Saturday 2 July 2022

Norsk Psykiatri Er Skyldige I Grove Lovbrudd (mot meg, Dr. Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea)

Norsk psykiatri ved Vestre Viken HF er skyldige i følgende:

Brudd på Straffeloven

§ 173. Misbruk av offentlig myndighet

Med fengsel inntil 6 år straffes den som ved utøving av offentlig myndighet

a. mot bedre vitende grovt bryter sin tjenesteplikt,

b. bryter sin tjenesteplikt med forsett om å oppnå vinning for seg eller andre,

c. bryter sin tjenesteplikt med alvorlig ulempe, skade eller urettmessig frihetsberøvelse som følge, eller

d. på andre måter misbruker offentlig myndighet.

Kommentar: Jeg finner det hevet over enhver tvil at et antall personer i Vestreviken HF i forbindelse med opprettelse av tvunget psykisk helsevern (TPH) og tvangsmedisineringsvedtak, medisinering med Xeplion (100 – 50 mg) i over 3 år, 07.06.2019-02.07.2022 og løpende, nesten sammenhengende med unntak av en liten periode med Rxulti, har handlet med de mest tvilsomme motiver og slik sett brutt en eller flere bokstaver under § 173. Misbruk av offentlig myndighet. Disse menneskene er spurt ved flere anledninger om de har habilitet til meg og det har de svart ikke er så viktig. Det bryr de seg altså ikke noe om i forhold til meg.

§ 251.Tvang

Med bot eller fengsel inntil 2 år straffes den som ved straffbar eller annen urettmessig atferd eller ved å true med slik atferd tvinger noen til å gjøre, tåle eller unnlate noe.

Den som ved å true med anklage eller anmeldelse for en straffbar handling eller med å sette frem en skadelig opplysning eller krenkende beskyldning rettsstridig tvinger noen til å gjøre, tåle eller unnlate noe, straffes med bot eller fengsel inntil 1 år.

Kommentar: Jeg finner det hevet over enhver tvil at et antall personer i Vestreviken HF i forbindelse med opprettelse av tvunget psykisk helsevern (TPH) og tvangsmedisineringsvedtak, medisinering med Xeplion (100 – 50 mg), har handlet med de mest tvilsomme motiver og slik sett brutt bestemmelsen § 251.Tvang. Ved diverse handlinger er jeg tvunget til å tåle en alvorlig farlig medisin som i utgangspunktet er anbefalt for en maks periode på kun 3 måneder eller unntaksvis i bare 2 år. Jeg er påført alvorlig psykisk lidelse og stress/stressreaksjoner ved denne medisineringen som forhindrer flere aspekter i mitt liv, slik som mosjon, lesing og nattesøvn.

§ 252.Grov tvang

Grov tvang straffes med fengsel inntil 6 år. Ved avgjørelsen av om tvangen er grov skal det særlig legges vekt på om den er begått mot en forsvarsløs person, om den er utøvd av flere i fellesskap, og om den har karakter av mishandling.

Kommentar: Jeg finner det hevet over enhver tvil at et antall personer i Vestreviken HF i forbindelse med opprettelse av tvunget psykisk helsevern (TPH) og tvangsmedisineringsvedtak, medisinering med Xeplion (100 – 50 mg), har handlet med de mest tvilsomme motiver og slik sett brutt en eller flere bokstaver under § 251.Tvang. Ved diverse handlinger er jeg tvunget til å tåle en alvorlig farlig medisin som i utgangspunktet er anbefalt for en maks periode på kun 3 måneder eller unntaksvis i bare 2 år. Jeg er påført alvorlig psykisk lidelse og stress/stressreaksjoner ved denne medisineringen som forhindrer flere aspekter i mitt liv, slik som mosjon, lesing og nattesøvn.

§ 266.Hensynsløs atferd

Den som ved skremmende eller plagsom opptreden eller annen hensynsløs atferd forfølger en person eller på annen måte krenker en annens fred, straffes med bot eller fengsel inntil 2 år.

Kommentar: Jeg finner det hevet over enhver tvil at et antall personer i Vestreviken HF i forbindelse med opprettelse av tvunget psykisk helsevern (TPH) og tvangsmedisineringsvedtak, medisinering med Xeplion (100 – 50 mg), har handlet med de mest tvilsomme motiver og slik sett brutt § 266. Hensynsløs atferd. Ved diverse hensynsløse handlinger er jeg tvunget til å tåle en alvorlig farlig medisin som i utgangspunktet er anbefalt for en maks periode på kun 3 måneder eller unntaksvis i bare 2 år. Jeg er påført alvorlig psykisk lidelse og stress/stressreaksjoner ved denne medisineringen som forhindrer flere aspekter i mitt liv, slik som mosjon, lesing og nattesøvn.

§ 272.Grov kroppskrenkelse

c. har karakter av mishandling,

e. er motivert av fornærmedes hudfarge, nasjonale eller etniske opprinnelse, religion, livssyn, seksuelle orientering, kjønnsidentitet eller kjønnsuttrykk eller nedsatte funksjonsevne, eller

Kommentar: Jeg finner det hevet over enhver tvil at et antall personer i Vestreviken HF i forbindelse med opprettelse av tvunget psykisk helsevern (TPH) og tvangsmedisineringsvedtak, medisinering med Xeplion (100 – 50 mg), har handlet med de mest tvilsomme motiver og slik sett brutt c eller e under § 272.Grov kroppskrenkelse. Ved diverse hensynsløse handlinger er jeg tvunget til å tåle en alvorlig farlig medisin som i utgangspunktet er anbefalt for en maks periode på kun 3 måneder eller unntaksvis i bare 2 år. Jeg er påført alvorlig psykisk lidelse og stress/stressreaksjoner som bare kan beskrives som mishandling og at denne er motivert av min nedsatte funksjonsevne fordi jeg lider av depresjon (og ved feilmedisinering, se over). ved denne medisineringen som forhindrer flere aspekter i mitt liv, slik som mosjon, lesing og nattesøvn.

§ 372.Grovt bedrageri

Grovt bedrageri straffes med fengsel inntil 6 år. Ved avgjørelsen av om bedrageriet er grovt skal det særlig legges vekt på om
a. det har hatt til følge en betydelig økonomisk skade,
b. det er voldt velferdstap eller fare for liv eller helse,
c. det er begått ved flere anledninger eller over lengre tid,
d. det er begått av flere i fellesskap eller har et systematisk eller organisert preg,
e. lovbryteren har foregitt eller misbrukt stilling, verv eller oppdrag,
f. det er ført eller utarbeidet uriktige regnskaper eller uriktig regnskapsdokumentasjon, eller
g. lovbryteren har forledet allmennheten eller en større krets av personer.

Fordi jeg er medisinert syk. Dvs. at da jeg ellers er frisk så er jeg tvunget til å ta en medisin, Xeplion, som gjør meg syk (se f.eks. Felleskatalogen og "hundre" bivirkninger). Det kan også være drapsforsøk fordi jeg er tvunget til å ta denne medisinen i over 3 år, nesten sammenhengende!


Wednesday 12 July 2017

The Definition of the Political Attempt - The internet erases important political nomenclature?

This is for amending the "politically correct Internet" in it trying to erase the concept of "political attempt"!

An attempt (preliminary) for definition:

"The "political attempt" is what takes place, rightfully/morally, when or if a state violates its own (explicit) duties toward individual citizens or groups of people, e.g. IRA, Irish Republican Army, may be said to do (ethical/moral) political attempts in its "armed struggle" against the (alleged?) oppression of Irish/of Irish descent Catholics in Northern Ireland. The "armed struggle" by Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO is also an example (possibly) of people doing political attempts. I also happen to think a number of citizens have committed political attempts though they are generally not mentioned by media as media seldom reports violations of citizens in democracies!)"

IRA: and


Individual citizens as victims of state crime have largely been neglected by politically correct/corrupt media so don't expect to find material about them. Just for mentioning one person, though a dubious person and an alleged Neo-Nazi, Timothy McVeigh, (Be careful in seeing this guy as carrying out "political attempt", however.)

Some side notes over state crimes:
Anders Behring Breivik: can be mentioned as one guy criticizing political correctness, but his criticism goes "here and there".

I accuse Jens Stoltenberg for enlisting a gang for the means to his political ends/gains known as The (Nazi) Jugend List where Nazi Jugend describes a band of people possibly going all the way by immoral actions, such as torture of people and more (threats, etc.). I also suspect Stoltenberg for living in Farsund local district for some time, probably thereby starting his enlisting of horrible/dubious people. To be true, I don't know the story 100%. I may be wrong.

I can also claim that Norwegian vileness may have had tentacles to genocidal Serbia from 1991 - 1995 and so may have had "people on the ground" during the Srebrenica massacre ("perhaps" never mentioned by Norwegian media nor ever been given an account of by them):

"2 - Norwegian Assistance to BiH 1991-2008"

"Norway became engaged in the Western Balkans as soon as hostilities broke out in

1991, by providing humanitarian assistance in BiH and Croatia. Once the DPA was

signed, focus was shifted towards reconstruction and development, and subsequently

to aiding the process of Euro-Atlantic association, state-building and democratization.

Support for the Western Balkans was classified as Official Development Assistance

(ODA) and thus could have been expected to be handled by Norway’s development

cooperation agency Norad. Because of the highly political nature of Norway’s

engagement in the region, however, and the fact that the main actors on the donor

side were political and/or security bodies like the EU, OSCE and NATO, the MFA

decided that it would manage the funds itself. Only during the period 1999-2003

was Norad formally involved, when it was asked to manage the medium-term

activities in BiH and Albania. All along, however, Norway emphasized the importance

of ensuring that its aid was aligned with and supported overall policy objectives

of the international community."

"During the period 1992-1995, the annual allocations were for humanitarian aid and

relief, along with support to IDPs. The key aim for Norway’s early aid, according to

an MFA review document from 1997, was “to assist the refugees as close to their

place of origin as possible. The Norwegian program has therefore had BiH as its

focus of attention” (Annex I, our translation). The Budget Documents presented a

running political analysis of the conflict, being quite realistic concerning the timelines

and how soon the conflict might end during the first years."

Ref.: "Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation with the Western Balkans" by, p. 13.

I claim that parts of or all the Norwegian vileness to Serbia has been led by Jens Stoltenberg and his associates.

Jens Stoltenberg:, where the biography of his has a black hole from "10 yo. to 40 yo.", I don't know exactly how big it is. Again, the media has been ignorant/neglecting (of its duties).


By political science, there is a traditional rightness to political attempt: - Right to revolt or commit the political attempt:
"Individual or collective right"
"Although some explanations of the right of revolution leave open the possibility of its exercise as an individual right, it was clearly understood to be a collective right under English constitutional and political theory."

"In political philosophy, the right of revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests and/or threatens the safety of the people without probable cause."

Further: "The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government""

Not that I think there will be a revolution in "democratic" Norway, but that the right or in fact the duty to commit the political attempt is protected and natural as answer to injustice by deep abuses of power, whether failure to defend your UDHR Human Rights or other!


Personally and for example, in gaining (more) motivation for the political attempt:
People everywhere may feel offended by the Norwegian, public, inhumane treatment of my person. Thus valid (ethical) threats from everywhere by political attempt? Human Rights (UDHR) should prevail everywhere! To victory, globally!

Sunday 29 September 2013

"Friend" or Friend (truly) - The character to go

As I may be accused of being this awful danger to everybody (by Norwegian state crime missile turret from the light-house), I can add this to "common people over humanity" today, 2013-09-29 CEST:

When do you know that

* you try to make contact with another tech-eyes/tech-ears (can be two and one only, on and off, separately) person, these problems and other?
* you try to make contact with this (very) corrupt mind, serial killer or other? Psychiatrist class or other, i.e., serial killer club issues?
* you try to make contact, but come across as impolite because your "style" (or your smell of  a**, incredibly enough) does not suit (the misjudgment of character as matter of clothes, behaviour, features of the body because of the state of society in being corrupt) the recipient and that therefore you are ripe for killing directly or to do great harm to you first?

NO! Because you DON'T! See for yourself how easy it is when everybody is supposed to accuse of "hundred character flaws", usually falsely, I presume! Very easy... Try to mean anything, try to be somebody... (Heh-heh-heh, staring death right into the face yourself!)

PS: In the meanwhile, your friend-to-be may have received a bit of "police-approved" personality conversion. Now where to JUMP, mr./mrs./ms. BUNNY!

Salutes for the 2 Articles on Wikipedia about State Crime - To Courage! To Character!



Possibly adding: The Cases

The Nixon's Administration's efforts to subvert a political opponent outside government offices, implying uses of government resources, .

The Bay of Pigs in violating World Democratic conventions of warfare, please see, Vienna Conventions/other intern. conventions for this. Bay of Pigs, CIA: .

Again, breaches against World Democracies and own national democracies can be seen as equally relevant under the article header, also under Corwin Agreement (by World states) as re-introduction to the World, recently... (Obviously, this supports the view that no crimes are less State Crimes abroad.)

Ruling sentinel body, International Criminal Court, ICCt, Good?

Another: The Dutch has recently admitted blame to crimes committed in Indonesia, ?

Another: The French in Algeria during 1954–62, links: - So here we have it, the French are well cited too.

(Down with the idiots! Down with the idiots!)

My text over state crime to appear too.

The References from the State Crime article of Wikipedia.

1. Barak, G. (ed.). (1991). Crimes by the capitalist state: An introduction to state criminality. Albany: State University of New York Press.
2. Chambliss, W. (1989). "State-organized crime". Criminology, 27, 183-208
Cohen, S. (2002). "Human Rights and Crimes of the State: The Culture of Denial" in Criminological Perspectives, 2nd Edition. (E. McLaughlin, J. Muncie and G. Hughes eds.). London: Sage.
3. Doig, A. (1996). "From Lynskey to Nolan: The Corruption of British Politics and Public Service", Journal of Law and Society, Vol.23, No.1, pp36-56.
4. Green, Penny & Ward, Tony. (2004) State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption. London: Pluto Press.
5. Johns, Christina Jacqueline & Johnson, P. Ward (1994). State Crime, The Media, And The Invasion of Panama. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
6. Kramer, R. C. (1994). "State violence and violent crime". Peace Review, 6(2), pp171-175
Ross, Jeffrey Ian (ed.). (2000a). Controlling State Crime, 2nd edition, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
7. Ross, Jeffrey Ian (ed.). (2000b). Varieties of State Crime and Its Control. Monsey, NJ: Criminal Justice Press.
8. Transparency International. Global Corruption Report. 2003
9. International State Crime Initiative (ISCI: State Crime Journal. 2012, Pluto Journals

Thursday 25 July 2013

The Legal Process is Finished (in Norway) - Legal Summary

Norway is defeated easily by appeal to Article 6.1, ECHR, by refusing myself the "access to court" and "fair hearing".

The fact that not a single legal meeting has taken place with the most important 2nd level court, the Borgarting lagmannsrett, settles this question.

Further, evidently, their verdict against me on grounds of missing requirements to serving the summons must be the instance of very black legal humour... hence the violation of "The Courts' Act" (NO: "Domstolloven"), to have the cases legally processed effectively according to profession and demands from society to rule of law.

This judgment is likely to obtain with the most novice chess-player, only some interest present.

On grounds that I may not be able to "come out of Norway alive", I choose to publish the list of legal documents, all that I have privately, in order to secure the "justice after my death".

The List:
The High Court of Justice, "Høyesterett". Verdict: Appeal dismissed.

The County Court, 2nd Level Court, "Borgarting lagmannsrett". Verdict: Appeal dismissed, the summons lacking the requirements. See "Domstolloven", the Courts' Act.

The Magistrates' Court, Local Court, "Asker og Bærum tingrett". Verdict: Defeat, the summons dismissed, a result that I've "provoked" because of judge's failure to understand "Common process" -> "NO: Fastsettelsesdom", verdict of guilt.

The documents:

- Høyesterett, Case no. 1170/2013. Date: 2013-06-25.

Høyesterett: 1 document by records.

- 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 - Document no. 26 - Date: 2013-06-14.-> Borgarting lagmannsrett 

- 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 - Document no. 25 - Date: 2013-06-14.-> Borgarting lagmannsrett 

- 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 - Document no. 18 - Date: 2013-05-10.-> Borgarting lagmannsrett 

- 13-065948ASK-BORG/04 - Document no. 10 - Date: 2013-04-23.-> Borgarting lagmannsrett

Borgarting lagmannsrett: 4 documents by records.

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 40 - Date: 2013-04-15.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 31 - Date: 2013-03-25.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 19 - Date: 2013-03-08.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 18 - Date: 2013-03-07.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 12 - Date: 2013-02-25.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 5 - Date: 2013-01-15.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

- 12-197086TVI-AHER/2 - Document no. 3 - Date: 2012-12-13.-> Asker og Bærum tingrett

Asker og Bærum tingrett: 7 documents by records.Formally: Summons delivered November/December 2012.The Local Court contacted already in April, 2012.

Digitally signed: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, full legal name, Norway.

The failure of publishing my verdict from the Norwegian High Court of Justice (Høyesterett) and violating Norwegian law (offentleglova, offl.), makes me do it myself, that I'm no deluded idiot with a imaginary 2013/1170:



Lovdata has also been filed to the police for this, 1 of 24 employees, minimally.

The underlying facts for my case against Norway are, in terms of ECtHR by ECHR, Art. 6.1:


The failure, refusing me to deliver a complaint straight, of the police to comply with the police instructions under the Police Act, "Politiloven", also constitues "an attack on my person by obstructing my right to personal weapon".


Finally, my complaint gets registered by the police in 2003, subverting my course to justice by 3 years, minimally, and after a long strenuous process, after first having contacted various people in Farsund "kommune", first and foremost the police there, 5 times, starting with 1992, possibly, one contact with Kristiansand police while attending school there in 1996, February or so, one time in Oslo, late winter before spring in 1999, moving to Sandnes, definitely CUTTING the Farsund connection for good in 2000, despite a temporary stay there again in 2005.

Saturday 20 July 2013

The Nation, Norway, is Being Surrendered

Dear EU, UN, The World


Declaration, formal or informal: I, Olsnes-Lea, hereby surrender this idiocy of a broken nation, Norway, to all other nations of planet Earth, under UN!

We hope for Your first acts of nation management as soon as possible. Thank You!

Silent reference: TV2 (Norway).

The informed foundation for these words is most convincing, i.e., torture is rife, ethics is blown of the nation, the headless nation. Case is to be completed later.

I expect by this that Sweden heads the EU delegation to this task and that UN organises the rest as the requests follow from these two political entities.

Url: .

Sincerely Yours,
L. F. Olsnes-Lea

(Norway, under Sweden?)

Grounding, also with a suitably hard electrical JOLT:
No State of Norway?

The foundation for this claim:
1. The state has sunk so low in delinquency that it now supports (rife) crime everywhere, by my references of 2013/1170 (implying Mars/Snickers syndicate and Nike criminal collaboration by fraudulent treatment of the Air sole patent), the direct and approved human rights violations of "Tech-Eyes" and other criminal implants, the state-crime (systematic) persecution of people affected with suicide issues, i.e., thinking about killing themselves, the failure to persecute and  apprehend criminals for fx. "system killing by design" and "insurance scam" by SS Scandinavian Star plus 10 or more very serious instances of international and internal/domestic systematic crimes in terms of "plans"/"agreements" and to such ends that people have been muted to silence by torture threats and criminal persecution for the rest of their (miserable) lives, crippling media/public discussion, overtly/covertly/subliminally (by these threats)!

Conclusion: derelict legal system of Norway that results in NOT ANYMORE ANY RESPONSIBLE STATE OF NORWAY!

Note: a country of backstabbing, criminals to criminals backstabbing in high-volatility crime-Norway, law-abiding population is pushed outside the legal society altogether because the corrupt leaders are entrenching their positions with no other choice than to expose and seek to kill these corrupt people, making them backstabbing to many other people themselves (although in special terms only), many times killing other people just to present themselves in the courtroom to object to society!

(I dare you! What's your account?)

Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Act of Objecting to Intelligence - Subversion of the World

On corrupt personalities/minds and intelligence in the World - My achievements

1. Never in history has it ever occurred that people have objected to intelligence.

2. As they whine and cry about my achievements and plan their "low" crimes, they become corrupt. Effectively, they celebrate corruption, every crime to others, all misery and tragedy. Corruption has become their hidden pleasure and "virtue".

3. As they have become corrupt, I get accused of having corrupted them. The real reason is their own ignorance toward understanding (my achievements/intelligence).

There will be NO forgiveness for them. Their failure to moral character is entirely their OWN! As always, they take it with them to death!

Thus, end-note:
Norway should be remembered for this, having objected to intelligence, grand, and "set an upper limit to socially acceptable intelligence", but have no clue of personality gradient or the very consequences themselves. They're out of control and whining about it too!

Final: This is goodbye forever. There will be no forgiveness. The fault is ON THEM!

TAGS/NAILS: Ethics Law Religion History Norway Forgiveness Clinical pathology Mental Pathology Pathology of Schizophrenia .

Friday 14 June 2013

Pro Death Sentence - To the politics of the World (Heh? Formerly deleted? Google?)

Arguments will enter here on a line, of course, respecting the opposition's absolutely best, the Abolitionists of the Death Sentence.

Main points: mental pathologies, stopping further mental pains/agony for the imprisoned, stopping "prison gamies", best line for victims/offenders aside, much crime in the World.

Not best presentation (even for blog), but here is:
The Case over the Death Sentence

That I cite the disagreement over the opposition to the death sentence for "non-principal" and that this has a specific reasoning.

I also dispute that the UDHR article 3 or some, "The right to life" defends against the death penalty because the UDHR doesn't cover punishment for criminals (who truly deserve it).

Still, though, all matters regarded, according to Article 3 of UDHR, Amnesty Int. has the explicit duty to see the (European) populations armed with personal weaponry in light of highly criminal Europe, rife crime throughout Europe, even down to risking our "humanistic" fine line of peace (defeating Hitler, negotiating peace with Gandhi, other humanistic goals such as peace itself, under EU)!

A signal for approval of "carnivore mentalities" as the normative to society is no good either, rewarding the murderers with "extended life" and "possible jail-breaks (with a blind eye or not" while of course, the victim gets DEATH and the relatives (of a good person) loose an important person in their lives, with deep griefs to go, the beloved forever gone from their lives.

The Pro-Side for the Death Sentence Legislation

Mind you, being part of the pro-death side (humanistic and non-principal) in them, the murderers/"the torture to death"-murderers having removed from the surface of Earth 1 (eternal) human being, The Bible Law of Retribution (old testament), the opposition you will meet: mental pathologies, i.e., the people who behave maliciously no matter what with murders and the rest to go. Humanistic: with use of anasthetics (cocaine disallowed because of "mildness") to four electrically fired shots to heart and brain, prisoner to be seated, or guillotine (inside law and order, NOT rebellion, and meditated/by ruling, not headless, head down or side-ways, sharp guillotine blade and both guaranteeing instant death. Well, well, this is the start for you, this is our argument we ask you to consider... Also refer to legal systems today, with widespread crime (incl. torture, like strangulation/suffocation and murders, other, one way or other)
Conclusion: one should still consider the death penalty because holding up hate inside prison cell for more than 20 years most often, has no meaning!

The lying over the premises for the Abolition of the Death Sentences

1. That law and order is respected throughout the countries and if information allows it, problems have been dealt with - LIE!
2. The fact that the state does not kill is also a LIE because it does kill some people, and especially attack the young and exposed. That is, the state does kill by its corruption.
3. There have been promises over the health too, and one such promise has been over the performance of those who have had higher education, i.e., university and college. These people have been said to perform reasonably well given that behaviour has been a calm and orderly, decent clothing included or "up to one's best ability". - LIE!
4. There have also been descriptive problems throughout the legal systems and some people have considered the legal matters not possible to fit into a system at all. Given that these descriptive can get solved, the promise has been that progress would obtain likewise. LIE!
5. Even the mere corruption by police (incl. the lawyers) and medical doctors kill substantially, without much attention at all. The systems defends the killers and the LIEs!
6. We have been told that very insane people would be taken care of by the psychiatric hospitals and that insane people would be kept away from the general public, that the mental pathologies of people have been contained. LIE! (Rather they are propelled by various shoving (physical violence up to and including torture) and rewarding corruption and crime.)
7. A slight point on the contemporary "carnivore psychologies". That people have an inbuilt sense, the psychologists have claimed to kill and LIE about killing.

Conclusion: the state does kill by corruption and killers get away with it too, as the LIEs are defended more or less systematically.

Note: My latest efforts in presenting improvements for the legal systems throughout the World esp. by the 4 lie detectors used at once or not, along with the efforts of others, may turn these current problems entirely around.
Note2: The "carnivore psychologists" are about to suffer definite losses and are likely to disappear from the World if matters pick up.
Note3: It is Amnesty International (with references to Nazi-Germany and Cambodia and Red Khmer among others) which is most known for the "if the state starts killing people...", at least, they have picked up on the principle of a non-killing state for a very long time. One that I admit to having believed in, reading about Amensty Int. handbook of 144 pages or so, back in the early 90s or so.
Note4: An extra note is that the blatant police corruption (in Europe) makes it useful to use the military for 10 days in delivering as much pistols to the populations as necessary and that people with fears for handguns can abstain from collecting theirs and produce, possibly, a medical excuse for this (lack of personal weapon) later.

Message to our opposition directly. We hope they bother to discuss both sides during the arranged Congress in Madrid, Facebook representation , the message:


Mind you, being part of the pro-death side (humanistic and non-principal) in them, the murderers/"the torture to death"-murderers having removed from the surface of Earth 1 (eternal) human being, The Bible Law of Retribution (old testament), the opposition you will meet: mental pathologies, i.e., the people who behave maliciously no matter what with murders and the rest to go. Humanistic: with use of anasthetics (cocaine disallowed because of "mildness") to four electrically fired shots to heart and brain, prisoner to be seated, or guillotine (inside law and order, NOT rebellion, and meditated/by ruling, not headless, head down or side-ways, sharp guillotine blade and both guaranteeing instant death. Well, well, this is the start for you, this is our argument we ask you to consider... Also refer to legal systems today, with widespread crime (incl. torture, like strangulation/suffocation and murders, other, one way or other).

Conclusion: one should still consider the death penalty because holding up hate inside prison cell for more than 20 years most often, has no meaning!

Another message later:
A signal for approval of "carnivore mentalities" as the normative to society is no good either, rewarding the murderers with "extended life" and "possible jail-breaks (with a blind eye or not" while of course, the victim gets DEATH and the relatives (of a good person) loose an important person in their lives, with deep griefs to go, the beloved forever gone from their lives. (ECPM has duties to make information follow-up and inform members of the best arguments the opposition has!)

Sincerely yours,
Lenny F. Olsnes-Lea

ECPM - 5e Congrès Mondial / 5th World Congress / 5o Congreso Mundial

Some links to them so we make sure to update the discussion quickly, also evaluating the data-set: - CongrèsAbolition2013 (Abolition_2013) on Twitter - 5th World Congress against the Death Penalty - Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) on the internet.
Either way, we need to see to it that both sides fulfills the requirement to have its members by "informed consent".

I'm sorry that this looks a bit badly set up for now. My belief, however, is that there is surely more to add by criminal statistics and sociological data as well as some legal systems data from the courts, like frequencies of reduced sentences for serious offences, the murders, other cases of serious abuse and torture.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Identifying a New Human Rights Frontier Problem - Electrification

Wild speculations. Techified/electrified/electronic people, meaning full "bodied" implants of crime, criminal doctors (like Dr. Mengele), tech-administrated, tech-ears and tech-eyes, tech-neuro, spine and brain-threads, mobile-phone module implants with special recharging implants (all sodof*ck possible). The population of suspected "exploits"/exploits: 5 Mn. and growing fast! *evil-smiles*

S*tanic number enough! Public degradation evident! Human Rights next? Down the f*cking mud! "I hope you like it!" (And a "happy" new year!)

(And an enterprise opportunity too: "take over" Social Program accounts! Literally, become rich on Welfare money from the state to the non-existent clients they pay out to!) "First to Facebook as no rights to myself!"

"First to Facebook as no rights to myself!"

Saturday 5 January 2013

The Baltic Sea and Its History - Limestone to be added? - A Matter of Ecology

After WWF and various other "whistle blowers": But for "colleagial" exchange of information and some slight suspicions of something that can possibly be unturned:Concerning the Baltic sea and fish death: can it be that, on par with (synthetic) rubber production, that an unknown gasoline derivative (Xylitin? or some) has caused massive "unfruitful"/hostile conditions for fish to grow/find food there so that ALL attempts in restoring the fish banks of the Baltic Sea will fail? Xylitol is also a questioned substance of a derivative (sugar) kind that I don't want to enter the discussion of! Good luck with investigations! Have a nice day! (Remember that polluters are dishonest and possibly hideous people and that GREAT CARE needs to be displayed in order to approach this!)And for seriousness more, that I've taken the med. doctors of epidemiology/bacteriolology/hygiene for slight alcohol tendencies, whether on the black side or the alcoholism itself! Salicylic acids of antbacteria products! Good?

I do not yet say that this story will produce these or other successes, just that I note a possible investigative angle! Alright? (Don't expect me to "toss and turn" to answer you. I have scarce time on my hands and "a bit" to do.)

I guess I withdraw from the above, while leaving the suspicion "alive" for those who want to investigate possible scenarios. While certainly not "still water" in the extreme "brackish" water sense (hence the storms, given the surface area that the winds affect), there may very well be governing principles in nature that regulates the beings fit for fresh waters and salty waters, respectively. Thus, I think most may be looking into what can fit into this Baltic Sea in terms of sea life able to cope with the salinity and the weak currents that probably bring in very little oxygen and nutrition. So what about the Dartmouth "Vade" play in the World and the Shakespeare creatures introduction to USA? I (deeply) respect the research restraints on the Baltic Sea and I have no need for extremities. That we consider this in peace and "enjoy that pace of research" connected to the whole area!

Informed suspicions of those "alive":
Suspected insertion of "unknown/poisoning chemical substances". Time: 1985, appx.

Suspect of pollution: Denmark. (USA is cleared, I think.)

Result: Fish death, other bio-deaths, vast brackish water bodies, dead Baltic Seas.

Pollution chemical: Kerosene, a hydrocarbons product, other name is paraffin, used also for "oil-lamps".

The pollution from Denmark or of the shores of Denmark, but under Danish pollution authorities may have taken place by the organisation of foreigners, like foreigners from Norway and USA and that pollution has happened by "delivery" with a specially designed "robot" vehicle.
The Baltic Sea has once been famous for the Swedish Silver, the Swedish silver herring, from what I can recall.

Suggested confirmation price tag: 20 Mn SEK for mainly a basin, naturalised and filled with sea water by direct filling system.

Now what? Yes, also check pollution records for the Baltic Sea nations. Other? Get the confirmation started.

Given the current situation of the Baltic Sea, I can recommend a qualified loading of crushed limestone straight from nature into the Baltic Sea as primary way for neutralising "damaging" effects to the Sea's ecology.

A suspected report from Denmark, 25. Dec. 1984(?, date uncertain): "They dumped 25 tons of paraffin onto the ocean (Baltic Sea) floor to prove that fishes could die!!!" This goes to the suspicions above.

Note: url:
Note2: First to Facebook profile, then to Facebook note "by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 at 03:21 CET."
Note3: Additional info over how any pollution may have taken place, i.e., by "robot" vehicle or other.