Wednesday, 22 February 2012

New news on Breivik: It must be clear that this is what Norway gets for being such a SCREWED country...

New news on Breivik: The case against Breivik on grounds of terror is MEANINGLESS because the police lawyers can't make a plausible claim that Breivik has caused any terror when in fact the GOVERNMENT and the governing forces themselves are much more likely themselves to cause GREATER terror against its own population by its blatantly f*cked legal practice, even one THEY INSIST on "to be this way for hidden reasons"! Dumba**es, you don't know how despicable you are!


  1. You can add to the labels: political attempt!

  2. It will not get better in terms of tendencies of this country when they have indeed laid aside another "state crime": The planning and execution of the Scandinavian Star catastrophy!

  3. Ending up with this to the The Forum - BBC World Service: Unable to find a story to put it under and citing the work of Christian Dube, "Religiöse Sprache in Reden Adolf Hitlers", I give you this: Some corrective information: Seeing the mas...s-media (of Norway) portraying Breivik as a nut (perhaps some...), I find his references on Nazism quite remarkable, like this one on (by Adobe), p. 51: ""Those who deny history are bound to repeat it": While Nazism is simply too stained to get a second chance, Islam is certainly in a position to force unbelievers into Dhimmitude (as is happening in dozens of Muslim countries in varying degrees), and even to wage new jihads, this time with weapons of mass-destruction." It is funny how this right-wing extremist, but explicit Christian seems to be fairly passive on attacking Muslims "systematically" like Hitler would do to Jews, therefore, placing Breivik along with moderate Progressive Party's [Fremskrittspartiet] members of the 1990s seems still fair to me! Check it yourself, please! (And I have actually lived in Norway my whole life, knowing it inside-out! Also, the document: 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence ! I also give you the verdict that I suspect Breivik to be MORE Christian than 50 perc. of the adult Norwegian population, i.e., above 18 yo.!)) I have also posted to CNN who is actually more engaged with it than BBC!
    The Justice department had its location together with the Prime Minister, the building that was hit by the bomb! Also check document by Breivik on the usual list of "hate-words" that the "extremists" are so well known for, coming in from Nazi-sympathic groups!!! Also, the schema by Dube is laid ready!!!

  4. Norway, Norway, come on... Go on and tell Tom Clancy what he _really_ writes in his books as you are _so_ "objectionists" to my work (dogmatically so???) and, of course, _self-_invited to tell _me_ about my own work and how "hidden I am to my own cognition", (f*cked enough)!!! Pathology? "Non?" "Ehh... 'allo, 'allo?"

    And it does not get any better when they are to "help" Breivik explain himself, as he evidently writes AGAINST Nazism, breaking their most precious label, _right wing_ extremist! However, I may agree to a _new_ kind of _religious_ extremist, but honestly there are some concerns by Breivik thatare lost in this spineless display of emotions by Norwegian media, all "of us", being _so_ victims of "terror", by one man, novel and strangely enough!!! (One man terrorism, this new Norwegian "expert" invention!!!)

  5. Question: to describe Breivik as terrorist, isn't it the same as leaving the legal practice that concerns _objectivity_??? How are we then to proceed? Are we to have A king or A queen as the "feeler"/feeling person (of authority)/"empathiser" (of authority)/"judge of (valid) emotions" (of authority)??? Also, with Flåså (Norwegian comedian), hired by the Courts, that is, the Judiciary power of the 3/4 powers by the Separation of Powers (Media being the 4th)! That is, is there to be one (authoritative) person hired by the Courts to be /the/ feeling person for this legal domain? 1984 and "rubbish" are ringing in my ears...! What this really comes down to is of course how the H*ll it can be that one person _constitutes_ TERRORISM! How can it be???​wiki/Division_of_power !
    Separation of powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia​wiki/Terrorism !
    Terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    So I agree with this, while also referring to the EU terrorist _organisations_ list, where also the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka have been named (before defeat):
    "Nonetheless, Hoffman himself believes it is possible to identify some key characteristics of terrorism. He proposes that:
    The Baghdad bus station was the scene of a triple car bombing in August 2005 that killed 43 people.
    By distinguishing terrorists from other types of criminals and terrorism from other forms of crime, we come to appreciate that terrorism is :
    * ineluctably political in aims and motives
    * violent – or, equally important, threatens violence
    * designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target
    * conducted by an organization with an identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure (whose members wear no uniform or identifying insignia) and
    * perpetrated by a subnational group or non-state entity.[22]" I also think of it as plausible to say that a non-state entity
    actually is a _group_ too!!!

    First written to Facebook on 27. April, 2012, or so!

  6. Til norsk media! Jeg minner om medias informasjonsplikt til det norske folk ved kringkastingslisens og annet, journalistikk... PFU...

    Breivik saken opp på ny

    Stoltenbergs Jugend-liste.
    Stoltenbergs forhold til Farsund kommune og disse to menn,
    antatt, Leon Håland og John "John G." Greåker.
    Stoltenbergs Nazi-støvler som faktisk gjør hans ca. 1,80 m til 1,95 m,
    bestilt fra USA, per "Tom Cruise" standard.
    Stoltenbergs, Jens, forhold til regjering i 1992 og hans far ("som før, dvs. USA og f.eks. Japp/Mars") i Serbia samtidig og dertil "Slobo" Milosevic
    som jo kan ha ledet til folkemordet ved (personlig overføring) til Slobo M.
    Stoltenbergs andre mulige tendenser (slik som uttrykt på nyhetsserverne ved "Universitet - UO") og mulige mentale patologier, dvs. sykdomstrekk i den klassiske forstand, egentlig forstått som lidelse.
    En mulig advarsel fra USA om nettopp Stoltenberg.
    En mulig referanse fra sør-Vietnam om at Jens Stoltenberg og "John G." har vært der og drept båtflyktninger. Tid: en gang på 80-tallet.
    At han fikk referanser fra Tone "G-Spot" Hapnes og IBM BlueGene L i 1996, året etter Srebrenica, fordi at, egentlig, Jens G-Spot refererte til Jens G-Spot-Srebrenica som et tyngdepunkt av ondskap og selvfølgelig IBM referansen som Blue"Genocide" L og annet som BlueGene, en slags skjult referanse på rasisme og BlueGene L som referanse på Stall Lea hestene i V75 travløpene, da også samtidig med en slags overgreps-referanse på meg som person fordi overgrepene har vært omfattende og da over, la oss si, 30 år.

  7. Dette gjør Breiviks sak helt annerledes enn den "terror-dom" han sitter inne for samt en type "mental lidelse" fordi man vet litt om sinte politifolk og annet.
    Derfor burde Breivik få saken sin opp på nytt på grunnlag av de fakta at han sier sannheten og at saken egentlig under samme sannhetskrav skal føres som
    (politisk) attentat, også ved folks rett til riktig domfellelse på dette grunnlag, at J. Stoltenberg og Arbeiderpartiet har sittet i dyp skam og derfor fortjener å bli
    truffet av attentat. En stat uten rettslig troverdighet må jo medføre diverse voldelige holdninger og hendelser og jeg sier igjen:

    PS: Denne forp¤%"%¤#%&"¤&¤%& Lex Breivik kan BRENNES på bålet!

    Soon into English:
    (Please wait up! While waiting, you can use Google Translator.)
