TO STOP! My letter to the High Courts of Norway, today:
ReplyDeleteTil Høyesterett
Denne henvendelsen gjelder sak nr. 2013/1170 / HR-2013-01341-U.
Brevet, som rekommandert sending, har blitt hentet igår, kan jeg bekrefte.
Jeg vil straks uttrykke min misnøye med kjennelsen og si rett ut at det er begredelig at kompetansen som utvises ved landets høyeste domstol ikke er bedre enn dette, vel vitende om at Borgarting lagmannsrett ikke engang har brydd seg med om å gjennomføre noen rettssak som helst, dvs. også i overensstemmelse med kravet om "fair hearing" ved Menneskerettsloven (EMK). Det vil også si at hele denne rettsprosessen har foregått uten et eneste rettsmøte, noe som skulle påkalle skandale når tid som helst.
Det skjer også uten at jeg på noe tidspunkt påtar meg noe full advokatkompetanse i det hele tatt, dvs. jeg har kun vært egen prosessfullmektig, og at jeg ved dette kunne ha akseptert å avsluttet prosessen på ethvert nivå ved den gitt domstols formelle kompetanse, dvs. ved gyldig kjennelse/dom uansett selv om, ved egen oppfatning om sakens alvorlige natur har valgt å ta den helt til øverste nivå (i Norge). Dette er videre en "negativ" presedens [negative/black precedent] som videre bidrar til å tilsmusse Norge som navn og menneskerettighetsnasjon/demokrati, i tillegg til de andre utfordringer vi allerede har i dette landet.
Adjø [with Ø, the grate].
Vennlig hilsen
T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
Eventually, the case is turning up here as the registry gets updated: [Last date input: 2013-06-26.]
Grate removed (for now).
ReplyDeleteHere is an important update:
Delivering text twice: News on the verdict from the High Courts of Norway, "Høyesterett".
It must be so that the current verdict is WRONG because a verdict in a possible favour to the Justice Department (short form) holds nothing interesting for them, the High Courts! There is no possibility for the verdict to go in Justice Department's favour because they are prevented from justifying plain crime/breach of human rights, logically.
So there is only one way to think about this left and it is this: that the message to myself must be wrong and that by already entering the High Courts for consideration, this is really a power statement, that this is a statement to crack down on idiocy that blitzes from a top point of authority in Norway to those who have failed to comply.
Here goes, consequently, a new round of legality stuff. Let's see what happens.
2nd conclusion: Logically, the case nr. 2013/1170 must be seen as suspended or invalidated for now.
Url: .
I have received an email recently from the High Courts of Norway some hours ago and as you can see by the email from them, they do seem to insist on making this blatant vile of Norway a black precedent of the deepest kind! Grate on again to them. Such professional idiot-work can't be accepted in the World today as I lie down 30 years of periods with very severe pains and very ugly acts against myself and my closest!
ReplyDeleteT. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea,
Jeg viser til Deres e-posthenvendelser 4. og 9. juli 2013.
Sak nr. 2013/1170 ble avsluttet ved Høyesteretts ankeutvalgs kjennelse 25. juni 2013 (HR-2013-01341-U), og Deres henvendelse kan ikke sees å foranledige noe mer fra Høyesteretts side.
Med hilsen
Høyesteretts kontor den 12. juli 2013
Gunnar Bergby
"Before I die", I say that I appeal, by public message the High Courts of Norway's decision to reject my appeal to them.
ReplyDeleteThe case I appeal is no. 2013/1170.
And it starts with Article 6.1 or the ECtHR on grounds that Norway has failed to represent myself or my family in the courts for the crime that has been committed against us for 30 years and ongoing, myself, possibly hit the hardest. Unknown, really because of the lack of resources and the failure of them to comply with (direct) work duties.
So here is: I appeal to ECtHR, Strasbourg, France on the grounds that Norway has blatantly violated my human rights for many years, for corruption money, their corrupt minds, i.e., insanity and socio-political grounds of other, like some ideas of holding a powerful/worthy person in captivity to enforce a kind of direct fear for something to go awfully wrong.
The case should be clear and we start with the most recent non-case of "Borgarting lagmannsrett" of refusing to carry through my case, failing most the courts' duties, the "Domstolloven" and "Tvisteloven". The case there has the referance: 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 and can be found under .
This is out from me for now. There is no longer no doubt over the behaviour these people display in blindsight of laws and regulations, in not the humanism proper, i.e., of old, from exactly France.
That is, the barrier of torture that awaits, is impossible to walk through, hence frozen to the spot, to the bedside!
ReplyDeleteWhen they do not have the performance that would kill the suspicion and they lack the disciplinary actions too, how can I or we trust them with any fact that they are not there to do it again? Certainly, the police reports ZERO, f¤%#%#"¤%¤"% NOTHING!
(And this is inline with something else (The Attention to These Cases)... Something that looks like death...)
Finally, this may add to zero-result ECtHR, Strasbourg, and the rest, business, academia, GONE!
My grievous state through the years, "fears of abduction, torture, assaults out of thin air, injustice from idiots, calling my closest people and check if they are alive..." The situation has been extreme... Now that the analysis is finished, the shame for them looks severe/tremendous... Conclusion: Norway not again.
ReplyDeleteThe Case of Mine - 1170/2013 - While Facebook is working... USA declares scant note from Ol*nes-Lea, that Humieanist...
ReplyDeleteFor the High Court of Justice, Høyesterett, three measures of punishment exist in case of blatant wrongdoing/corrupt ruling:- The Court case against any of its members for high treason, i.e., such as Nixon by the Watergate Scandal. (NO: Riksrettssak.)- Plain dismissal from job, leave in dishonour.- Legal blindness, the insanity notions in having provided corrupt ruling (only/blatantly/failed horribly/shown deep misbehaviour.
Other, the High Court of Justice can't simply provide corrupt ruling because they, by this, commit "attacks" on own legal system, and these are not permitted in any sense.øyesterett
This remains as one hope by their "approval" for 30 years + of awful crime against myself and my family, supporting criminal syndicate, Dr. Schwein, Dr. Ev-il/"Mars-choc.-"anger and the rest of the sh*theads!
"Taken out and shot on street?" because they are corrupt?!
My case: 1170/2013 - by ...
High Court of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgHer Majesty's High Court of Justice in England (usually known as the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, the High Court of Justice or, simply, the High Court) is, together with the Court of Appeal and the Crown Court, one of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. Its name is abbreviated as…
The "Høyesterett" is to resume 12th August, only one day, tomorrow, on Monday. . .
(NO: riksrettssak = riksrett , i.e., riksrettssaken er SATT!)
EN: .
ReplyDeletethe schizophrenia "charges" against my life have been overturned (lately) in that I've (now) been found to have passed the tests. Besides, new code for my situation has been admitted me.
partly at least, the medical examinations of me indicate/prove what I've said all along, that I've been (severely) abused/tortured, the rest. That, by and large, my story/account checks IN!
Under "unlawful detention" in Norway:
ReplyDeleteDeclaration: All of my copyrights are hereby granted to other people as follows...:
Generally, country specific, copyright is awarded to legally appointed person by each and every nation where this is wanted because Norway has failed to comply with international and domestic legal obligations concerning my person. Specifically, by these 3 pts:
1. Norway does not fufill its legal obligations even when circumstances are plainly in the face and with "eyes wide open".
2. Norway has obstructed me, effectively, from travelling abroad for health services twice, at least, and is consistently preventing me from relocating to a place abroad too!
3. By all the verdicts of High Court of Justice, Norway (NO: Høyesterett, reference: 2013/1170) and Borgarting "lagmannsrett" (EN: District Court/County Court, reference: 13-065948ASK-BORG/04), Norway has approved grievous crime for more than 30 years and running!
"To parties abroad, you are now free to act! I'm hereby worthless!" (Implying failure to publish my work according to laws and regulations based on intellectual strength/competence/talent.)
Sweden, Germany or other country can assume the rights from Norway, legally seizing all values there, i.e., intellectual property rights etc.
PS: Formal note, these "transferred" copyrights can be transferred back to me if I'm to successfully present myself abroad at any point in time. This is a part of legal circumstances that cause this agreement, by this text, to be "reasonable" with suitable reward money granted for having carried the responsibilites if these copyrights are to be transferred back to me at all.
Despite some information that may display me as one person who has access to "larger" amounts of cash, this is not true! These instances are only cases of misinformation and that (now) the only recent information valid is the one from (Tax Authority of Norway). Still, I may have some "funds" in the X00 000s of NOK in FIXED assets, but in terms of available, "liquid" money, I'm still impoverished by Norwegian STATE-CRIMES! "Hah-hah-hah, state-crime, poverty, logical truths, hah-hah-hah, tough one, Beavis! Butthead laughing!!!"
ReplyDeleteThe Possible Dying of Humanity
ReplyDeleteI "fondly" remember the words by somebody renowned:
"That it's only for the good to die onto themselves so that the evil can have the chance to eradicate themselves." (Paraphrase only, noting the implication for the end for _this_ humanity)
- Yet again, for Earth to renew itself, hopefully to a better destiny.
This coincides well with the stalwartness I hope to instill with the Religious by "God closing the door on humanity possibly" so that 1. they join with God truly because they have the rationale to stay with Religion and God 2. so that humanity that remains can get what it deserves after betraying these people, whatever the group.
By all this, I hope the grand, global communion can also be felt stronger and the drive toward God set adamantly.
Note: Clearly, this has a parallel in my own life here in Norway, suffering under the inhuman injustices, the history that has torture in it, along with abductions/kidnapping, also to USA and other places. This is a message "that I'm in good faith!"
I accuse Jens Stoltenberg for enlisting a gang for the means to his political ends/gains known as The (Nazi) Jugend List where Nazi Jugend describes a band of people possibly going all the way by immoral actions, such as torture of people and more (threats, etc.). I also suspect Stoltenberg for living in Farsund local district for some time, probably thereby starting his enlisting of horrible/dubious people. To be true, I don't know the story 100%. I may be wrong.
ReplyDeleteI can also claim that Norwegian vileness may have had tentacles to genocidal Serbia from 1991 - 1995 and so may have had "people on the ground" during the Srebrenica massacre ("perhaps" never mentioned by Norwegian media nor ever been given an account of by them):
"2 - Norwegian Assistance to BiH 1991-2008"
"Norway became engaged in the Western Balkans as soon as hostilities broke out in
1991, by providing humanitarian assistance in BiH and Croatia. Once the DPA was
signed, focus was shifted towards reconstruction and development, and subsequently
to aiding the process of Euro-Atlantic association, state-building and democratization.
Support for the Western Balkans was classified as Official Development Assistance
(ODA) and thus could have been expected to be handled by Norway’s development
cooperation agency Norad. Because of the highly political nature of Norway’s
engagement in the region, however, and the fact that the main actors on the donor
side were political and/or security bodies like the EU, OSCE and NATO, the MFA
decided that it would manage the funds itself. Only during the period 1999-2003
was Norad formally involved, when it was asked to manage the medium-term
activities in BiH and Albania. All along, however, Norway emphasized the importance
of ensuring that its aid was aligned with and supported overall policy objectives
of the international community."
"During the period 1992-1995, the annual allocations were for humanitarian aid and
relief, along with support to IDPs. The key aim for Norway’s early aid, according to
an MFA review document from 1997, was “to assist the refugees as close to their
place of origin as possible. The Norwegian program has therefore had BiH as its
focus of attention” (Annex I, our translation). The Budget Documents presented a
running political analysis of the conflict, being quite realistic concerning the timelines
and how soon the conflict might end during the first years."
Ref.: "Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation with the Western Balkans" by, p. 13.
I claim that parts of or all the Norwegian vileness to Serbia has been led by Jens Stoltenberg and his associates.
Jens Stoltenberg:, where the biography of his has a black hole from "10 yo. to 40 yo.", I don't know exactly how big it is. Again, the media has been ignorant/neglecting (of its duties).
Then, "recently": an incident took place as I was on the train bound for Oslo Central Station from south of Norway, having been with my father for a week. So: in came 3 or 4 men and one of the men (as I've stood up, in having sensed "something") closed up to me and suddenly stabbed me with a needle that had blue contents. I have a problem with needles into the blood vessels so I fainted.
ReplyDeleteAs I woke up I was out of bounce and didn't have the energy to face (corrupt/idiot) police again only to be told how schizophrenic I was. So I do not bother to contact them...
All in all, they have stepped up "their game" as their mistreatment of me, in diagnosing me wrongly (instead of rightful depression/anxiety, anxiety: fear of getting tortured again, etc.) with "failure to understand reality" schizoaffective disorder...
So, finally, having been stressed and tired since the incident on the train (when I have wanted to get fit, exercising) the above is written in ANGER! Make no mistake about it! I hope they pay for their horrors amply!
(If I'm given the backpack... Maybe I will too!)
an incident took place as I was on the train bound for Oslo Central Station from south of Norway, having been with my father for a week. So: in came 3 or 4 men and one of the men (as I've stood up, in having sensed "something") closed up to me and suddenly stabbed me with a needle that had blue contents. I have a problem with needles into the blood vessels so I fainted.
ReplyDelete- Time: some time after 15:00 CEST, 9th May, 2017! On the train, a trip that I completed to Oslo, Norway, appx. where I live.
Regarding communication: I have not received any (significant) letters since my rise to fame in 1981/82! I have strong reasons to believe that much of the communication to me has been blocked (and possibly redirected). People (unkown who) may have answered in my name! My case is severe indeed! #UDHR #violations
ReplyDeletePhone calls are somewhat the same! Although I remember a rush of phone calls in Hauglia, Farsund '83 or so and some other phone calls, fairly few!
ReplyDeleteMoney too: I have not received money from abroad! And I have not received money from inside of Norway either other than the money I've earnt myself! This should also be evident from the transparency of tax reports open to the public, formerly, and semi-open now!
ReplyDeleteMy family is being misled and misinformed by the Norwegian authorities for the sake of corrupt money and evil itself! Feel free to inform them yourself!
ReplyDeleteFor all practical purposes, I have reported myself to:
ReplyDeleteContact Granskingsutvalget (Norwegian Investigation body into malpractice)
Director Torkild Vinther, phone +47 23 31 83 24
Please send e-mails to
This contact (will) concern criminal implants (in the head, mobile unit in the stomach, several heat-photovoltaic units by carbon units), wrongful medication, wrongful diagnosis (Schizoaffective Disorder).
Legally speaking, I find that Norway keeps delaying my way to justice and that they have entered a condition of obstructing my way to justice! If not before...
ReplyDeleteI also reason that the State of Norway, well knowing of my person since 1981/1982, is legally liable for any and all financial loss I've suffered, by scientific and creative contributions, since then by blocking phone calls, blocking mail service and other crime since this point in time!
Lukas F Olsnes-Lea, 2017-12-14
By my summons to Asker and Bærum local court and further to the courts in 2013, I find that my rights to fair hearing and fair trial haven't been fulfilled either. I find this disturbing by the fact that my situation has been rather serious for a very long time, say 35 years and still no good. The State of Norway must be hiding something!
ReplyDeleteKlage til Sivilombudsmannen - Dere har ansvar for min situasjon!
ReplyDeleteLukas F. Olsnes-Lea 11 January 2018 at 17:48
Kjære Sivilombudsmannen
Det har gått 35 år for min sak som gjelder mange alvorlige brudd på mine menneskerettigheter ved
Menneskerettsloven (EMK). Jeg skjønner fortsatt ikke hvordan det er mulig å være Sivilombudsmann og samtidig gå god for dette rettssystemet.
Det er jo politiet som gjør etterforskning og hvis etterforskningen ikke skjer så kan jo disse bruddene på mine
menneskerettigheter bare fortsette!
Jeg har altså ikke fått beskyttelse av politiet, politiet har ikke etterforsket alle (altså ikke etterforsket overhodet) overgrepene mot min person, jeg har ikke fått mulighet for saksførelse av advokat (se klager til Advokatforeningen), saken min mot Justisdepartementet har blitt avvist og jeg har blitt blokkert videre for å ta saken min til ECtHR, Den Europeiske
Jeg finner ved alle disse alvorlige forhold at mine menneskerettigheter er tilsvarende alvorlig truet og at mine
muligheter i demokratisk forstand ikke er særlig tilstede (f.eks. ved oppmøte på medlemsmøte til et politisk parti).
Hva skal jeg liksom gjøre? Jeg venter å høre fra dere!
Mine navn (jeg har byttet navn litt):
Terje Lea
Leonardo F Olsnes-Lea (etter Lille-Leonardo fra Hauglia, Farsund)
Lukas F Olsnes-Lea
Født: 24.09.1975
Tlf: 95287964
Vennlig hilsen
Lukas F Olsnes-Lea
"Dere ber om Djevelen og ondskap? Værsågod! Da gir jeg dere det!"
ReplyDeleteJeg har offisielle brev fra tidligere kontakt til Sivilombudsmannen ved 2 anledninger og er som følger:
ReplyDelete2. august 2000 - Sten Foyn (mitt navn: Terje Lea)
25. november 2010 - Eivind S. Brattegard (mitt navn: Terje Lea)
Vel, vel...
Other malpractitioners, the Alfius Storhaug-couple! Rhymes, anybody?
ReplyDeleteUnder retten til Ytringsfrihet og til rettslig forfølgelse av korrupte politikere så skriver jeg dette:
ReplyDeleteIogmed "skjødesløs" historie av Frynse-Jens sS. Stoltenberg og hans (Nazi-) Jugend liste for alle stygge, politiske virkemidler så synes det for meg at ikke hele historien om Breivik er enda rettslig behandlet. Om ikke Nødrett så kanskje Politisk attentat slik som ved PLO og IRA?
Jeg tar derfor til orde for vid etterforskning av Jens Stoltenberg og hans kriminelle vei gjennom livet, også mulig samkvem med Slobo Milosevic av Serbia, homofilt ja, slik som med John G. og en fyr der ute på Borhaug i Farsund kommune. Altså tiltale burde lyde: Grove brudd på menneskerettighetene, også ved tortur, nærmest som livsvei!
Om hvitsnipp kriminalitet mot meg gjennom disse år:
ReplyDeleteMan kan jo smile og si hvitsnipp kriminalitet mot meg, men faktum er at om man uansett sier Økokrim, Kredittilsynet, Finanstilsynet, Banknemda eller alle disse (norske) selskapene så skjuler de aktuelle sinnsyke menneskene seg bak denne "Mask of Sanity" likevel. At de smiler, javel, men hvem er DE? Hvilke liv er det de lever? Klart de kan skryte, men hva er personligheten bak, hva er deres faktiske opplevelse av disse "godene" av j*velskap? Jeg vet de hater "svarte penger problemet"!
Riktig, la oss ikke glemme korrupte politikere...
Slik som i Justisdepartementet eller Finansdepartementet...
"Pjong" for penger man aldri ser noe av ihvertfall frem til nå...
Eller "kinesiske" penger...
From the "Outside World"
ReplyDeleteStill nothing received from the "outside" in terms of emails, ordinary mail, phone calls, sms'es and mms'es. Nothing!
The Litigation against State of Norway by the Justice Department
ReplyDeleteMy claim against Justice Dep.: They are In flagrante delicto!
Evidence: We've been held in the countryside for easier control of communications, mail and phone calls and social contacts, deprived of our rightful money, making the situation even worse!
Even though I'm leading this case myself, fact is that all of my family from then, 6 members, is part of it.
Evident, plain conclusion: The State of Norway is GUILTY!
I've called on the courts to make the proper moves!
Note: To do military service is to carry the flag on one's arm! However, given my personal history under Norwegian corruption "and history of so many things", I declined this, "saying peace instead", by serving as civil servant, 1998-1999!
ReplyDeleteJeg ordinerer Rettslokale for Borgarting lagmannsrett (siden lagmannsretten tilsynelatende sitter med begge hendene i rævhølene sine) og dommen faller nå! Den ser slik ut:
ReplyDeleteHer følger en sak til signering/godkjenning/arkivering. Den ser slik ut:
Instans Borgarting lagmannsrett - Dom
Dato 2018-08-27
Publisert LB-2018-55522
Stikkord Menneskerettigheter.
Saken strekker seg over mange år og det fremgår at saksøkte ikke har overholdt pliktene sine til tross for mange muligheter til dette. Sakens tydelighet og alvorlighet gjør at bare bosted for saksøker har blitt bestemt. I denne fastsettelsesdom kjennes derfor saksøkte skyldig på alle punkter.
Saksgang Asker og Bærum tingrett TAB-2018-222111 - Borgarting lagmannsrett LB-2018-55522 (18-055522TL-BORG).
Parter Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea mot Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet (JD).
Forfatter Lagrettsdommer Terje Lea.
Henvisninger i teksten Menneskerettsloven (1999) Artikler Del I, Art. 5, ledd 1, 4 og 5, Art. 8, ledd 1 og 2. Del III, Art. 8, ledd 1a, Art. 10, ledd 3.
Asker og Bærum tingrett avsa kjennelse 9. mars 2018 hvor søksmålet fra Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea ble avvist.
Saken har blitt anket til Borgarting lagmannsrett og anken er henvist til ankeforhandling ved lagmannsrettens beslutning 26. april 2018.
Ankeforhandling er holdt 16. august 2018 i Borgarting lagmannsretts hus. Saksøker har ført sin sak.
Lagmannsretten behandler følgende grunnlag for domsavsigelse med bemerkning om at sakens omfattende natur gjør at grunnlaget bare nevnes i korthet:
Justisdepartementet saksøkes for brudd på
- Menneskerettsloven
Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon med protokoller
Del I – Rettigheter og friheter
Art. 5. Retten til frihet og sikkerhet
1. Enhver har rett til personlig frihet og sikkerhet. Ingen må bli berøvet sin frihet unntatt i følgende tilfelle og i samsvar med en framgangsmåte foreskrevet ved lov.
4. Enhver som er pågrepet eller berøvet sin frihet, skal ha rett til å anlegge sak slik at lovligheten av frihetsberøvelsen raskt skal bli avgjort av en domstol, og at hans løslatelse blir beordret dersom frihetsberøvelsen er ulovlig.
5. Enhver som har vært offer for pågripelse eller frihetsberøvelse i strid med bestemmelsene i denne artikkel, skal ha rett til erstatning som kan inndrives.
Art 8 Retten til respekt for privatliv og familieliv,
1. Enhver har rett til respekt for sitt privatliv og familieliv, sitt hjem og sin korrespondanse.
2. Det skal ikke skje noe inngrep av offentlig myndighet i utøvelsen av denne rettighet unntatt når dette er i samsvar med loven og er nødvendig i et demokratisk samfunn av hensyn til den nasjonale sikkerhet, offentlige trygghet eller landets økonomiske velferd, for å
forebygge uorden eller kriminalitet, for å beskytte helse eller moral, eller for å beskytte andres rettigheter og friheter.
Internasjonal konvensjon om økonomiske, sosiale og kulturelle rettigheter
Art 8
1. Konvensjonspartene forplikter seg til å sikre:
a. Rett for enhver til, for å fremme og beskytte sine interesser på det økonomiske og sosiale område, å danne fagforeninger og slutte seg til en fagforening etter eget valg bare avhengig av vedkommende forenings vedtekter. Utøvelsen av denne rett må ikke
underkastes andre innskrenkninger enn dem som følger av lov, og som er nødvendige i et demokratisk samfunn av hensyn til den nasjonale sikkerhet eller den alminnelige samfunnsorden eller for å verne andres rettigheter og friheter,
1/2 Se neste kommentar (Look for next comment)
Art. 10
ReplyDelete3. Særskilte tiltak bør treffes til vern og bistand for alle barn og all ungdom uten forskjellsbehandling på grunn av herkomst eller andre forhold. Barn og ungdom bør beskyttes mot økonomisk og sosial utnytting. Det bør være straffbart ved lov å anvende dem i arbeid som
er skadelig for deres moral eller helse, som setter deres liv i fare, eller som sannsynligvis vil hemme deres normale utvikling. Statene bør også fastsette aldersgrenser og forby, og gjøre straffbart ved lov, å ansette barn under disse grensene i lønnet arbeid.
Selvprosederende saksøker påstår in flagrante delicto for motparten.
Saksøkte møtte ikke.
Lagmannsretten bemerker:
Det må sies at saksøker har blitt holdt mot sin vilje i Farsund kommune gjennom det meste av tiden han har bodd der og videre at hans rettigheter har vært undertrykket gjennom tiden etter at han har bodd utenfor kommunen etter dette også.
For denne saken er det tilstrekkelig derfor å oppgi at denne personen har bodd i Farsund kommune og andre steder etter dette siden 1981 (omtrent) til 2018 uten at effektiv dom har vært kunngjort denne personen som videre har gjenopprettet denne personens rettigheter og betydelige rettmessige økonomiske midler.
Det må nevnes at familien til saksøker er implisert i denne saken på saksøkers side fordi vanskelige omstendigheter har gjort informasjonsinnsamlingen vanskelig og bare utmerkede evner hos saksøker som også har et stort navn har gjort dette mulig.
I tillegg vil lagmannsretten påpeke at den slette moral som har gjort søksmål vanskelig for saksøker og hans opprinnelige familie må irettesettes og at lagmannsretten derfor uttrykker sin fulle støtte til saksøker i denne saken.
Det avsies dom i saken Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea mot Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet (JD) ved fastsettelsesdom i henhold til Rt. 2003 s. 301 og Høyesteretts obiter dictum i denne sammenheng. Anken har ført frem.
Dommen er enstemmig.
Justisdepartementet v/Tor Mikkel Wara kjennes skyldig på alle punkter
(Fordi Norge er Homs og mye annet av styggeste internasjonal kriminalitet. F*ck you!)
2/2 Siste kommentar av 2. (Last comment of 2 today, "now".)
Viktig. Status oppdatering ("Mars familien"):
ReplyDeleteJeg er egentlig ganske hardt presset og likeså er min øvrige familie.
Min aggressive skriving (adferd i vid forstand) er fremprovosert av Den norske regjering ved Justisdepartementet og forsåvidt andre folk, svært idiotiske mennesker, /under/ departementet. Jeg synes norske myndigheter har opptrådt på den mest skammelige måte og det er svært alvorlig ift. andre beskyldninger som treffer Norge om dagen og offisiell norsk adferd i Verden.
Jeg vil (igjen, som så mange ganger før, egentlig) appellere til norske myndigheter om å tenke over hva som gjøres på den riktige måten og det med de sterkeste plikter i ryggen eller med de styggeste konsekvenser hvis man fortsetter på en hodeløs måte ift. meg og min øvrige familie (Norge), alle oss 9 mennesker, alle mine 4 besteforeldre er nå døde, også uten...
Notat: psykologisk profilering kan faktisk anvendes på nasjoner også!
#Regjeringen #Stortinget #Justisdepartementet Regjeringen Stortinget
"Whether the Knight or only the Squire, I accept! I provide arms!" See the Armor of God in the Bible! Though, be not mistaken: "Thy (semi-aut.) rifle and thy revolver, they comfort me!" (The Valley of Darkness, also from the Bible!)
ReplyDeleteDet har ikke vært mitt ønske at denne skarpe, vanskelige situasjonen har oppstått fordi dette kunne klart vært løst på en bedre, mer elegant måte! Men når virkeligheten er slik da handler jeg, selvsagt! Situasjonen må sies å være fremprovosert av (korrupte) Norge på alle måter! De kan ikke unnskyldes for deres handlinger! Jeg krever deres OFFER, gjerne på FAT!
ReplyDeleteI demand to represent my family in terms of scientific, ethical and moral, psychiatry! My background for this demand, claim, entitlement (all 100 ways) is my entire span of more than 35 years of World class excellence! Thus, I am their intellectual representative as well as the main person for their mental health, ALL of it! Is this understood?!!
On the other side, they have no word, no human being for my family!
If I now finally can receive ALL of my emails after these years, 10 or other...
ReplyDeleteYou're not blocking them, are you? You're not presenting yourself as me?
"I hope for the best!" #Gmail #ConspiracyToCrime #HighCrime #Evil #Fraud #Norway
Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet
v/ Justis- og beredskapsminister Tor Mikkel Wara
Postboks 8005 Dep
0030 Oslo
Regning for privatetterforskning til Justisdepartementet, Norge
Jeg, Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea, retter med dette et krav om betaling for privatetterforskning helst siden sommeren 1994.
Kravet gis for privatetterforskning med doktor kompetanse og verdensnavn og vil derfor beløpe til 24 år x 1,2 millioner som gir en regning til dere ved Justisminister Tor Mikkel Wara på
28,8 millioner kroner (28 800 000,00 NOK)
som skal utbetales til meg på konto 6039.14.28363 hos Nordea Norge. Betalingsfrist er 14 dager fra 1. virkedag, 10.12.2018 og skal derfor være meg ihende den 24. desember, 2018.
Med vennlig hilsen
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Bærum, Akershus
The Lawyers I've Sought for Due Process
ReplyDeleteMy father also going to trial by himself at Lista tingrett from the time we're living at Hauglia, 1983-84, Farsund, Norway.
Also several requests for help from Amnesty International Norway in the 80s and 90s.
Before 1993: Trying to seek lawyer with Paul Rynning of Vanse, Farsund
Some time before 1993: numerous attempts for getting assistance from Farsund Police
Some time before 1993: Trying to file complaint with Lyngdal Police Station
1993/94: Kjaer & Co (Kjær & Co) Kristiansand
1997: 1st attempt at making a complaint at the Farsund police office, but attacked while inside the office for making the complaint.
2000: 1st (Succ.) Attempt for filing complaint to police, Sandnes Police Station, 3rd July
I've also requested help from "Sivilombudsmannen" 3 times, 2000, 2010 and 2017.
2001: Also Skagen Advokatene (Eurojuris) Stavanger.
2004: Bryne Advokatene
2006/07: 2 attempts for legal assistance from Tjenestetorget dot no, 1 in Asker and 1 in Sandvika
2011: 3 attempts for legal assistance, all from Human Rights Selection at Advokatforeningen dot no, I guess, specialists on Human Rights
2011-2013: Final. I do trial myself! Asker og Baerum tingrett, Borgarting lagmannsrett and Hoyesterett, 2013-1170 or so.
The abuse of state powers and severe mistreatment and threats, obstruction to justice, make the case no better for THEM, the Justice Department of Norway!
Note: changes of name, Terje Lea -> Terje Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea -> Lukas Ferdinand Olsnes-Lea, 24.09.1975.
#Important message: you who want to help me can NOW start writing ALL expenses on the Justice Department of Norway or my bank conn. Nordea Norway as long as it holds some virtue! Just be a bit headless too and feel FREE!
ReplyDelete#NationthatdoesnotunderstandBusinessConventions #UDHR #Help #NorwayNotBusinessConventions #AntiUDHRNorway #PUNISHMENT
Also to Twitter
Getting safe and sound to USA - To Twitter
ReplyDeleteHereby, I employ / authorize all U.S. people necessary to get me safe and sound to USA with a residence worth no less than 10 Mn USD and with 100 Mn USD on a US bank account! This goes to lawyers and security people with some weapons necessary for this. Again, any 1/2
..U.S. bank has the duty to impose the costs onto either the Justice Department of Norway or my bank in Norway, #Nordea Norway because they (in Norway) do not comply with financial rules of the democratic World,the international financial systems. Ok? Whatever it takes! All that it takes!2/2
#USLawyers #USsecurity #USjetplane #charteredjet #DrTerjeLea #Fame1983 #Kaneheia #Hauglia #ASAP #Urgent
Also for finally nailing corrupt State of Norway to the legal wall of Justice! For their many years of heineous crimes against me and my family, also my grandparents, all 4 of them! Severe violations of business conventions only known from Soviet Union/Communistic like nations!
(In Norwegian for now. Sorry.)
ReplyDeletePosten Norge - Spørsmål:
Hvorfor skal Posten Norge ha enerett på levering av brev når de er så zombie og ansvarsløse på nettopp levering av brev?!!
Kan ikke Utenriksdepartementet eller Justisdepartementet svare på protestene fra Utlandet om alle disse brevene som forsvant "i fjor", der tilbake gjennom historien? Var de viktige, mon tro?
Kommersialisering beskytter ikke idioter? Idioter og andre inkompetente må få sparken? Næringslivet i Norge?
#PostenNorge #Post #Brev Utenriksdepartementet Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet Posten Stortinget #Kommersialisering #DigiPost #DigiPostFiasko
For the right above, the missing letter due to corrupt services of Postal Services Norway:
ReplyDeleteI suspect they, the letters "gone missing" (corruptly seized), are from prominent people everywhere in the World, including state leaders and important business people and my biological children. In addition, they are silent about complaints here in Norway. My communications are closely monitored, I suspect. My rightful, moral investigations are actively being blocked! How to move on from here? D*mn, just very hard to do something so primary focus is all people out there, abroad!
Thank you for (moral) support!
This is essentially the story all the way from 1983 and 1984 up to now, also including my personal phone calls, my private business, my relations to all sorts of people and companies around the World.
ReplyDelete(In Norwegian again. Sorry. About the guilty parties for the suppression of my Human Rights, this time about the financial sides!)
ReplyDeleteFra min lille leilighet til tross for verdensklasse prestasjoner i mer enn 35 år: JEG HAR RETT TIL Å FÅ PENGENE MINE UTBETALT TIL MINE KONTI!
De skyldige gjennom alle disse år, mer enn 35 år:
Økokrim, - okokrim dot no
Finanstilsynet, - finanstilsynet dot no
Kredittilsynet har blitt til Finanstilsynet det også
Norges Bank, - norges-bank dot no
DnB ("i mitt navn", også? Siden 1983?), - dnb dot no
Nordea Norge (siden 2017?), - nordea dot no
Finans-Norge i SVART?!!! Pengene er blitt "tunge"? Forringede Norske kroner (NOK)?
Dreping ved Nødrett?
Man må gjøre jobben, for h*lvete! Jeg krever det! Det har man fått betalt for, det er det man får betalt for nå også!
#BusinessConventions #Norge #FinansNorge
Nødrett er en straffrihetsgrunn, som i norsk rett reguleres av straffeloven § 47. Paragrafen gjør en ellers straffbar handling straffri, dersom visse nærmere bestemte vilkår er oppfylt. Handlingen det er snakk om må være utført for å redde «nogens Person eller Gods fra en paa anden Maade uafvendelig Fare».
ReplyDeleteNødrett – Wikipediaødrett
As I feel close to death or "mental death by medical torture or other or by hit attempts and otherwise, it must be evident that State powers of Norway are being abused and as I'm protected by the business conventions and Norway is consistently and maliciously violating its promises to democracy and duties thereof, everything in Norway can be bought in order to maim and or kill the corruption in this nation! Buy the killers you want! Fire at will!
ReplyDeleteNote on "psycho" verdict straight from 2nd highest level of courts in Norway, (NO:) "Borgarting lagmannsrett", Borgarting county/regional court, in Oslo, Norway, for Christ's sake!
Necessaity (law) under Criminal Law (Wikipedia), the political attempts:
Corruption and other evil has no protection, no rights and no guarantees!
Michael Jackson - After the Documentary - A Comment
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would separate artist and music, as a (famous) songwriter (Songaren, The Song-er, The Maker of Songs).
It can be difficult to be a famous artist and one is facing all sorts of lunatics on the way. Michael Jackson was first and foremost known for his voice to the listeners of music!
Therefore, note on "Heal the World", "Beat It! (..You Idiots)", "You Are Not Alone", etc. etc. that all make up his famous legacy for singing them, representing them as a singer, musician.
Note on "supporters" for (horrible) abuses:
"Person of interest": Psychiatrist Torgeir Husby, alongside other suspects of most horrible malpractice: physicians all of them, one speciality or another: Jan Olav Johannessen, Inge Joa, Svein Arne Hapnes, Tone Hapnes, Sidsel Storhaug, Alf Storhaug, +++, most of Farsund Hospital, "Farsund Sykehus", back then, w/o me having the slightest possibility to file charges or make lawsuits because of other corruption, until 2003, by letter to Sandnes police station, after 1st "attempt" in 2000, 3. July, the day before 2nd Amendment 4. July (USA)!
Note on Nazi-Music Norway under the Department of Culture in Norway. See story about Taylor Swift meeting me with her friends right there by the National Assembly.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUpdate! Important!
ReplyDeleteFALSE ALARM! FALSE ALARM! Live video on what's app! They are alive afterall! Though the Norwegian Justicedepartment give me no particular assurances whatsoever! Brit. Cheers!
False alarm comment above to be deleted!
ReplyDeleteKrav til Helsedepartementet og Justisdepartementet, forsåvidt til Staten Norge
ReplyDeleteJeg krever herved at alle 7 medlemmer av min familie, familien Lea også kjent som familien Mars fra Kaneheia og Hauglia, så raskt som mulig flyttes til Stor-Oslo området på grunnlag om bekymringer for tilstrekkelige helsetjenester og tilstrekkelig sikkerhet!
Det er fullstendig uakseptabelt at man skal gjenta min historie om de styggeste overgrep og trusler om de styggeste overgrep mot oss 9 medlemmer, vår familie, og da spesielt mot 3 barn jeg er onkel til hvor eldste bare er 11 år gammel!
Værsågod! Se å få det gjort! Min egen historie er skammelig nok som den er, jfr. "sykehus-heroin" og korrupte leger, politifolk. Dette støttes selvfølgelig på sterkeste måte av "Business Conventions".
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Verdensprestasjoner i mer enn 35 år, Kaneheia og Hauglia
Rapport. Korrupte politifolk og leger: Melding om trakassering av min person lørdag, 23. april, 2019, kl. 08.30 til Sivilombudsmannen på toppen av 3 tidligere forbindelser, 2000, 2010 og 2017. Dette må sees i lys av en slags pågående sak mot Justisdepartementet, også ved at jeg leder saken for min familie, Familien Lea, Mars familien fordi jeg er nemlig ikke på "sykehus-heroin" hvorpå min far, komplett uten informasjon fra "utsiden" bør i det f*ens distriktet enda!
ReplyDeleteSaken mot Justisdepartementet har jeg omtalt før, også ved de faktiske referansene, fra Asker og Bærum tingrett, Borgarting lagmannsrett og (Norges) Høyesterett, 2013.
Ille nok som det er, involverer trakasseringen også forhold ved den lokale domstolen, Asker og Bærum tingrett til tross for de sterkeste advarsler ved Forretningskonvensjonene (the Business Conventions)!
Update on the abuses by Corrupt Norway:
ReplyDeleteThe "Chinese detention" by Corrupt Norway has caused me a heart condition. Nothing extremely bad, though. Nicely solved by "Amlodipin" blood pressure medication. I'm still the man for much punishment on my body and that it should only take a reduction in body weight to have the condition removed as much as Diabetes Type 2.
I am certainly not free in the ordinary sense of the word. They withhold my serious money, withhold phone calls, withhold mail, withhold emails, withhold Facebook "data" or connections, I suspect! It seems crazy that they are able to pull this sh3t of in 2019.
Google Mismanagement - @FBI
ReplyDeleteI've suffered mismanagement from Google given Google Search and Gmail! So I demand criminal investigation of these 2 Google entities and proper sentencing according to crimes, possibly the death penalty if it seems most suitable! Thank you! Also a call made by the Business Conventions, of course!
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea / Dr. Terje Lea
Goodbye, sh*tholes!
Til Politiet
ReplyDeleteDette er anmeldelse av Vestre Viken HF
Dette er anmeldelse av Vestre Viken HF for feilmedisinering og den groveste adferd med de resultater som medførte betraktelige mentale smerter og som på styggeste måte representerer Hindring av min vei til rettferdighet (EN: obstruction to justice) for perioden 2006 til 2017.
Jeg ber om hardeste straffereaksjon også under Forretningskonvensjonene (EN: Business Conventions)!
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Doctor Europea, 8-24097543, mer enn 35 år med Verdensprestasjoner
Til idiotene der ute, korrupt politi og alle andre
ReplyDeleteJeg har rettsvern av høyeste rang! Jeg støtter drap på de jeg må eller at jeg gjør dem selv! Pell dere VEKK!
#Rettsvern #Forretningskonvensjonene #BusinessConventions
(Se dato. 03.05.2019.)
News. Corrupt Norway:
ReplyDeleteI have been assaulted on my hotel room, March 23, 2019, by corrupt police who have been conspiring with a mere, corrupt physician only to suffer 5 weeks of physicians' idiocy under forced incarceration. Continued forced treatment regime on top of my person. Unknown the level of smearing behind my back and what they do with that legally. Probably using physicians' network to degrade my person further.
I have reported all of it as misconduct and harassment to the proper places for such. All objected to. Though I am still protecting by business conventions, adding new targets for punishment!
The intent to take the Norwegian Health Department to Court
ReplyDeleteI'd like to say that I intend to take the Norwegian Health Department to Court because they have violated my way to Justice my medical malpractice like wrongful medication and misinformation, deceiving me in receiving assistance and holding back information important to my person, also given my family, whether the "hospital heroin" issues or other.
However, due to the ongoing process where Norway blocks my way to Fair Hearing and Fair Trial, it may take some time until a case can be pushed through!
The intent to take the Norwegian Financial Department to Court
ReplyDeleteI'd like to say that I intend to take the Norwegian Financial Department to Court over violating the Business Conventions relating to my person or flaunting their duties to them, relating to my person.
However, due to the ongoing process where Norway blocks my way to Fair Hearing and Fair Trial, it may take some time until a case can be pushed through!
ReplyDelete1 or 2 fake "deals" or "agreements" broken in by threats of medical torture immediately outside office door on psychiatric hospital grounds. 2nd wave of severe threat to cause trauma in order to remove memory. This during "treatment" session with psychiatrist Ingunn "Smiley Face"/1 of "The 2 Africans" Verdal. Former cleaner from F-ing municipality, Vest-Agder, meeting recruitment requirements of psych. Asbjorn Resdan. Possibly homosexual with Guni/Gunn "Sprekken i Hjulet" Haukland/Pound(er), nutcase, 2nd of "The 2 Africans", whether cannibals or not.
Time of event: between 2019-04-05 to 2019-04-12. Blakstad. Asker local district, not too far from Oslo.
ReplyDeleteThe bill to Justice Department of Norway has gone to debt collection!
ReplyDeleteAnybody who wants to charge them 28.8 million NOK for private investigation plus 10 percent fee for doing it?
#StateOfNorway #TheBusinessConventions #DebtCollection @Justisdepartementet
Erklæring. Finans! Nordea bank Norge
ReplyDeleteJeg slår herved Nordea bank Norge konkurs for holdt tilbake trillioner av kroner i skammelig lang tid!
Se bare betingelsene for dette ved Lovdata og Forretningskonvensjonene (Business Conventions) og forpliktelsene til Det internasjonale monetære system, WTO og annet.
Melding går også til Oslo tingrett og Asker og Bærum tingrett!
#NordeaBank #NordeaNorge @NordeaNorge @Finanstilsynet @Finansdepartementet @StatsministerensKontor @OsloTingrett @AskerOgBærumTingrett
F*ck Nordea bank Norge for denne gang! *Smil* "Shake it off!"
Alle bankens aktiviteter skal avsluttes så raskt som mulig, jfr. Konkursbestemmelsene for bank!
Til Helsetilsynet
ReplyDeleteJeg er idag tvangsmedisinert med Xeplion på tross av at jeg har godtatt medisinering med RXUlti, uvisst hvilket nivå, som kompromiss når legene var "sterkt uenige" om min psykiske tilstand som bare deprimert og derved behandlet med Escitalopram, 10 mg nå, 15 mg tidligere, også per evidensbasert medisinsk behandling (1 år og 11 mnd.) og bekreftet ved opplevd livskvalitet og forsåvidt intellektuel arbeidsevne.
Det er grunn til å hevde at psykiatrien fremdeles er tendensiøs selv om vi er i 2019. Det å være både lovlydig og bety noe i Verden opplever jeg blir sanksjonert negativt i en "grisebinge" som psykiatrien til tross for beskyttelse av Forretningskonvensjonene (Business Conventions). Man blir rett og slett presset ut av sitt gode sinn, gjerne også med bruk av medisinsk tortur. I tillegg har man tvilsomme navn på blokka som Jan Olav Johannessen, Svein Arne Hapnes, Tone Hapnes, Sidsel Storhaug, Alf Storhaug og Inge Joa. Andre navn er Torgeir Husby (Michael Jackson), Asbjørn "Begår in the A*s-Hole" Resdan (inhabilitet fra Farsund miljøet hvor jeg har vokst opp), Olaf Sandnes (psykolog) og Dag Sandnes (psykolog/lærer).
Det å ta medisin per tabletter er nettopp kriteriet for å slippe tvangsmedisinering slik som med Xeplion. Jeg rapporterte også større livskvalitet etterhvert som mengden Xeplion ble redusert. Risperidon baserte medisiner er beviselig uten virkning ene og alene gitt selvmordsforsøk i november 2014, da etter å vært tvunget til å være uten antidepressiva (Escitalopram) forut for selvmordsforsøk i desember 2013 og januar 2014.
Jeg kommer tilbake med en bedre epost.
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
(Dr. Terje Lea, Kaneheia og Hauglia, sønn av Jan Terje Lea og Rigmor Hilde Lea)
Xeplion injeksjoner bare for å øke antallet muligheter for å begå styggeste handlinger mot min person, også per blodprøver!
ReplyDelete2 nærmest grunnløse tvangsinnleggelser også med "1 prosents-" politiet som trussel og assistanse så føler jeg disse angrepene på mitt liv gjør at selvmord absolutt synes som en god løsning uansett hvor mange forsøk som kreves!
ReplyDeleteVidere til Helsetilsynet:
ReplyDeleteHei igjen
Jeg kan nevne OR gate testing som bevis for yrkesutøvelsen til f.eks. 2 psykiatere, overleger, Martin Sand og Hilde Mellingen:
Martin Sand har full negativ score, - 600 mill. for +-600 mill. sensitivitet
Hilde Mellingen har nesten full negativ score, - 590 mill. for samme sens.
Xeplion beslutningen ved selve injeksjonene og blodprøver, også gitt mulige uærlige handlinger mot min person, har også full negativ score, - 600 mill.
Ketil Kongelstads (ass. fylkeslege) relasjon til meg vil jeg derfor tippe også er - 600 mill.
Dette til deres informasjon.
Dr. Olsnes-Lea
Til Bærum kommune
ReplyDeleteOffentlig erklæring.
På grunn av rettslige forpliktelser gitt juridisk domene Bærum kommune og de groveste brudd på disse så erklærer jeg herved Bærum kommune for konkurs!
Det gjelder også 2 bak der.
Jeg krever også å bo i nåværende leilighet inntil videre slik at jeg kan flytte til en mer passende leilighet i nær fremtid!
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Doctor Europea, 8-240975**, flere doktorgrader nå i 2019, Verden i ære
#BærumKommune #Juridisk
Baerum municipality (Akershus, Norway) declared bankrupt.
Declaration. Norway is bankrupt!
ReplyDeleteI hereby declare Norway bankrupt for failing to comply with Business Conventions so that my money is transferred to one of my bank accounts,
withholding my money for many years since the 80s and thus betraying me and my family, the Mars family (the Lea family).
"Also with the others, but as private person!"
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Doctor Europea (Dr. Terje Lea)
By Norwegian suppression, tech-eyes, tech-ears, tech-brain, deepest pervert privacy invasion, also as state crimes:
ReplyDeleteMany of my mind's faculties are diminished, like speed-reading when I like to read a lot and can't find no peace for reading...
My ability to do mathematics is also deeply suppressed, with suspected medical torture behind there somewhere...
Destroying my life, making social connections virtually impossible, using my senses for some kind of attack radar, also abroad, aggravated by "voodoo", freak nature setup... Monsters playing their game at State level, Norway!
To make the disavowal of F*-ing commune down south ("where the peppers grow"), Vest-Agdie, Norway, most definite:
ReplyDelete"I would not be able to enter Heaven with such a Norwegian accent! The shameful accent must be eradicated from Norwegian territory if Norway is to return to decency!"
Some gossip:
"Parts of several boys, naked, coming together into one (gay-evil colour) bronze statue next to a bank! Just like the patches of human skin on the face of a Psycho!"
I mean it, that's F*-ing commune! Inquisition? Purification of the area? Make it wilderness to allow all the ghosts some rest? The future is uncertain for the F-ing area! (F-ing commune!).
Apart, area of nature and birds in particular:
"Once upon a time, I was the Genius from Lista!"
Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea
Doctor Europea (Dr. Terje Lea, Kaneheia og Hauglia, verdenskjent i 1983 med pressekonferanse i London, England, GB)
ReplyDeleteJeg har sendt "Påminnelse nr. 3: Dom i saken Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea mot Justisdepartementet" til Borgarting lagmannsrett og ber om at Justisdepartementet selvfølgelig kjennes skyldige og dømmes behørig hvor det må fremgå at bare min far og jeg er tilstede i en rettssak som er allment kjent for å være så klar som det går an med overveldende bevismengde mot Justisdepartementet og hvor Borgartings oppgave er å bevitne at min far og jeg dømmer Justisdepartmentet som skyldige!
Lenke, Domstol dot no, Borgarting lagmannsrett: