Monday, 24 September 2012

The Breivik Paradox of Legal Systems - On the Use of Torture

The Breivik Paradox of Legal Systems - On the Use of Torture

by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 at 20:02 CEST.

With Breivik, it may have proven to be a trick for the police to charge him with terror, so as to provide themselves an excuse to torture. Because we don't know if they have tortured, do we? And that he isn't this terrorist of convention, as they are so fixated to think, isn't this so? Sorry for this Socrates-chain of words. So here we have a legal paradox "from a strange and deficient legal system, that of Norway", that has actualised or blurred when torture on people is supposed to take place, BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T USED THE LIST OF EU AND THEY HAVEN'T ALLOWED THE TERRORIST ORGANISATION TO FORM EVEN, BEFORE THEY STRIKE AND CATCH "ONE DAMN EVIL MAN", (muted) one, perhaps, more Christian than them... "Ohh, is there a chance for that...?"

Note: First written to Facebook under my Facebook profile (by public setting, Sunday, 24 June 2012. Note2: Today, I've tried to inform the ECtHR of serious problems in Norway relating to the formulation of the Breivik Pradox. I've tried to phone them by official number: 00 33388412018 and getting "this number is not in use" by NetCom
Note3: The message to ECtHR has been (upon sending):
I'd like You to know about the Breivik Paradox and the very serious problems it offers in terms of legal practice with a police force already marked by corruption and now is looking for individuals, "whether they remember it or not", traumatic experiences can /easily/ disappear from memory! Here:
The Breivik Paradox of Legal Systems - On the Use of Torture
by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 at 20:02 CEST.
With Breivik, it may have proven to be a trick for the police to charge him with terror, so as to provide themselves an excuse to torture. Because we don't know if they have tortured, do we? And that he isn't this terrorist of convention, as they are so fixated to think, isn't this so? Sorry for this Socrates-chain of words. So here we have a legal paradox "from a strange and deficient legal system, that of Norway", that has actualised or blurred when torture on people is supposed to take place, BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T USED THE LIST OF EU AND THEY HAVEN'T ALLOWED THE TERRORIST ORGANISATION TO FORM EVEN, BEFORE THEY STRIKE AND CATCH "ONE DAMN EVIL MAN", (muted) one, perhaps, more Christian than them... "Ohh, is there a chance for that...?"
(Note: under the message to ECtHR) First written to Facebook under my Facebook profile (by public setting, Sunday, 24 June 2012.
So this should be it.


  1. I have also used the following form by Url: , stating that I'm occupied as a journalist, but also "self-driven". The phone number is acquired by . I expect their auto-defeat in the Court (them representing the Politi- og Beredskapsdepartementet (equiv. The Department of Justice) by .

  2. Terje,

    Ikke ta det ille opp, men jeg har lest en del av hva du har skrevet. Det er litt foruroligende.

    Iblant er det ikke det beste å publisere alle tanker man har for hele verden å lese. Noen tanker kan være bedre å holde for seg selv. Det er kanskje derfor naturen har gjort det slik at man ikke tenker høylydt.

    Trenger du noen å prate med?

  3. My name is not "Terje" for you! 2nd, this represents a serious issue as part of the legal system of Norway and leaders gone crazy. What's harder, is that this comes on top of the case of Therese Johannessen, Fjell, Drammen, that we may have directly and blatantly been playing a theater to the Swedes on! That we've lied to serious investigators from Sweden and implied to them that Thomas Quick has been guilty while a subset of our own worst and unpunished criminals have gone free "with Therese J.'s "teeth in pocket" from her corpse, of course!

  4. Retrospect: Breivik d*mns Stoltenberg-Jugend and makes an anti-Nazi note inside the manifesto, i.e., the understatement that "The Nazi label is simply too tarnished" or something like that. BUT, Stoltenberg HAS KEPT an illegal Jugend-list including many criminals for his way to power for the pleasure of his corrupt mind. Breivik-case back to the courts???! If Stoltenberg has kept such a list, then I also think the State of Norway has a duty to inform the public of this regardless of the Breivik case! They still are to comply with duties to democracy and inform us on possible REAL points of Breivik, i.e., that (some) of his points have been reasonable!

  5. Til norsk media! Jeg minner om medias informasjonsplikt til det norske folk ved kringkastingslisens og annet, journalistikk... PFU...

    Breivik saken opp på ny

    Stoltenbergs Jugend-liste.
    Stoltenbergs forhold til Farsund kommune og disse to menn,
    antatt, Leon Håland og John "John G." Greåker.
    Stoltenbergs Nazi-støvler som faktisk gjør hans ca. 1,80 m til 1,95 m,
    bestilt fra USA, per "Tom Cruise" standard.
    Stoltenbergs, Jens, forhold til regjering i 1992 og hans far ("som før, dvs. USA og f.eks. Japp/Mars") i Serbia samtidig og dertil "Slobo" Milosevic
    som jo kan ha ledet til folkemordet ved (personlig overføring) til Slobo M.
    Stoltenbergs andre mulige tendenser (slik som uttrykt på nyhetsserverne ved "Universitet - UO") og mulige mentale patologier, dvs. sykdomstrekk i den klassiske forstand, egentlig forstått som lidelse.
    En mulig advarsel fra USA om nettopp Stoltenberg.
    En mulig referanse fra sør-Vietnam om at Jens Stoltenberg og "John G." har vært der og drept båtflyktninger. Tid: en gang på 80-tallet.
    At han fikk referanser fra Tone "G-Spot" Hapnes og IBM BlueGene L i 1996, året etter Srebrenica, fordi at, egentlig, Jens G-Spot refererte til Jens G-Spot-Srebrenica som et tyngdepunkt av ondskap og selvfølgelig IBM referansen som Blue"Genocide" L og annet som BlueGene, en slags skjult referanse på rasisme og BlueGene L som referanse på Stall Lea hestene i V75 travløpene, da også samtidig med en slags overgreps-referanse på meg som person fordi overgrepene har vært omfattende og da over, la oss si, 30 år.

    Dette gjør Breiviks sak helt annerledes enn den "terror-dom" han sitter inne for samt en type "mental lidelse" fordi man vet litt om sinte politifolk og annet.
    Derfor burde Breivik få saken sin opp på nytt på grunnlag av de fakta at han sier sannheten og at saken egentlig under samme sannhetskrav skal føres som (politisk) attentat, også ved folks rett til riktig domfellelse på dette grunnlag, at J. Stoltenberg og Arbeiderpartiet har sittet i dyp skam og derfor fortjener å bli
    truffet av attentat. En stat uten rettslig troverdighet må jo medføre diverse voldelige holdninger og hendelser og jeg sier igjen:

    PS: Denne forp¤%"%¤#%&"¤&¤%& Lex Breivik kan BRENNES på bålet!

    Soon into English:
    (Please wait up! While waiting, you can use Google Translator.)

  6. Concerning "Lex Breivik", it does seem now to have been removed. That government/police doesn't get much more "freedom" to excercise surveillance of the general population based on the views of a (psychopath) psychiatrist only because this person finds that the patient has a conscience. So for now, I'm satisfied. However, by messages to "Norsk Journalistlag" (Eng.: The Norwegian Journalist Association), I've informed them why the Breivik case has to be (legally/publicly) reviewed AGAIN! Alright?

  7. The (mental) case on Jens sS Stoltenberg, a criminal?:
    The "dear" Jens sS Stoltenberg, aka The Satanist, The Sewage, The Cabbage Ogre, CodPool, Boatman, Nazi-Jens, others? Ahh, truthiness, truthiness, serves the good people and the bad people are vulnerable!

    And J.S and actually the full stop is more to this persona than his initials...

    Didn't he also "invent" _Blood Whore_ (DE: Blut Hure)?

    New on J.S (Jens sS.): He is Princ(e) but he can only say "pric" because he is that dot, that prick! Vast criminal network operated from afar (Oslo, Norway?)!

  8. By the way: Jens sS. has been considered the Crownprince of the Norwegian Labour Party by Gro Harlem Brundtland!
