Sunday 29 September 2013

Salutes for the 2 Articles on Wikipedia about State Crime - To Courage! To Character!



Possibly adding: The Cases

The Nixon's Administration's efforts to subvert a political opponent outside government offices, implying uses of government resources, .

The Bay of Pigs in violating World Democratic conventions of warfare, please see, Vienna Conventions/other intern. conventions for this. Bay of Pigs, CIA: .

Again, breaches against World Democracies and own national democracies can be seen as equally relevant under the article header, also under Corwin Agreement (by World states) as re-introduction to the World, recently... (Obviously, this supports the view that no crimes are less State Crimes abroad.)

Ruling sentinel body, International Criminal Court, ICCt, Good?

Another: The Dutch has recently admitted blame to crimes committed in Indonesia, ?

Another: The French in Algeria during 1954–62, links: - So here we have it, the French are well cited too.

(Down with the idiots! Down with the idiots!)

My text over state crime to appear too.

The References from the State Crime article of Wikipedia.

1. Barak, G. (ed.). (1991). Crimes by the capitalist state: An introduction to state criminality. Albany: State University of New York Press.
2. Chambliss, W. (1989). "State-organized crime". Criminology, 27, 183-208
Cohen, S. (2002). "Human Rights and Crimes of the State: The Culture of Denial" in Criminological Perspectives, 2nd Edition. (E. McLaughlin, J. Muncie and G. Hughes eds.). London: Sage.
3. Doig, A. (1996). "From Lynskey to Nolan: The Corruption of British Politics and Public Service", Journal of Law and Society, Vol.23, No.1, pp36-56.
4. Green, Penny & Ward, Tony. (2004) State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption. London: Pluto Press.
5. Johns, Christina Jacqueline & Johnson, P. Ward (1994). State Crime, The Media, And The Invasion of Panama. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
6. Kramer, R. C. (1994). "State violence and violent crime". Peace Review, 6(2), pp171-175
Ross, Jeffrey Ian (ed.). (2000a). Controlling State Crime, 2nd edition, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
7. Ross, Jeffrey Ian (ed.). (2000b). Varieties of State Crime and Its Control. Monsey, NJ: Criminal Justice Press.
8. Transparency International. Global Corruption Report. 2003
9. International State Crime Initiative (ISCI: State Crime Journal. 2012, Pluto Journals


  1. Updated with some cases, like Nixon, like CIA's Bay of Pigs in Cuba, The French in Algeria, the Dutch in Indonesia, etc...

  2. Just for the tease: Insect-Jens, PM of Norway until 14. Oct. has been said to be the reference for Srebrenica massacre by "J.S" and the concepts of Gold Whore and Blood Whore that rhymes badly with Bosnia-Herzeg. that has the BH of Blood Whore in Norwegian by "Blod Hore".
    Additionally, his "Mars-syndicate" father has at the time been ambassador to Belgrade. And there he stands, Insect-Jens, in Stortinget, questioned on the transfer of some 700 Mn NOK straight to Serbia 2 years prior to Srebrenica massacre.
    This along with one former event of being wanted for killing defenceless boatrefugees in Vietnam, Tha-Nu-Ttah, a health resort also with Farsund "kommune".

  3. While being questioned in Stortinget in 1993, he is also said to have added 13 cm by his special Blitz-sS (...ns Stolt...) to his 1,82 m height, also noted on his pedophile arrest by Farsund police way back with the so-called Wikipedia controversy.

    (Initially, USA has also given him the thumb DOWN "on grounds of personal character".)
